[sci.bio] Evolution and "vicious tendencies)

macleod@drivax.UUCP (MacLeod) (08/22/88)

>>In article <1628@spdcc.COM> eli@spdcc.COM (Steve Elias) writes:
>>>	a species which survived its
>>>	own nuclear self destruct phase would have evolved past
>>>	any vicious tendencies long before the reach into deep space.

Well, just to be contrary...I'd say that there probably is a positive 
correlation between danger-to-other-species and evolution.  Some naturalists
claim that we're eliminating hundreds of species of life from tropical
rain forests as we mow them down.  We don't consult with them first, anymore
than the Neanderthals did with Mammoths, Smilodons, and the other runners-up
in the Great Pleistocene War Games.  

I'd guess that from a communications point of view the first step is making
contactees aware that we are worth talking to before they raze the whole
planet for its resources.  As far as radio emissions go - bees buzz, but
do we bother to listen?  I'd assume that any spacefaring race has technology
that end-runs the limitations of the Newtonian universe, making radio 
communication at most an interplanetary medium.  

Michael Sloan MacLeod  (amdahl!drivax!macleod)