[sci.bio] Looking for Dan Davison

sam@murdu.OZ (Sam Ganesan) (06/22/88)

I know this is not the right newsgroup for this but Dan Davison reads this
group. Hence this little note!

Hi Dan, You out there on netland? I sent you an E-mail message addressed to
and another via uucp addressed to
Both of them bounced back tagged "user unknown". Can you send me a note if
you see this!

Sam Ganesan
E - mail :
ACSnet: sam@murdu.mu.oz                JANET: sam%murdu.mu.oz@uk.ac.ukc
ARPA  : sam%murdu.mu.oz.au@uunet.uu.net       sam%murdu.mu.oz@uk.ac.ean-relay
UUCP  : {uunet,pyramid,mcvax,nttlab}!munnari!murdu.mu.oz.au!sam
Snail : Sam Ganesan, Microbiology Dept,Melbourne University, Parkville,
        Victoria 3052, Australia.