[sci.bio] GGR expression in tryptophan auxotroph media

eesnyder@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Eric E. Snyder) (08/15/89)

I am currently trying to express a mutant _E. coli._ galactose receptor in a 
derivative of pUC19 in tryptophan auxotroph media for 19F-trp labeling for
NMR.  Unfortunately, our new mutants (all trp -> tyr) are not being expressed
in our usual M9 + casamino acids media.  All our other mutants grow well in
LB and express GGR as well as the wild-type plasmid.  

Any ideas???

Eric E. Snyder
Department of Molecular,              I thought it was rain for a minute;
 Cellular and Developmental Biology   I thought the game had been called.
University of Colorado, Boulder