[sci.bio] Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids -- Need info

rick@micomvax.UUCP (Richard Brosseau) (09/09/88)

	I am posting this in order to get some information from
	bio-chemists or biologist reading the net.

	TOPIC : Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids.

	I need info on these acids. specificly on the Omega-3 group.

	These acids are needed by larval marine fish and are presently 
	lacking in commercial feeds at the hobbyiest level.

	Two of these acids are needed. I only have the European shorthand
	for these : 20:5w3 and 22:6w3.  The "w3" is omega-3. The 20 and
	22 are the number of Carbon atoms in the acid chain, and the 5 and 6
	are the number of double bonds. A bio-chem text I have narrowed these
	down into the linolenic (sp) family and fatty acids, and even gave
	the atome number where the bond occurs. A name was given for
	22:6w3 - Docohecen?? sp. (I can get the proper spelling if needed).

	Some Omega-yeasts have high levels of the two fatty acids.
	My questions are - How can I get Omega-yeasts? 
			 - Who sells them ?
			 - Is anyone  else interested in these.
			 - Does anyone know of Dr. Simpson at Rhode Island U,
			   who has done some research on this topic.

	I would apprciate any comments or advice.


Its about time I changed my .sig file, eh?