[sci.bio] Scrapie

ferguson@cs.wmich.edu (Jon Ferguson) (02/27/90)

I'm posting this for someone else:

Does anyone have any current information on the status of hypotheses about the nature of the agent causing scrapie (a disease of sheep and goats) or related diseases (Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, kuru, mink encephalopathy)?

I'm writing a research paper on the topic, but unfortunately our library has sent its most recent journal articles to be hardbound.

I appreciate any information you could give me.

Thanks,  Jennifer Squires c/o ferguson@wmu-cs.wmich.edu 

dmark@acsu.Buffalo.EDU (David Mark) (02/27/90)

In article <1990Feb26.215335.7503@cs.wmich.edu> ferguson@cs.wmich.edu (Jon Ferguson) writes:
>Does anyone have any current information on the status of hypotheses about 
the nature of the agent causing scrapie (a disease of sheep and goats) or 
related diseases (Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, kuru, mink encephalopathy)?

There was a neat recent article in Science, 2 Feb 1990 (v. 247, p. 523)
"Virus-Lake Agent Blamed for Mad Cow Disease", by Jeremy Cherfas.  The 
conjecture was that 'scrapie' was being spread to cattle because sheep 'unfit 
for human consumption' sometimes end up in the meat and bone meals fed
to recently-weaned calves.  It is a 1-page article.

David Mark