[sci.bio] Squirrel Questions

lip@amid..ARPA (Loren I. Petrich) (09/29/88)

	Some questions for anyone knowledgeable:

	I have sometimes seen (back East, in Ithaca) pairs of
squirrels, one chasing the other around. I wonder what this activity
is. Is it one squirrel chasing another one off its territory? I doubt
that, since I have never seen two squirrels confronting each other (do
they actually do that?). Or is it some sort of mating dance? Could it
be that the female squirrel gets into heat, and the male squirrel
smells her pheromones and starts pursuing her, with the two mating
when they finish their peculiar "courtship ritual"?

	I once saw a squirrel jump with a drop of over six feet (onto
a carpeted floor, I might add), and run off as if nothing had
happened. Is such durability typical of small animals? If so, then it
would be an outcome of the square-cube law, in which smaller animals
have a larger drag force (~area~length^2) per unit mass

Loren Petrich

ray@polya.Stanford.EDU (Ray Baxter) (09/29/88)

In article <22811@mordor.s1.gov> lip@s1-amid.UUCP (Loren Petrich) writes:
>	I once saw a squirrel jump with a drop of over six feet (onto
>a carpeted floor, I might add), and run off as if nothing had
>happened. Is such durability typical of small animals? If so, then it
>would be an outcome of the square-cube law, in which smaller animals
>have a larger drag force (~area~length^2) per unit mass

   Six feet is not all that far; humans, chimps and large cats can all
handle it.  But I take your point, smaller animals, squirrels especially
seem especially graceful about it.  It think that adaptation is more
likely to be the cause of this grace than the proportion of drag to mass.
Consider the flights of a rat and a mountain lion.  I would be willing to
bet that the mountain lion would appear considerably more graceful, in
spite being more than 10 times longer.

   By the way, if the square cube law were to be involved, it would
more probably be the cross-sectional area of the animals bones, and
not the drag, which was the relevant measure in a fall of six feet.

dean@violet.berkeley.edu (Dean Pentcheff) (09/29/88)

In article <22811@mordor.s1.gov> lip@s1-amid.UUCP () writes:
>	I once saw a squirrel jump with a drop of over six feet (onto
>a carpeted floor, I might add), and run off as if nothing had
>happened. Is such durability typical of small animals? If so, then it
>would be an outcome of the square-cube law, in which smaller animals
>have a larger drag force (~area~length^2) per unit mass

Well, no, not quite.  It turns out that (at the sort of sizes and
speeds that concern a falling squirrel) drag is proportional to the
cross sectional area perpendicular to the fall direction and the
velocity squared.  To be pedantic:
	drag = 0.5 * C  * rho * S * U
where C-sub-D is the "drag coefficient" and is a fudge factor that
accounts (more or less) for shape differences, rho is the density of
air, S is the cross sectional area, and U-squared is the velocity

The mass falling in gravity results in a force, countered by the drag
force (which increases as the _square_ of velocity).  Note that for the
small mass of a squirrel, the drag force quickly becomes very high,
slowing the animal.  The animal quickly reaches "terminal velocity",
where the force from gravity = the force from drag and the animal stops
accelerating.  It turns out (and, yes, the experiment was done) that
you can drop a mouse from a five-story building with no harm to the
mouse - it probably reached terminal velocity around the second story.
The situation should be similar for squirrels, particularly given their
fuzziness (which should yield a high drag for their mass).

If you're interested in a readable account of the relevant biology and
physics, see Vogel, S. (1981) Life in moving fluids.  Willard Grant.


Dean Pentcheff        dean@violet.berkeley.edu

To acquire imunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the
citizens of a democracy.                          Bertrand Russell

wrp@biochsn.acc.virginia.edu (William R. Pearson) (09/29/88)

In article <4150@polya.Stanford.EDU> ray@polya.Stanford.EDU (Ray Baxter) writes:
]In article <22811@mordor.s1.gov> lip@s1-amid.UUCP (Loren Petrich) writes:
]>	I once saw a squirrel jump with a drop of over six feet (onto
]>a carpeted floor, I might add), and run off as if nothing had
]>happened. Is such durability typical of small animals? If so, then it
]>would be an outcome of the square-cube law, in which smaller animals
]>have a larger drag force (~area~length^2) per unit mass
]   Six feet is not all that far; humans, chimps and large cats can all
]handle it.  But I take your point, smaller animals, squirrels especially
]seem especially graceful about it.  It think that adaptation is more
]likely to be the cause of this grace than the proportion of drag to mass.
]Consider the flights of a rat and a mountain lion.  I would be willing to
]bet that the mountain lion would appear considerably more graceful, in
]spite being more than 10 times longer.
]   By the way, if the square cube law were to be involved, it would
]more probably be the cross-sectional area of the animals bones, and
]not the drag, which was the relevant measure in a fall of six feet.

	All of the readers of sci.bio should take a look at the essay:
"On being the right size." by J. B. S. Haldane.  I will quote a little:

	"... To the mosue and any smaller animal [gravity] presents
	practically no dangers.  You can drop a mouse down a thousand-
	yard mine shaft; and, on arriving at the bottom, it gets a slight
	shock and walks away. A rat is killed, a man broken, a horse
	splashes.  For the resistance presented to movement by the
	air is proportional to the surface of the moving object.  Divide
	an animal's length, breadth, and height each by ten; its weight
	is reduced to a thousanth, but its surface only to a hundreth.
	So the resistance to falling in the case of the small animal
	is relatively ten times greater than the driving force."

The essay goes on to discuss the relative problems of getting wet, being
tall, etc.  In the case of a squirrel, I suspect that it is able to
increase its surface area with flaps of skin, while its weight remains
quite low.

Bill Pearson

roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) (09/29/88)

	There was a study that I saw not too long ago that dealt with the
mortality rate of cats falling over various distances.  It showed a
distince maximum at (if I remember correctly) about 5 storys, after which
the rate actually went down significantly (i.e. a cat is more likely to
survive a 20-story drop than a 5-story drop).  Unfortunately, I cannot
remember where I saw this.  Presumably the study was based on statistical
studies of existing vet case reports, and didn't involve any experimental
procedures. :-)
Roy Smith, System Administrator
Public Health Research Institute
{allegra,philabs,cmcl2,rutgers}!phri!roy -or- phri!roy@uunet.uu.net
"The connector is the network"

pell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Anthony Pelletier) (09/30/88)

In article <3519@phri.UUCP> roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) writes:
>	There was a study that I saw not too long ago that dealt with the
>mortality rate of cats falling over various distances.  It showed a
>distince maximum at (if I remember correctly) about 5 storys, after which
>the rate actually went down significantly (i.e. a cat is more likely to
>survive a 20-story drop than a 5-story drop).  Unfortunately, I cannot
>remember where I saw this.  Presumably the study was based on statistical

>Roy Smith, System Administrator

I saw this article also, thought my recolection of it is a bit different.
I seem to recall 3 stories as the magic height.  I believe it was in
one of the "thin journals," which, for me, means Science or Nature.  But,
it is equally likely that I picked up Discover in the Reference room
here while trying to avoid working.  The vet who had done the compilation
of injuries to cats falling out of high appt. buildings postulated
that, for the initial part of the fall, the cat treats it like a normal
jump, that is, arches its back and stretches its legs towards the ground.
He encountered alot of broken legs in this group of a type expected for
landing this way.  He further postulated that in longer falls, the animal
flattens itself out and stretches its legs out parallel to the ground,
this increases drag and actually slows the animal down so that, if it falls
a few stories farther, it is going slower than if it only fell 3 stories.
Again, the injuries (mostly bruises on the underside) were consistent
with this.  
This is not a control study of course.  One whould expect the animal
rights groups to frown on people tossing kitties out of sky-scrapers.
But, if a cat can withstand this type of fall, six feet should be 
peanuts to a squirrel.


dean@violet.berkeley.edu (Dean Pentcheff) (09/30/88)

In article <3768@boulder.Colorado.EDU> pell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Anthony Pelletier) writes:
.In article <3519@phri.UUCP> roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) writes:
.>	There was a study that I saw not too long ago that dealt with the
.>mortality rate of cats falling over various distances.
.I saw this article also, thought my recolection of it is a bit different.

OK, I saw this article also, but I _also_ can't remember where.  Does
someone have the reference?  Please?



Dean Pentcheff        dean@violet.berkeley.edu

To acquire imunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the
citizens of a democracy.                          Bertrand Russell

newton@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Mike Newton) (09/30/88)

The article everyone is referring to was an AP (?) wire story and ran
in many newspapers across the country this summer.

- mike

newton@csvax.caltech.edu	amdahl!cit-vax!newton
Caltech 256-80			818-356-6771 (afternoons,nights)
Pasadena CA 91125		Beach Bums Anonymous, Pasadena President

	"Reality is a lie that hasn't been found out yet..."

toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) (09/30/88)

In article <8150@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu> newton@cit-vax.UUCP (Mike Newton) writes:
>The article everyone is referring to was an AP (?) wire story and ran
>in many newspapers across the country this summer.
I'm SURE that the original was a 1-2 page article in either Nature or Science
sometime in the winter or spring of 1988.  I've looked but can't locate it
in my files, sorry to report.
Tom  toms@ncifcrf.gov

author = "J. M. Diamond",
title = "Why cats have nine lives",
journal = "Nature",
volume = "332",  
pages = "586-587",
year = "1988"} 
There are other references within.  My favorite sentence is:
"... a cat falling in the atmosphere reaches a TERMINAL velocity of about 60
m.p.h. ..."  &-)

gallaghe@husc8.HARVARD.EDU (Paul Gallagher) (10/01/88)

I saw a television show about squirrels, which showed a squirrel being killed
by a fall from a tree (~50 ft.?).  Most squirrel nests I've seen are in
shorter trees.

What's been said about gravity affecting different size organisms differently
is fascinating; a bacterium, for example, wouldn't notice gravity at all,
but would have to worry about Brownian motion.  Richard Lewontin, in his
"Dialectical Biologist," arguing against adaptationism in evolutionary
biology, argued that there are no general laws to which an organism has to
adapt (he phrased it better than me); so, it's a mistake to think of
niches somehow preexisting into which organisms must fit.  Of course,
nothing in the morphology of an organism will violate any laws of
mathematics, physics, or chemistry, and it's been a major contribution 
of people like d'Arcy Thomson and Seilacher to show how these laws
are reflected in the form of organisms and the differences among them,
but, when considering the entire variety of living things, no particular
law can be invoked as an explanation or determining factor for the
particular form that this variety takes.  This is confusing stuff, and
I'm not sure I correctly understand Lewontin, but it seems to me, if
true and not just philosophical nit-picking, to be a real challenge to 
the way many biologists think.

Friend of squirrels & glad no longer to be a biology major,
Paul Gallagher

jnp@calmasd.GE.COM (John Pantone) (10/01/88)

(Ray Baxter) writes:
  >(Loren Petrich) writes:
  >>	I once saw a squirrel jump with a drop of over six feet (onto
  >>a carpeted floor, I might add), and run off as if nothing had
  >>happened. Is such durability typical of small animals? If so, then it
  >>would be an outcome of the square-cube law, in which smaller animals
  >>have a larger drag force (~area~length^2) per unit mass
  >Six feet is not all that far; humans, chimps and large cats can all
  >handle it.  But I take your point, smaller animals, squirrels especially
  >seem especially graceful about it.  It think that adaptation is more
  >likely to be the cause of this grace than the proportion of drag to mass.

I think that F=ma is more likely to be the explanation.  The
acceleration of gravity is the same for a large and small animal - but
their mass is rather dramatically different (by the cube).  Small
animals simply don't hit with that much force.  A dog here in CA
recently survived a fall from several stories up a condo - with no ill
effects (except, I hope, a better appreciation for heights :-)

These opinions are solely mine and in no way reflect those of my employer.  
John M. Pantone @ GE/Calma R&D, 9805 Scranton Rd., San Diego, CA 92121
...{ucbvax|decvax}!sdcsvax!calmasd!jnp   jnp@calmasd.GE.COM   GEnie: J.PANTONE

roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) (10/01/88)

newton@cit-vax.UUCP (Mike Newton) writes:
> The article everyone is referring to was an AP (?) wire story and ran
> in many newspapers across the country this summer.

	Somebody reminded me that it was probably in Nature or Science, and
now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that's right.  I wouldn't be
surprised if AP picked it up in one form or another; it's exactly the sort
of filler the AP is so good at.
Roy Smith, System Administrator
Public Health Research Institute
{allegra,philabs,cmcl2,rutgers}!phri!roy -or- phri!roy@uunet.uu.net
"The connector is the network"

papowell@julius.uucp (Patrick Powell) (10/02/88)

In article <414@husc6.harvard.edu> gallaghe@husc8.UUCP (Paul Gallagher) writes:
>I saw a television show about squirrels, which showed a squirrel being killed
>by a fall from a tree (~50 ft.?).  Most squirrel nests I've seen are in
>shorter trees.

Firstly,  most of my observations are based on Big City Squirrels, rather than
Country Cousin Squirrels,  and my relations with those $%^^& Garden Rats
are rather coloured by several decades of trying to keep them out of my
garden plot.

The original posting asked why squirrels chase each other.   They are
territorial,  and antisocial (or is it "asocial?"),  and don't like to
share their territories too well.  This can even be seen in high food
supply areas,  such as most University Quads,  where the garbage cans
provide a more than abundant food supply.  Near here,  the local red
and black squirrels appear to compete quite viciously for nesting sites.
I have observed a particular site change possession several times,
and have observed several squirrels locked in battle on the ground
near it.  These fights have led to one squirrel having its tail chewed
off,  giving it a rather odd appearance.

As for falling from heights,  I have observed our local squirrels drop 45 feet
from a high voltage line to the top of our bird feeder with little if any
damage (dammit.).   Next year I will try putting a conical hat on it.
If they miss,  they hit a flagstone patio (or our flowerbed),  and appear
to be ready for another go at the sunflower seeds.

Patrick ("Flying Squirrels?  Just what I need") Powell
Prof. Patrick Powell, Dept. Computer Science, 136 Lind Hall, 207 Church St. SE,
University of Minnesota,  Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612)625-3543/625-4002

gillies@p.cs.uiuc.edu (10/03/88)

I recently saw an article (was it in SCIENCE NEWS?) about dropping
cats.  It seems that many animals, when given enough time, can orient
themselves for the drop.  They splay their arms & legs apart for
maximum wind resistance, and spread their landing over a wide surface
area to minimize the damage.

The article went on to say that this is why cats generally survive
falls of greater than 3 stories, but are often killed in lesser falls.
In a longer fall, the animal has enough time to right itself & prepare
for landing.

Don Gillies, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois
1304 W. Springfield, Urbana, Ill 61801      
ARPA: gillies@cs.uiuc.edu   UUCP: {uunet,ihnp4,harvard}!uiucdcs!gillies

osa845b@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au (Monash radio 3MU) (10/03/88)

The article everyone is referring to about dropping cats from 5 storeys 
where the mortality rate actually decreased above 5 storeys I also have read,
and I don't think it was in Nature or Science but in a recent issue of Discover.
(We subscribe to Discover at my joint, so we read it and I distinctly remember
it being in there in a 'latest news' type section, I believe.)  As to the 
exact issue, I don't know at the moment.  Anyway, I hope this helps.

Dien Rice
Monash University (Melb., Australia) (student)

quis@cs.qmc.ac.uk (Chris Rose) (10/06/88)

I believe that the article Appeared in Scientific American (If I remember
correctly it featured pictures of rather worried looking moggies in various
stages of flight.) Apologies that I do not have a issue reference, I will
look it up.

Chris Rose

toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) (10/19/88)

In article <14847@agate.BERKELEY.EDU> dean@violet.berkeley.edu
(Dean Pentcheff) writes:
>In article <3768@boulder.Colorado.EDU> pell@boulder.Colorado.EDU
(Anthony Pelletier) writes:
>.In article <3519@phri.UUCP> roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) writes:
>.>	There was a study that I saw not too long ago that dealt with the
>.>mortality rate of cats falling over various distances.
>.I saw this article also, thought my recolection of it is a bit different.
>OK, I saw this article also, but I _also_ can't remember where.  Does
>someone have the reference?  Please?
>Dean Pentcheff        dean@violet.berkeley.edu
>To acquire imunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the
>citizens of a democracy.                          Bertrand Russell

Looks like many people didn't get my previous posting on this!
An original source is in Nature, it gives other references:

author = "J. M. Diamond",
title = "Why cats have nine lives",
journal = "Nature",
volume = "332",
pages = "586-587",
year = "1988"}

  Tom Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
  Frederick, Maryland