[sci.bio] Mailing list announcement

arnold@mucs.UX.CS.MAN.AC.UK (Toby Howard) (10/06/87)

A mailing list has been set up for those interested in a skeptical approach
to the investigation of claims of paranormal phenomena, pseudoscience,
fringe medicine etc. If you're interested email

       thoward%cgu.cs.man.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk (Toby Howard, Europe) or
       lippard%multics.mit.edu (James Lippard, USA/Canada)

[This is a shared account. Please ignore the From: field, and reply to the
 following address. Thanks]

Toby Howard      Computer Graphics Unit, Manchester University, UK.
                 janet: thoward@uk.ac.man.cs.cgu
                 internet: thoward%cgu.cs.man.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk