[sci.bio] Regarding the messages about the study of death.

steve@blblbl.UUCP (steve gisselbrecht) (06/16/88)

Just this evening, I was in Boston's Kenmore Square and I was a building
with an amusing title on the door.  I can't remember precisely, but it was
something like "New England Center for Death Studies" or something like 
that.  I have *no* earthly idea what it might be about, and I didn't happen
to notice the address, but the person who originally asked the question 
might want to see if he could track these people down and find out what 
it is that they do with their lives.


Stephen Gisselbrecht     mit-eddie!steve     steve@athena.mit.edu
"AAAAAKKK!!!  The piano is eating my boyfriend!!!"
"Get some sleep, steve."
*Disclaimer*:  My employer thinks computers are silly.

steve@blblbl.UUCP (steve gisselbrecht) (06/16/88)

In article <568@blblbl.UUCP>, which you just read, I incorrectly said:
> Just this evening, I was in Boston's Kenmore Square and I was a building
> ...							    ^^^

	I just wish to state, for the record, that I am not now nor have
I ever been a building, no matter what it might have had on its doors.  I
did, in fact, see a building remarkably like the one that I described
myself having been in the aforementioned posting.  Thank you.


	I'm gonna read this one over before I send it.

Stephen Gisselbrecht     mit-eddie!steve     steve@athena.mit.edu
"AAAAAKKK!!!  The piano is eating my boyfriend!!!"
"Get some sleep, steve."
*Disclaimer*:  My employer thinks computers are silly.

sarge@metapsy.UUCP (Sarge Gerbode) (06/17/88)

In article <568@blblbl.UUCP> steve@blblbl.UUCP (steve gisselbrecht) writes:
>Just this evening, I was in Boston's Kenmore Square and I was a building
>with an amusing title on the door.  I can't remember precisely, but it was
>something like "New England Center for Death Studies" or something like 

I think it's "The New England Center for Near-Death Studies" and they do
research on "Near-Death Experiences", I believe.  I could be mixing it up with
something else, but that sounds right.
Sarge Gerbode -- UUCP:  pyramid!thirdi!metapsy!sarge
Institute for Research in Metapsychology
950 Guinda St.  Palo Alto, CA 94301

steve@blblbl.UUCP (steve gisselbrecht) (06/21/88)

In article <438@metapsy.UUCP>, sarge@metapsy.UUCP (Sarge Gerbode) writes:
> I think it's "The New England Center for Near-Death Studies" and they do
> research on "Near-Death Experiences", I believe.  I could be mixing it up with
> something else, but that sounds right.
> -- 

	Well, that may be what they do, but it did definitely say "Death
Studies" on the door.  If it were "Near-Death" I wouldn't have noticed it
and thought "Gee, I should tell the people on sci.bio who were asking 
about that."


Stephen Gisselbrecht     mit-eddie!steve     steve@athena.mit.edu
"AAAAAKKK!!!  The piano is eating my boyfriend!!!"
"Get some sleep, steve."
*Disclaimer*:  My employer thinks computers are silly.

gray@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Matt Gray) (06/24/88)

In article <1374@crete.cs.glasgow.ac.uk> jack@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Jack Campin) writes:
> I'm sure a Master of Death would get you an interview with a martial arts 
> academy, though...

Please don't confuse what you see in ninja movies as real martial arts.  Oh yes,
they do all the kicks, punches, and screams, but their motive is entertainment.
Unfortunately, many people consider death as entertainment.  Real martial arts
is a study of life in balance, peace, self control, spirit, truth, ect...
These are merits with lots of moral value!  Given, `Master of Death' is a mean
title, and would probably be a great character in the next karate-chop flick-
but this is not something martial artists are really proud of. :-}

Matt \      /\/\  /|email: gray@boulder.Colorado.EDU
  /***\  /\/*/**\/*|Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
 /  /\ \/**\/    \ |University of Colorado, Boulder    
/__/**\/____\_____\|(303) 492-7848