[sci.bio] Please keep the creationism versus evolution debate out of sci.bio.

chiaraviglio@husc2.UUCP (lucius) (12/15/86)

	Lately, sci.bio has become cluttered with creationism vs. evolution
messages, such that it looks like another talk.origins.  I was under the
impression that the sci.___ groups were supposed to be for the discussion of
scientific and/or technological issues.  I was also under the impression that
talk.origins was created for the purpose of carrying debate between
creationists and scientists.  While this involves some scientific discussion,
so many of the messages created in this debate are unscientific that it would
be inappropiate to post messages of this debate in a sci.___ group.
Therefore, please keep such messages out of sci.bio, so that this group does
not get distracted from its original purpose.

	-- Lucius Chiaraviglio

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