[sci.bio] Tradintional native Abortions

dant@mrloog.LA.TEK.COM (Dan Tilque;1893;92-101;) (01/29/89)

Mark Robert Thorson writes:
>A related question:  are there any traditional, native cultures who practice
>any form of abortion?

Way back in college, my anthropology teacher mentioned that on an
Micronesian island, the women practiced abortion by rolling themselves
over logs.  This had the unfortunate side effect of sometimes damaging the
reproductive equipment of the woman so she was effectively sterilized.  

This didn't create too much of a problem until the Japanese introduced
condoms.  Then the population started to go down.  The solution: introduce
safe female contraception.  This allowed the women to control pregnancy
without potential damage.

Dan Tilque	--	dant@twaddl.LA.TEK.COM

krista@ihlpa.ATT.COM (Anderson) (02/01/89)

> Mark Robert Thorson writes:
> >
> >A related question:  are there any traditional, native cultures who practice
> >any form of abortion?

Some Native American tribes used abortives, particularly in the SE
US area, I believe.  They work because they're poison; a little too
much and the woman dies.
Krista A.