[sci.bio] Phylogenetic Analysis

hes@ecsvax.UUCP (11/25/86)

Science, the weekly journal published by the AAAS has started a Software
Review Section - starting with the 28 Nov. 1986 issue.  Their aims: "Our
reviews, in general, will compare several different software programs that
attack the same problem.  We will discuss the scientific problem, its
importance, the models on which the software is based, the ability of the
program to represent accurately the solution of the problem, and the
performance characteristics with various types of equipment. ..."

Their first review is on "Microcomputers and Phylogenetic Analysis" by
William L. Fink.  It is almost 5 pages (8 1/2 x 11) of discussion and
comparisons of 5 packages (PAUP, PHYLIP, CLINCH, MacClade).

This series looks as if it will be worthwhile reading.

--henry schaffer  n c state univ