[sci.bio] Image-analysis software for VAXstationII ?????

owicki@lapis.berkeley.edu.UUCP (02/20/87)

Do you know of any image-analysis software that runs on VAX-architecture
machines?  Preferably free or inexpensive.  Here are more details:

I want to analyze features of  electron-microscope images of cell membranes.  
Each electron micrograph contains hundreds to thousands of approximately
circular blobs (each a protein molecule);  the software must recognize
the blobs automatically and report the area and centroid coordinates of each.
Some standard image-processing operations (e.g., thresholding, 
dilation-erosion) may precede the feature analysis.  Blazing speed isn't

Difficult cases must be handled interactively.  Run-together blobs can be
recognized by area or shape criteria and presented to the operator
for editing, e.g. using a mouse.

I have access to good image digitization equipment and probably could buy 
a VAXstation II through one of U.C. Berkeley's sweetheart deals with DEC.  
The monochrome display on the VAXstation II is sufficient for my needs; 
anyway, I don't have the money to buy both the computer and a fancy 
graphics display.  

Although  have quite a bit of experience writing applications code on
micros and mainframes, I don't want to try to write the image analysis
programs from scratch.  I would consider modifications, though.

So I need software to do basic image processing, blob recognition, and
interactive editing on a VAXstation II screen.  Any ideas?  Given that
this is a specialized request, maybe you should reply to me directly at
this account.

Jack Owicki
Dept. of Biophysics & Medical Physics
U.C. Berkeley
(415) 643-8879