[sci.bio] Speaking gorilla and chimp

ronse@prlb2.UUCP (Christian Ronse) (06/30/87)

> One of the spookier data I have on this is that one gorilla who'd been taught
> language (Ameslan, I think), a female named Koko, expressed a primitive but
> unmistakable notion of afterlife when discussing the recent death of her pet
> kitten (I do have a source for this, but it was a 'new-age' magazine; you
> may not care to trust it).
>       Eric S. Raymond
>       UUCP:  {{seismo,ihnp4,rutgers}!cbmvax,sdcrdcf!burdvax}!snark!eric

I read that there was a film about Koko, by Barbet Schroeder. A female chimp
named Washoe, was also taught Ameslan, and another one, named Lana, talked by
pressing buttons (see Carl Sagan's book `The Dragons of Eden').

Christian Ronse		maldoror@prlb2.UUCP

		``Does the bottle taste the whisky?''

		        		Jean Serra
		        Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology
Christian Ronse		maldoror@prlb2.UUCP