[sci.bio] buying a microscope

osmigo@ut-emx.UUCP (rn) (08/17/90)

I would appreciate any information anyone can give me regarding a good place
to get a microscope and a decent price. This would be just for home use by
an amateur biologist, so it doesn't have to be some $5,000 lab instrument, but
then it can't be a $10 toy 'scope from K-Mart, either. Can someone direct me
to a mail order firm, or perhaps a magazine or journal with advertisements
for this kind of merchandise? I haven't the slightest idea where to look.

Ron Morgan

afsipmh@cid.aes.doe.CA (Patrick Hertel) (08/17/90)

In article <36242@ut-emx.UUCP> osmigo@ut-emx.UUCP (rn) writes:
>I would appreciate any information anyone can give me regarding a good place
>to get a microscope and a decent price. This would be just for home use by
>an amateur biologist, so it doesn't have to be some $5,000 lab instrument, but
>then it can't be a $10 toy 'scope from K-Mart, either. Can someone direct me
>to a mail order firm, or perhaps a magazine or journal with advertisements
>for this kind of merchandise? I haven't the slightest idea where to look.
>Ron Morgan

 DITTO. Accept read "dissecting microscope".
Pat Hertel                 Canadian Meteorological Centre
Analyst/Programmer         2121 N. Service Rd.
phertel@cmc.aes.doe.ca     Dorval,Quebec
Environment Canada         CANADA           H9P1J3

new@ee.udel.edu (Darren New) (08/17/90)

In article <1990Aug17.124338.20284@cid.aes.doe.CA> afsipmh@cid.aes.doe.CA (Patrick Hertel) writes:
> DITTO. Accept read "dissecting microscope".

You might want to check out Edmund's Scientific in New Jersey. Sorry, I
don't have the address here.  They usually have pretty good prices
on optics, including microscopes and telescopes.  It's on the Black Horse
Pike, I think (or near it, anyway).  They also do mailorder. -- Darren

--- Darren New --- Grad Student --- CIS --- Univ. of Delaware ---

larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) (08/17/90)

In article <1990Aug17.124338.20284@cid.aes.doe.CA>, afsipmh@cid.aes.doe.CA (Patrick Hertel) writes:
> >I would appreciate any information anyone can give me regarding a good place
> >to get a microscope and a decent price. This would be just for home use by an
> >amateur biologist, so it doesn't have to be some $5,000 lab instrument, but
> >then it can't be a $10 toy 'scope from K-Mart, either. Can someone direct me
> >to a mail order firm, or perhaps a magazine or journal with advertisements
> >for this kind of merchandise? I haven't the slightest idea where to look.
>  DITTO. Accept read "dissecting microscope".

	First of all, in another article to which I did not reply, someone
suggested Edmund Scientific.  While I have never ordered from them, I have
seen their products and feel that they are high priced and of questionable
quality.  An alterntive distributor to consider is Cole-Parmer of Chicago,
IL.  They have various imported microscopes that are of much better quality
than those of Edmund.

	I would suggest that you try to locate a used microscope, perhaps
one that was used for a demonstrator.  Many of the major distributors of
scientific apparatus, such as Fisher, Thomas, VWR, etc. have a small
amount of used apparatus available, and circulate a used apparatus list
to customers upon request.

	You may also wish to contact dealers handling microscopes other
than AO and B&L.  Try Unitron, as an example.  Unitron is probably
#4 or #5 in microscope sales in the U.S.  If you contact Unitron in
Plainview, NY, they should be able to give you names of their dealers,
and may even be willing to sell direct.  Don't even *think* about
calling Zeiss for a used microscope; that would be like looking for a
used Rolls-Royce. :-)

	There are also dealers who handle used laboratory apparatus.
You might wish to try Phoenix Equipment in Rochester, NY.

	Personally, if I were looking for a decent microscope on a
limited budget, I would rather buy something used of decent quality,
than to spend the same money on only what one can afford new.  A
microscope that is well maintained can last for many years.

Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp.  "Have you hugged your cat today?"
VOICE: 716/688-1231   {boulder, rutgers, watmath}!ub!kitty!larry
FAX:   716/741-9635                  {utzoo, uunet}!/      \aerion!larry

rpeter@nmsu.edu (Peter Herman x5495) (08/18/90)

Another suggestion about looking for a used microscope, esp. since you
are in an academic town, is the local medical school.  It used to be
that med students bought scopes for studying during their 4 years and
re-sold them at graduation.  I don't know if this is still true, it
has been a long time since my post doc days at a med school.

rpeter@nmsu.edu  In Real Life:	Peter Herman
				Biology - 3AF
				New Mexico State Univ
				Las Cruces, NM 88003

talent@spanky.sps.mot.com (Steve Talent) (08/19/90)

In article <RPETER.90Aug18054506@jornada.nmsu.edu> rpeter@nmsu.edu (Peter Herman x5495) writes:
>Another suggestion about looking for a used microscope, esp. since you
>are in an academic town, is the local medical school.  It used to be
>that med students bought scopes for studying during their 4 years and
>re-sold them at graduation.  I don't know if this is still true, it

I have been to several public auctions where Motorola sells surplus and
salvage equipment.  It's common to see several scopes sell at these auctions.
Generally high quality but often with parts missing (Nikon, B&L, Wild, 
Zeiss, and others makes).  I've never seen one sell for over $200. 

Surplus/salvage dealers often buy stuff like this so you might want to
check the phone book for your area.  There are several in the Phoenix

Steve Talent, Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector CAD
Tempe, AZ  602-897-5440,  talent@dover.sps.mot.com


I am reminded to post a quick recommendation for a brand-name
for those interested in dissecting scopes: Wild (rhymes with
"billed"). I, ahem, obtained one from a lab that was being cleaned
out and junked at my last school and it is a marvelous little
scope; very simple, easy to maintain, and superb optics.
I understand that they are not terribly expensive, certainly
not in the Zeiss range.
Josh Hayes, Zoology Department, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
voice: 513-529-1679      fax: 513-529-6900
jahayes@miamiu.bitnet, or jahayes@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.
[Fudd's first law of opposition]

jm67@prism.gatech.EDU (MURRAY,JEFFREY P) (08/20/90)

   I would suggest trying the Edmund Scientific catalog nearest
you. I believe that, at latest count, their microscopes ran from
about $300 to $5000, with the majority in the $500-$1000 range.
I believe they are locatied in the Boston area, and I do not
have an address for them just his moment...anyone out there have
a current address/phone number for them? I know they have two different
catalogs. One is primarily for amateur scientists, and the other is 
geared toward professionals. Both, however, contain high quality
equipment (note that I'm not affiliated with them, just a very satisfied
customer...I've purchased tools and equipment from them since I was
a kid).
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp:	  ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!jm67
Internet: jm67@prism.gatech.edu

rrahn@emdeng.Dayton.NCR.COM (Russel.H.Rahn) (08/20/90)

     There is an add in the July issue of Shutterbug Magazine
offering microscopes.  I believe that this dealer handles both
new and used microscopes.  I have never done business with this
dealer, but you might want to check them out.

                       Herman A. Miller
                       2740 Cropsey Ave.
                       Brooklyn, NY 11214

                       (718) 372-8253  Evenings Please!

Hope this helps!


paleo@uncecs.edu (Constantine A. LaPasha) (08/23/90)

If you do decide to go for a new scope - check out those by
Olympus - they make some nice microscopes that are not too
expensive.  (If you want real nice optics, they have a model
[BHT-..] that works very well even as a primary research grade
scope for about $3200 - this is much less than comparable scopes
from Nikon, Zeiss, Leitz... -- BTW, this is not their bottom
of the line in either optics or scope base - but I'm not sure
of prices for lower grade models -- the one above was a tri-ocular
compound scope, built in halogen light source, centerable 
'condenser (for Kohler illumination), Periplan Apochromats for 
the 4x, 10x, 20x, 45x (&100x??) objectives, and widefield oculars -
you can look thru this guy all day if you need to :-)

:: in no way connected with Olympus - just use their products
   and wish I could afford their stuff myself   ::
Kostya LaPasha          paleo@ecsvax.uncecs.edu
==== ... virtually, we can do anything ... ====