[sci.bio] Genetically Engineered Micro-organisms

861033h@aucs.uucp (HOGIE) (10/28/89)

HELP !!!!

I have been labeled to try and do a debate on the following topic:

Be it resolved that gene transfer among bacteria in the natural 
environment is extensive and has implications for the release of
genetically engineered micro-organisms.

I'm supposed to be on the opponents side (i.e. All for releasing
these bugs into our environment) but can't find any references to
substantiate my fleeting arguments.  If there be anyone that has
an idea, or opinion that they wish to share or knows of where I
can find an article on someone who does (and doesn't fence sit),
could you please send it to me via e-mail or post it in the
SCI.ENVIRONMENT news group.  (Do both, other people may be
insterested in your opinions)

Thanks guys I appreciate all the help I can get.

Michael Hogan                        Address:  c/o Biology Department
Internet: 861033h@AcadiaU.CA         Acadia Univeristy
Bitnet:   861033h@Acadia             Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Phone: (902) 542-1557                B0P 1X0
Michael Hogan                        Address:  c/o Biology Department
Internet: 861033h@AcadiaU.CA         Acadia Univeristy
Bitnet:   861033h@Acadia             Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Phone: (902) 542-1557                B0P 1X0