[sci.bio] 25 hr day: Possible Explaination

krl@jujeh.mlb.semi.harris.com (Ken Lyons) (07/14/90)

One area of study which is similar to these are the experiments where
someone lives in a cave to avoid external stimulus.  While these experiments
are usually designed to study the effects of isolation, they may also 
reveal something of the mechanism of biological clocks.

One interesting bit of information from these experiments is usually a 
bar graph of the length of periods of wakefullness and sleep.  The times may 
average about 25 hours, but the actual day-to-day times vary eratically.

This resembles the chaotic behavior of many non-linear systems.  One such
system is the human heart, which may function eratically if stimulated at 
certain frequencies.  

To see whether there is the same type of behavior
in wake-sleep cycles, it might be useful to check for a sleep-time to
awake-time ratio as a function of some stimulus, such as an artifically 
induced length-of-day.  If, for some values of the stimulus, you alternate 
between two values of sleep-time to awake-time ratios (that is the
graph of the sleep-time to awake-time ratio vs. the magnitude of the
stimulus is a bifurcation diagram), this may be a similar mechanism
to that which governs the functioning of the heart.  This may be
something for a chaos guru in the fractals newsgroup to answer.
