[sci.bio] MSG and Heartburn

sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) (06/05/90)

dukas@pmafire.UUCP (Steve Dukas) writes:

|You seem to lurk out there hiding behind "net-trees" waiting to pounce...

I do?

|You attacked me for weeks on the Tryptophan...

I did?

|You could open things up saying, "I don't really agree with this...

I could?

|You seem to offer nothing, but will tend to inhibit other's from wanting
|to add constructive threads.  I will no longer participate with you in
|arguing, but I'll have to defend my stances.

I didn't know we were arguing.

OOOOH I GET IT. This is one of those articles written in the second
person that really should have been email, but instead was posted in
the net in an attempt to publically embarrass someone!

Just like this one!

Now aren't we all stupid...

***  Sean Casey          sean@ms.uky.edu, sean@ukma.bitnet, ukma!sean