[sci.bio] question -- roach research

mgresham@dscatl.UUCP (Mark Gresham) (12/19/88)

  I'm posting this question for Lacrecia Bowdoin:

Is anyone out there doing "pure" research on roaches regarding their:
	a) wavelength emissions
	b) genetic makeup
	c) life patterns
	d) social interactions
	e) sensory abilities
	f) etc. ...
especially from the viewpoint of discovering what positive
benefits we may gain from their evolutionary resilience (as
opposed to just how to exterminate them! :-) ).

Thanks in advance for all info!  Please e-mail responses only,
as I don't currently monitor this newsgroup.

Mark Gresham              Atlanta, GA, USA
UUCP:  ...!gatech!dscatl!mgresham
INTERNET: dscatl!mgresham@gatech.edu