[sci.bio] Reference for E. coli genetic linkage map: A new edition?

griff@cascade.STANFORD.EDU (Peter Griffin) (01/06/88)

The reference is
Y.Kohara, K. Akiyama and K. Isono,
``The physical map of the whole E.coli chromosone: application of a new
strategy for rapid analysis and sorting of a large genomic library''
Cell, Vol. 50, 495-508, July 31, 1987.

Thirty-four hundred lambda phage clones containing segments of the E.coli
chromosome were isolated and used to construct a 4700kb long integrated
restriction map for eight six-base-recoginzing enzymes..........etc.

The paper is a very impressive application of partial digest analysis, using
an analog of the end labeling technique. The particular variation is to use
a 2.7Kb fragment of the lambda DNA at one end of the inserted DNA to
hybridize with the partial digest, thus selecting the minimum number of 
informative samples necessary to reconstruct the map of the inserted DNA.
Approx. 600 sites for EcoRI  were mapped, with similiar numbers for each
of the other 7 enzymes.