[sci.bio] Delayed Sexual Differentiation

MEB@SLACVM.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU (meb@slacvm.slac.stanford.edu) (01/27/91)

   A correspondent who no longer has ready access to  reference
materials has asked me to research a few topics for him.  One of
them is far enough from my areas of competence (and from common
sense, if you ask me) that I'm trying my first Usenet item.
   My friend claims to have read (or heard) some years ago of
some cases in Honduras (in primitive societies?) of persons in whom
sexual differentiation was postponed until puberty.  Does this ring
any bells with anyone?  Would you please send information pointers
to meb@slacvm.slac.stanford.edu?  (I don't subscribe to this
newsgroup.)  Thanks for any help.