[sci.bio] PLANETS FEST

amirza@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (anmar mirza) (04/14/90)

I am posting this as a favor to some friends, all views herein are
not necessarily shared by me.

Planet Fest '90 - Home Planet Healing and Awareness Festival

		July 12-15, 1990 CE - 4 days
		LOTHLORIEN Nature Sanctuary*
		23 miles S of Bloomington IN

		sponsored by EARTH BASED PROJEX
			     PO Box 1328
		 	     Bloomington, IN

Introduction- The planetary biosphere operates as a whole system. Imbalance in
one area resonates in another. Likewise, harmony created in one space spreads
throughout the whole. What is done to one is done to another. This is the basis
for PLANET FEST '90. With full knowledge that we may affect the whole by
concentrating on a part, we focus our loving attention on heartfelt healing,
personal as well as planetary. We gather to generate positive and practical


PLANET FEST '90 is unlike any event you have attended before. The time is ripe
for evolution. We live in a rapidly changing world. Global consciousness grows.
Worldwide networks activate and communication increases between distant spheres
and diverse elements. WE ARE ONE BIG FAMILY. It is time we learned to live as
one. PF '90 is a major cross-current networking festival. It is dedicated to 
discovering our commonn thread and reweaving the tapestry. PLANET FEST '90
links vision with practicality, idealism with actuality, mental software
with engineered hardware, and bridges the information gap which prevents true
planetary health.

INVITING -  planetary citizens from all walks of life, people concerned with
environmental difficulties, folks who have decided to be a part of the

	a. environmental activists
	b. alternative energy specialists
	c. holistic healthcare practitioners
	d. cross-culteral communication experts
	e. human rights advocates & political watchdogs
	f. native culture folklorists and planetary shamans

PLANET FEST '90 is focused on the future and the means for personal and
planetary transformation. We will be offering workshops on such topics as:

	a. organic gardening and companion planting
	b. alternative energy and home power generation
	c. recycling and pollution free lifestyle
	d. natural food cookery and the co-op kitchen
	e. wild lands preservation and animal rights
	f. transformation of the education system
	g. constructing a positive future
	h. bio-shelter habitats
	i. community building

There will be native arts and crafts, natural food feasts, discussion and
networking circles, informative workshops, demonstrations of alternative 
energy technologies, ecology education, and magical performances by a number
of entertainer. PLANET FEST '90 is 4 days and 3 nights of summer celebration
and folk festities centered around the needs of the Mother Planet and her 

EVENT COSTS: adults (18yrs up) - $50 (before July 1, 1990)
				 $60 (at-gate admission)
	     teens (13-17yrs)  - $40 (before July 1, 1990)
				 $50 (at-gate admission)
	     children (12 and under) - FREE OF CHARGE

	     This includes the right to camp, set up displays, give free 
workshops, do business, network, sponsor a discussion circle, attend 
educational sessions, and learn to live as ONE GLOBAL FAMILY.

	     Drinking water, solar showers, clean outhouses, and firewood
are provided. Leave pets at home please.
	     Contributing members of E.B.P. deduct 10%.
	     Supporting members of E.B.P. deduct 20%
	     Detailed map to LOTHLORIEN* will be sent with tickets to all
who register before July 1.

SINGLE DAY RATE adult (18yrs up) - $8 at gate admission
  (9am 'til 6pm)teen  (13-17yrs) - $6 - children free!!!

-me as follows-

If you want a registration form, leave me some email with your name
and address, and I will forward those to my friend who will send you
a registration form, save you a stamp and a few days. If you need instructions
of how to get there, leave me some email, and I will email directions.
If you are even the slightest bit interested in helping our planet, 
this is something you might want to consider attending.

Anmar Mirza   # If a product is good, # The two best ways # Space, humans next
EMT-A         # they will stop making # to my heart are   # goal in the race 
N9ISY (tech)  # it. Unless it is      # sex, and the      # for immortality.
Director AESL # designed to kill.     # descending aorta  # --- me