[sci.bio] Announcement of Symposium on Evolution

barb@violet.sybase.com (02/24/91)

Subject: Announcement: Symposium on Human Origins

The Institute of Human Origins in Berkeley will hold 
an all-day symposium on Saturday, March 16, 1991,
to celebrate its 10th anniversary.

The Institute, founded by "Lucy" discoverer Donald Johanson,
does research in two areas:  Paleoanthropology and Geochronology.
The title of the conference is:
Bed Partners: Old Fossils and the Rocks that Date Them.

The morning session will focus on paleoanthropology, and will
feature the following speakers:

Dr. Johanson: "Introduction: Origins and IHO";
Tim White (Professor of Anthropology at U.C. Berkeley and 
co-discoverer of "Lucy"): "Hominid Evolution: A Biased Perspective";
Bruce Latimer (Curator of Physical Anthropology at the Cleveland 
Museum of Natural History): "These Feet were Made for Walking"; 
Bill Kimbel (Director of Paleoanthropology at the Institute):
"Who's Who, and Why Do We Care?"

A panel discussion among the participants will wrap up 
the morning session.

The afternoon session adresses geochron issues, and will feature:
Garniss Curtis (Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
at U.C. Berkeley, and Director of Geochronology and the Institute):
"Introduction: Dating Techniques and IHO";
Derek York (Professor of Physics at the University of Toronto):
"The Dating Game" (about radioactive isotopes, ancient bacteria,
among other wonders);
Robert Christiansen (U.S. Geological Survey): "A Time Clock in the
Belly" (about vulcanology);
Ian McDougall (Senior Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences,
Australian National University): "Counting the Rings on the Family
Tree" (about the dating of hominid evolution). 

The afternoon session will also conclude with a panel discussion.

Time: 8:15 a.m. Saturday, March 16, 1991
Place: U.C. Berkeley, Clark Kerr Campus, 2601 Waring Street, Berkeley
Cost: $65.00 Symposium attendance (there are a few $40 seats for students)
      $ 7.00 Box lunch 
      $ 6.00 Parking
      $ 5.00 Pre-conference reading materials

For an extra $50, you can also attend a dinner Saturday evening
and hear author Roger Lewin speak about "A Bird's Eye View of Human Evolution"

Deadline for reservations: Friday, March 1.

For reservations, call the Institute at (415) 845-0333,
                  FAX the Institute at (415) 845-9453,
		  or send reservations by mail to:
      Institute of Human Origins
      2453 Ridge Road
      Berkeley, CA 94709

You can charge your reservations to MasterCard or Visa.