[sci.bio] Interactive biology - help wanted

mnb@waikato.ac.nz (12/12/90)

Hello there from way down south !

I'm in the process of gathering ideas for interactive science displays and was
hoping the some people might be able to add their thoughts.

Most Science and Technology museums that I know of are heavily based on
physics type displays since these are fairly exciting, robust and easy to
construct.  However I am aiming for a broader range of exhibits and am looking
for ideas for good Biology, Chemistry and Geology displays.  The requirements
are that they must be "hands on" and interactive, illustrate a basic 
scientific principle and be understood by children and adults alike. Also any
experiments or reactions need to be safe, easily reproducible and robust enough
to survive months of use. Cost is not really a problem since the budget is over
$200,000 for 30-35 exhibits.

Any advice, ideas or references would be most helpful - please e-mail and if
there is enough interest I will post a summary.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Billinghurst