appel@cui.unige.ch (APPEL Ron) (10/07/90)

Who knows about Cancer diagnosis from protein in Denver?
I was told that last week, tuesday or wednesday October 2/3,
1990, a program on TV (probably CNN) was telling about some
research which is carried on somewhere in Denver, Colorado.
Apparently, they found a new way to detect cancer from a certain
protein and their system was successfully tested on 120 cases.

I would like to know more about this. Thanks to give me any

Ron D. Appel                                appel@medsun.unige.ch
Unite d'Imagerie Numerique                  appel@cgehcu61.bitnet
Centre d'Informatique Hospitaliere
Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneve                    
24, rue Micheli-du-Crest                                 ###
CH-1211 Geneve 4                                     ########
Switzerland                                      ###############
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fax : 41-22-227073                      ##########################