[sci.bio] Free radical footprinting

sam@murdu.OZ (Sam Ganesan) (06/19/88)

Does anybody out there have experience on free radical cutting of DNA for 
foot printing studies. I know people have used DNAse footprinting for quite
a while but from what I gather hydroxyl free radicals generated using 
Fe-EDTA and hydrogen peroxide have less sequence specific cutting (if any).

Any help on technical details and methodology gratefully accepted.

Dan Davison, You out there? Whats the word on this?

- Sam Ganesan

ACSnet: sam@murdu.oz         JANET: sam%murdu.mu.oz@uk.ac.ukc
ARPA: sam%murdu.mu.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
UUCP: {uunet,hplabs,mcvax,ukc,nttlab}!munnari!murdu.oz.au!sam
Snail: Sam Ganesan,Dept of Microbiology,Melbourne Uni,Parkville,Victoria 3052