[sci.bio] Plasmid Drawing Programs for the IBM-PC

drbob@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Robert H. Woodman) (09/29/90)

My boss has asked me to find a new program for drawing and printing 
plasmids (at publication-quality print on a Hewlett-Packard DeskJet Plus
or LaserJet II).  He is dissatisfied with the two programs he presently
uses and wants new programs.

His main gripes are (1) that the programs are not easy to use; (2) that
the programs require you to do a bit of guessing about where on a cir-
cular plasmid map to place the restriction sites (he wants a program
which will allow him to make the circular maps and either accurately
place the sites on the map or tells him the correct number of degrees
to go to place the site himself); and (3) the quality of the printed
output is surprisingly poor, despite the fact that he uses either a 
DeskJet Plus or a LaserJet II.  

I desire any and all suggestions for programs.  Naturally, shareware is
most desired, but relatively reasonably-priced commercial software is
also acceptable.  The main thing is to get programs which do not contain
those qualities about which he complains.

Thank you for your help.

Bob Woodman

*Bob Woodman                  * "A job not worth doing well is not  *
*INTERNET:  woodman.1@osu.edu *  worth doing."--Salvador Luria      *

mn5y@krebs.acc.Virginia.EDU (Mukund Nori) (10/17/90)

There are 2 programs that I know of, both commercial.  A very simple one is
called "Plasmid".  It can list upto 50 restriction sites and will put them 
where they belong on a circular map.  It will also mark off genes and other
markers, e.g. ori, on this map.  The drawbacks are the limit on number of
sites and that it will only do circular maps.  You must know ahead of time
the exact positions of these sites, and the total size of the plasmid, e.g.
total size 5637 bp; EcoRI at 57, PstI at 135, EcoRI at 457, etc.  Each is
considered a site with a total of 50.  It will use LPT1 only for dotmatrix
printers and can use COM1 for laser graphic printers.  I believe it costs
not more than $50.00.
The second one which does a whole shebang of things, almost everything except
turn itself on and enter the data is from the company DNASTAR Inc.  They are
located at 1228 South Park Street, Madison, WI 53715.  Phone (608)258-7420
Fax (608)258-7439.  They say they can customize their system for anyone.
The whole system costs about $1800.00 but will do all from sequence analysis
of nucleic acids and maps to protein analysis, structure, etc.  Expensive,
and for those who do not have access to mainframe systems that can do this.
It is, I must say, easier than the mainframe programs.
Hope this helps.
Take care.

 ___Raistlin___  			Mukund Nori
 Raistlin@Virginia.EDU			mn5y@krebs.acc.Virginia.EDU

davison@menudo.uh.edu (Dan Davison) (10/19/90)

A free program, Plasmid Paint, is available for the IBM PC from the
gene-server@bchs.uh.edu, as is much more free molecular biology
software for the PC, Mac, Unix, and VMS.  

The get Plasmid Paint, send e-mail with the Subject: line:
	Subject: help dos index
	gene-server@bchs.uh.edu (internet)
	gene-server%bchs.uh.edu@CUNYVM (BITNET)

I don't offhand remember the name of the plasmid paint file.  There
are instructions for downloading, uudecoding, and general help on the
server also.

dan davison
maintainer of gene-server@bchs.uh.edu

assistant professor
department of biochemical and biophysical sciences
dr. dan davison/dept. of biochemical and biophysical sciences/univ. of
Houston/4800 Calhoun/Houston,TX 77054-5500/davison@uh.edu/DAVISON@UHOU

"Comparing bad weather to rape: 'if it's inevitable, just relax and
enjoy it'"  Clayton Williams, next Governor of Texas...and THIS is the
kind of person and attitute most Texans find acceptable...in
1990...very sad. 

Disclaimer: As always, I speak only for myself, and, usually, only to