[sci.bio] Sensory addiction

bobp@tektools.UUCP (Robert N. Perry) (11/05/86)

	Some recent discussions in this newsgroup seem to be concerned with
endorphins and things akin to "runner's high". Has anyone ever heard of
"sensory addiction" ? The way it was explained to me was it is a
psychological addiction to the rush one receives from massive doses of
adrenalin. I skydive a lot and can attest to this. If I have had a bad day
or am feeling uptight I go out and make a jump or two. The rush I get from
this experience is enough to totally relax me. I realize that the view from
10,500 feet might contribute some to this feeling, but the anticipation,
the fall, and then the landing combine to contribute to this sense of
euphoria. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get enough of this. As I
understand it, this is the same reason, and feeling, that race car drivers,
base jumpers, and other dare devils do the things they do. Is this really a
psychological disorder or is it an addiction ?

Robert N. Perry (Bob) - Tektronix, Inc.
"When I works, I works hard. When I sits, I sits easy. When I thinks, I goes
to sleep."