[sci.bio] Effects of hormones: A question

pjy@ukc.ac.uk (P.J.Young) (04/09/91)

Just a quick question, a while a go I watched a program of television in the
UK, called QED. It was concerned with the effects of hormones, one claim it
made as I remember was that if several women lived in a house togeother that
there menstrual periods would eventually go into sink. This seems to be a
bit far fetched to me. Could anyone give me a (decent) journal reference for

msw1633@zeus.tamu.edu (WHITSITT, MARK STEVEN) (04/09/91)

In article <7249@harrier.ukc.ac.uk>, pjy@ukc.ac.uk (P.J.Young) writes...
>Just a quick question, a while a go I watched a program of television in the
>UK, called QED. It was concerned with the effects of hormones, one claim it
>made as I remember was that if several women lived in a house togeother that
>there menstrual periods would eventually go into sink. This seems to be a
>bit far fetched to me. Could anyone give me a (decent) journal reference for

No journal reference, but one of my friends as an undergrad was a Resident 
Advisor in a girls' dorm, and she said that alot of the girls there did indeed 
appear to show the signs of beginning to syncronize their periods...they had not 
been together long enough, I guess, to fully syncronize.  Just passing along 
second hand information :)

Mark S. Whitsitt, N5RJF        Texas A&M University, Dept of Biochemistry
Bitnet:  MSW1633@TAMSIGMA  		  College Station, Tx. 77843-2128
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   "You can't throw darts when you're empty, man" -- another Schadelism

winalski@psw.enet.dec.com (Paul S. Winalski) (04/10/91)

In article <7249@harrier.ukc.ac.uk>, pjy@ukc.ac.uk (P.J.Young) writes:
|>Just a quick question, a while a go I watched a program of television in the
|>UK, called QED. It was concerned with the effects of hormones, one claim it
|>made as I remember was that if several women lived in a house togeother that
|>there menstrual periods would eventually go into sink.

Most plumbers don't recommend this.  It clogs the pipes.


ward@unix386.Convergent.COM (Ward Griffiths) (04/11/91)

In article <7249@harrier.ukc.ac.uk>, pjy@ukc.ac.uk (P.J.Young) writes...
>Just a quick question, a while a go I watched a program of television in the
>UK, called QED. It was concerned with the effects of hormones, one claim it
>made as I remember was that if several women lived in a house togeother that
>there menstrual periods would eventually go into sink. This seems to be a
>bit far fetched to me. Could anyone give me a (decent) journal reference for
While I haven't done any sort of formal study on the
process, in over sixteen years of involvement with
extended/open marriages and multiple female residents
under the same roof, I have observed this happen
several times.  And once synchronization occurs,
about the only thing that will break synch is for one
of the women to get pregnant or move out.

          Ward Griffiths, Unisys NCG aka Convergent Technologies                The people that make Unisys' official opinions get paid more.  A LOT more.
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garvey@skybridge.SCL.CWRU.Edu (Heather Garvey) (04/14/91)

In article <7249@harrier.ukc.ac.uk> pjy@ukc.ac.uk (P.J.Young) writes:
>Just a quick question, a while a go I watched a program of television in the
>UK, called QED. It was concerned with the effects of hormones, one claim it
>made as I remember was that if several women lived in a house togeother that
>there menstrual periods would eventually go into sink. This seems to be a
>bit far fetched to me. Could anyone give me a (decent) journal reference for

	Well, now that I think about it, having lived with five
other women for two years now, I certainly don't think it's exact. But
the two who I've been living with for the whole two years...We do tend
to get our periods around the same time. <shrug> Could just be chance,
though. I mean, there's a 25% chance, you know....

And every time I've held a rose  | Heather "Duckie" Garvey, Biochem CIT '93
It seems I only felt the thorns  | garvey@scl.cwru.edu *or* hlg@po.cwru.edu
And so it goes, and so it goes   | Member of Michael Sidman's Racquetball
And so will you soon, I suppose  | Harem (<hlg>: "Put that camera down!")