[sci.bio] SEM - Techniques wanted

861033h@aucs.uucp (HOGIE) (10/28/89)

I am trying to do a Scanning Electron Micorscopic examination of
microbial floura of deciduous rhizosphere and rhizoplane and have
encountered problems with technique.

Without the use of a critical point drier (ours is broken), I have 
tried coating unwashed and washed roots in an attempt to actually
see some of the numerous bacteria present.  But this is just
leaving me more frustrated and logging hours of vertually wasted
time on the SEM.  There is just too much particulate matter
obstructing the view.

I have one more idea left - sonic the roots free of these particles
but after that I'm stuck.  Is there anyone out there who has
developed a SEM procedure for the fixation and coating of
rhizosphere and rhizoplane that gives reasonable results and 
doesn't use a critical point drier??

I would appreciate any ideas, comments, or references.
Michael Hogan                        Address:  c/o Biology Department
Internet: 861033h@AcadiaU.CA         Acadia Univeristy
Bitnet:   861033h@Acadia             Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Phone: (902) 542-1557                B0P 1X0