[sci.bio] Is sauerkraut a "brain" food?

chin@sask.usask.ca (06/13/91)

A few years ago, a chef on television said that many chess grandmasters eat
sauerkraut.  Does sauerkraut contain any special qualities that increase mental


P.S. If this question is better suited in another newsgroup, please let me

"Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing,
 much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the
					John Milton (1608-1674)

winalski@psw.enet.dec.com (Paul S. Winalski) (06/13/91)

In article <1991Jun12.111414.1@sask.usask.ca>, chin@sask.usask.ca writes:
|>A few years ago, a chef on television said that many chess grandmasters eat

Many chess grandmasters are from the Soviet Union, where chess is
extremely popular.  Sauerkraut and other cabbage dishes are staples of
Eastern European cuisine.

|>Does sauerkraut contain any special qualities that increase mental
