jgwechowski@amherst.bitnet (10/09/90)

  A lot of intellectual effort has been given in order to
understand the mechanisms underlying alternative healing
methods. People have been looking for the common denomi-
nator of acupuncture, homeopathy, magnetotherapy, hydrothe-
rapy(not in merely chemical sense) etc.
Maybe physiological changes can be explained or better under-
stood in terms of quantum physics of plasma.
  I came across some publications which tackle this question
seriously suggesting the existence of BIOPLASMA or at least
physical plasma processes in living matter. Roger Penrose's
lecture related to the "Emperor's New Mind" made me go back
to some references on bioelectronics.
  I posted a short note on BIOPLASMA in sci.med.phys. Any co-
mments would be appreciated.

                  Jaroslaw G. Wechowski, Amherst College.