[sci.bio] Info on meta-energy needed

ep88sw@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Steve Williams) (06/27/90)

From article <1990Jun19.053920.8984@ucselx.sdsu.edu>, by add@sciences.sdsu.edu (James D. Murray):
>     I am looking for references to cultural examples of
>     human meta-energy phenomenon.  Names for such phenomenon
>     include ki, ch'i, qi, prana, manna, num, and miwi.

Apologies for posting this, but I cannot get e-mail through to you. I might
suggest that you post rec.martial-arts about Qi/Chi/Ki. At present there
is a debate on the subject in question occurring in that very newsgroup.

Steven Williams
Experimental Psychology
University of Sussex.

dwc@cbnewsh.att.com (Mordecai the Fowl) (06/29/90)

i would also read up on some of the work by wilheim reich.
he did some work on "orgone energy fields".  although his
work was not accepted during his time (an understatement?),
some of his therapies are being used/researched now.

danny chen


Sorry to play the skeptic here, but wrt Reich and similar
approaches -- indeed, to the whole topic of "meta-energies",
I suggest tempering your readings with some more skeptical
approaches.  Martin Gardner is certainly a skeptical dude;
some might put it more strongly than that....and his writing
is always provocative.  He has a recent collection of essays
about some of the things perhaps lumpable under "new age"
aegis.  I also recommend his rather old but still relevant
"Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science" which includes
a section debunking (sorry, I think that's a correct description)
"orgone fields".  It might be helpful to us netters if you could
post a short bibliography in a few weeks or so, when you track
down what seem to you to be good references.  Good luck.
Josh Hayes, Zoology, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056 USA
voice: 513-529-1679  fax: 513-529-6900
jahayes@miamiu.bitnet, or @miamiu.acs.muohio.edu
You can believe me, because I never lie and I'm always right.

gpanfile@walrus.East.Sun.COM (Greg Panfile - Sun BOS Information Architecture) (07/03/90)

You might try exploring traditional Islamic mystics (Al-Ghazali, Ibn Al-Arabi)
and the modern Sufi works of Idries Shah for material on "baraka."