[..] net.arch

Oldest | Popular

Addressing modes (86 replies, 03/22/86)

RISC (65 replies, 08/05/85)

VERY LARGE main memories (52 replies, 10/12/86)

386 Family Products (49 replies, 12/19/85)

Integer division (48 replies, 02/28/86)

Need 286 "C" benchmark (47 replies, 08/01/85)

Timing loops (36 replies, 03/16/86)

VERY LARGE main memories: crypt (31 replies, 09/25/86)

Floating point performance (30 replies, 11/08/86)

AT&T MIPS claim (29 replies, 07/05/86)

24 bit vs. 32 bit address space (28 replies, 05/17/85)

Paging (26 replies, 10/15/86)

get size of malloc'd object (26 replies, 07/09/86)

Cache Revisited (25 replies, 09/20/85)

68000 Memory Managment (24 replies, 10/26/86)

net.os (24 replies, 12/21/85)

Page size and the meaning of life (24 replies, 11/04/85)

Right shift vs. divide (23 replies, 01/24/86)

16k vs 68k vs 432 (23 replies, 01/16/84)

How to fab One-Of-A-Kind systems? (22 replies, 05/29/85)

Arbitrary byte alignment (22 replies, 10/29/84)

Asynchronous State machines (21 replies, 12/10/85)

Caltech's Cosmic Cube (20 replies, 03/05/85)

Why Not Virtual Files? (20 replies, 06/20/84)

uP architecture (20 replies, 07/14/83)

AT&T and the 3B*2 (19 replies, 06/12/84)

Very large memories (18 replies, 09/25/86)

RISC question (18 replies, 03/15/86)

What I miss in micro-processors (18 replies, 10/03/85)

RISC and MIPS (18 replies, 09/03/85)

paging and loading (17 replies, 10/21/86)

dumber terminal device drivers (17 replies, 05/07/85)

Reasons For Large Main Memories (16 replies, 09/23/86)

Mips / MHz (16 replies, 05/20/86)

What I miss... (16 replies, 10/21/85)

M680*0 "small model" (16 replies, 06/26/85)

RMS v/s UNIX (16 replies, 03/20/85)

Orphaned Response (15 replies, 07/14/86)

RISC cache vs CISC u-code (15 replies, 03/23/86)

386 Architectural Description (15 replies, 11/18/85)

AT&T 3B-2's (15 replies, 06/03/85)

Floating point performance & Mr. Mashey's Mythical Mhz (14 replies, 01/01/87)

Delayed Loads (14 replies, 10/01/86)

Where are delayed branches handled? (14 replies, 08/26/86)

What if IBM Had chosen the 68000? Not what you think Re: 386 Family Products (14 replies, 12/12/85)

286 vs. 68k (14 replies, 06/17/85)

Bad devices (13 replies, 03/12/86)

IOCALL results and problems (13 replies, 01/08/86)

Why Virtual Memory (13 replies, 11/20/85)

Where to do stack checking, etc. (13 replies, 10/11/85)

Complement Arithmetic (13 replies, 02/10/84)

Using C as an aid to hand writing assembler (12 replies, 05/24/86)

128Mb - I give up! (12 replies, 12/16/85)

Anyone for net.compiler? (12 replies, 11/04/85)

RISC/CISC - IBM mainframes (12 replies, 06/22/85)

Magic Cookies and File Systems (12 replies, 03/18/85)

PDP-8 (11 replies, 03/26/86)

IBM 801 (11 replies, 01/25/86)

What if IBM used a 68000 (11 replies, 01/03/86)

uninitialized data (11 replies, 10/12/85)

I don't believe your statements about multiprocessors (11 replies, 05/17/85)

Pyramid architectural restraints (11 replies, 06/21/84)

risc, cisc, and microprogramming (10 replies, 06/30/85)

I like segmented architectures (10 replies, 06/15/85)

FLAME!!! Re: EA orthogonality (10 replies, 06/05/85)

Lisp Machines (10 replies, 05/24/85)

RMS {SHORT} (10 replies, 03/26/85)

RISC perspective (10 replies, 03/20/84)

One really good use for BIG core memory (9 replies, 10/04/86)

C as an aid writing assembler (9 replies, 06/20/86)

Computational ability of houseflies (9 replies, 05/07/86)

What if IBM Had chosen the 68000?... (9 replies, 11/27/85)

Cube designs vs. x,y,z bus (9 replies, 03/02/85)

IBM-ASCII-C-Etc (9 replies, 05/22/84)

Hybrid stack/register machines (9 replies, 03/29/84)

looking for stack machines (9 replies, 03/07/84)

Cray vs ICs (9 replies, 07/07/83)

Speed is the one true performance metric (8 replies, 11/09/86)

SUID Patent (8 replies, 10/09/86)

electrons as a bound on memory size (8 replies, 09/30/86)

VAX polyd instruction (8 replies, 03/20/86)

386 info (8 replies, 11/22/85)

Stack architectures - why not? (8 replies, 10/10/85)

Emulators for old machines (8 replies, 09/18/85)

IBM 360 float architecture problems (8 replies, 07/25/85)

B1700 (8 replies, 06/20/85)

Ballistic transistors, the Belle II chess machine, & Seymour Cray (8 replies, 03/28/85)

Why optical disks are slow to seek; an idea for higher capacity disks (7 replies, 11/08/86)

Benchmarks in August IEEE Micro (7 replies, 10/08/86)

Missionary Position .vs. 69 (7 replies, 07/21/86)

ELXSI System 6400 .... Information needed (7 replies, 06/26/86)

Memory Law (7 replies, 11/24/85)

Architecture, or Coincidence? (7 replies, 10/12/85)

Multiple 68020's on VME ? (7 replies, 10/06/85)

Scientific Computing and mips <sorry, obscenely long> (7 replies, 10/02/85)

Info wanted on In-circuit-emulators (7 replies, 10/01/85)

Cray-2 Overview, extracted from "Cray Channels" (7 replies, 08/13/85)

Novix Forth Chip (7 replies, 07/02/85)

ADA (7 replies, 04/30/85)

Out of Virtual Memory? (7 replies, 04/26/85)

OS info request (7 replies, 01/31/85)

cache designs (7 replies, 11/29/84)

AT&T vs. the toolkit approach (7 replies, 06/27/84)

Response to <1363@unc.unc.UUCP> <1712@gitpyr.UUCP> (6 replies, 05/12/86)

ORed indexes (6 replies, 05/11/86)

68k dbcc (6 replies, 05/06/86)

HP RISC comments (6 replies, 03/23/86)

Help Requested on 80386 TLB Details (6 replies, 12/17/85)

11/08/85 Dhrystone Benchmark Results (6 replies, 11/25/85)

This is serious! (6 replies, 08/12/85)

Strange architecture proposal (6 replies, 08/06/85)

Orthogonal addressing doesn't help multis. (6 replies, 07/08/85)

The little assembler that lies... (6 replies, 06/10/85)

Z800 & Z8000000000 preliminary specs to net.jokes please. (6 replies, 06/06/85)

Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory? (6 replies, 05/29/85)

multi-state logic (6 replies, 02/27/85)

OS INFO POST (6 replies, 02/26/85)

Alternate Computer Architectures (6 replies, 02/13/85)

RISC processors (6 replies, 11/22/84)

byte alignment (6 replies, 10/29/84)

Z800 -- any information ? (6 replies, 08/07/84)

ATT and the 3B (6 replies, 05/25/84)

What other topics besides RISC? (6 replies, 05/02/84)

Risc Over-blown (6 replies, 12/20/83)

Computing with Neural Circuits: (5 replies, 08/14/86)

oops, corrupted memory again! (5 replies, 05/06/86)

Computer Technology in USSR - circa 1955 to 1970 (5 replies, 03/15/86)

Hopfield Networks? (5 replies, 02/15/86)

IBM RT PC, 801, RISC horserace, etc. (5 replies, 02/06/86)

SCSI Bus Specification Sought (5 replies, 01/24/86)

Virtual mem (5 replies, 12/14/85)

You Motorola and Intel guys are giving me a *PAIN* !!!! (5 replies, 06/20/85)

"The Shared Memory Hypercube" Do you smell any smoke? (5 replies, 05/10/85)

RMS useful? (5 replies, 02/14/85)

RISC vs VAX (5 replies, 12/02/84)

Global memory usage in the 1401 (5 replies, 10/09/84)

Inconsistent bit addressing in the 68020: big- AND little-endian (5 replies, 09/01/84)

seeking information on lasers an (5 replies, 04/14/84)

risc registers vs. cache memory (5 replies, 12/11/83)

uP architecture and the NOVA (5 replies, 07/21/83)

Cray vs ICs, continued (5 replies, 06/15/83)

csh time command help (4 replies, 10/24/86)

The correct mean to use when comparing benchmark performance (4 replies, 10/05/86)

Incorrect Benchmark summary. (4 replies, 10/03/86)

What RISC is REALLY all about! (4 replies, 07/23/86)

What's so good about FORTH? (4 replies, 07/01/86)

Cray "A" processor (4 replies, 05/22/86)

How Many Virtual Spaces (4 replies, 04/29/86)

risc questions (4 replies, 03/22/86)

Intrest in a "net.dsp" (4 replies, 03/19/86)

What is MIL-STD-1750A? (4 replies, 03/18/86)

RISC vs INTEL (4 replies, 03/14/86)

IBM 370 TOD clock resolution (4 replies, 03/05/86)

Oh no! More integer division (4 replies, 03/05/86)

Representations of Real Numbers (4 replies, 02/16/86)

Apple's IWM; Floppy Disk Controllers (4 replies, 01/22/86)

What if IBM... (4 replies, 12/30/85)

Memory Rules of Thumb (4 replies, 12/11/85)

Are "discrete" CPUs faster than VLSI? And why? (4 replies, 12/07/85)

Cray-2 impressions (4 replies, 10/17/85)

Tagged architectures (4 replies, 10/07/85)

IBM 360 float (4 replies, 08/19/85)

Integer division on the Intel iAPX86,8 (4 replies, 08/14/85)

Floating Point Rounding (4 replies, 08/08/85)

Discussion topic -- Human interface? (4 replies, 07/31/85)

A feature, not a bug (4 replies, 06/30/85)

attocode? (4 replies, 06/27/85)

flexible-instruction-set machines (4 replies, 06/25/85)

I don't believe your statements abou (4 replies, 06/03/85)

Hyperhelp, please? (4 replies, 04/23/85)

Transputer and occam (4 replies, 04/04/85)

Yet another language (4 replies, 04/02/85)

IBM claim that 370 has "64 bit architecture" (4 replies, 03/30/85)

Cosmic Cube and Transputers. (4 replies, 03/24/85)

simple SASI/SCSI interfaces (4 replies, 02/26/85)

time for a RISCy bus (4 replies, 01/29/85)

Performance of VAX/780/750, Pyramid & Sun (4 replies, 08/14/84)

AT&T and the 3B*2: FLAME! (4 replies, 06/27/84)

68020 vs. 32032, pros and cons (4 replies, 06/25/84)

Cray-XMP v/s VP-200 (4 replies, 05/22/84)

Does C depend on ASCII? (4 replies, 05/22/84)

MTBF of Crays. (4 replies, 05/04/84)

STOP THIS LASER TALK IN NET.ARCH !!! (4 replies, 04/21/84)

BBN C machine? (4 replies, 08/14/83)

RISC operating system (4 replies, 06/28/83)

TOPS-10 History (3 replies, 10/25/86)

VERY LARGE main memories; HOW M (3 replies, 10/23/86)

Anyone got a list of references on cache memories? (3 replies, 10/09/86)

GaAs (3 replies, 09/26/86)

Logic Cell Arrays (3 replies, 09/22/86)

Long integers on the Cray? (3 replies, 08/19/86)

Would a Personal UNIX box Like This Interest You? (3 replies, 07/01/86)

AT&T MIPS claim really task-switching (3 replies, 06/17/86)

Linking Time (3 replies, 05/26/86)

Digital Signal Processing Newsgroup (3 replies, 03/29/86)

Computer art (3 replies, 03/21/86)

Self-modifying code (3 replies, 03/20/86)

All the Chips that (3 replies, 03/20/86)

pointers to freshly minted func (3 replies, 03/19/86)

Apple's new Cray (3 replies, 03/10/86)

dhrystones on the IBM RT PC (3 replies, 02/08/86)

clear screen on a IBM 327x terminal (3 replies, 12/24/85)

Unix w/o Memory Mgt.; what the IBM PC could have been (3 replies, 12/19/85)

ECLIPSE Floating Point Format. (3 replies, 12/16/85)

Fast RAM with a "clear" pin (3 replies, 12/13/85)

Challenge to Intel (3 replies, 12/07/85)

386/68020 blather (3 replies, 11/18/85)

Computer Skin (3 replies, 10/21/85)

Cache revisited + page tables (3 replies, 10/10/85)

Glitch Phenomenon (3 replies, 10/09/85)

Scientific Computing and mips (3 replies, 09/03/85)

Answer to: What do you call the "blockhouse" now? (3 replies, 08/10/85)

Is this serious? (3 replies, 08/05/85)

Cleverness in the WE-32001 (3 replies, 08/02/85)

Sparse addressing info wanted (3 replies, 07/10/85)

x86/68x buses (3 replies, 07/10/85)

Novix Forth chip seen at Rochester Conference (3 replies, 06/24/85)

68020 benchmarks?? (3 replies, 06/13/85)

x86/68x buses ; two-level microcode (3 replies, 06/12/85)

assembly v.s. HOL (3 replies, 05/01/85)

inside the OS vs. outside the OS (3 replies, 03/27/85)

Locking, again (3 replies, 03/16/85)

DEC PRO350 Floating Point (3 replies, 03/15/85)

Automated Structured Analysis (3 replies, 02/14/85)

NCR's 32-bit microprogrammable chip (3 replies, 02/14/85)

QMS Laser Printers (3 replies, 02/07/85)

new Hitachi 32bit microprocessor chip (3 replies, 12/04/84)

RISC chips. (3 replies, 11/25/84)

68020 Performance Revisited Again (3 replies, 11/13/84)

68020 Performance Revisited after re (3 replies, 11/08/84)

To Flag or Not to Flag... (3 replies, 11/08/84)

68020 Performance Revisited after reading IEEE Micro (3 replies, 11/02/84)

"When to go to CMOS", or, "Is Schottky dead" (3 replies, 10/11/84)

Nothing New Here / Re: VAX Floating Point (3 replies, 09/14/84)

3B2 performance not phenomenal? (3 replies, 06/26/84)

What's in a 3b2? (3 replies, 06/09/84)

68020 vs. 32032 (3 replies, 06/09/84)

"another RISC" machine (3 replies, 05/23/84)

Supercomputer Applications - Call For Papers (3 replies, 05/03/84)

IBM "Single Level Store" / Re: Why Not Virtual Files? (3 replies, 04/30/84)

Foonly-10 (3 replies, 03/27/84)

Barrel Shifters (3 replies, 07/15/83)

Biochips... or bull chips? (3 replies, 01/28/83)

an idea for higher capacity disks (2 replies, 11/07/86)

Floating point performance & Mr (2 replies, 10/26/86)

MC68030 Cache Organization (2 replies, 10/04/86)

Intel 386/Unix Benchmarks (2 replies, 10/01/86)

Optimizing assemblers (2 replies, 09/12/86)

Delayed Branches (2 replies, 09/07/86)

Data Stack in the Symbolics 3600 (2 replies, 08/16/86)

What's RISC all about ... REALLY? (2 replies, 07/29/86)

MIPS (2 replies, 05/25/86)

Question on Transputers and virtual memory (2 replies, 05/24/86)

Multiple Page Sizes (2 replies, 05/23/86)

Help on Thinking Mach. Inc. (2 replies, 05/23/86)

Intel iPSC-VX Supercomputer? (2 replies, 05/14/86)

connection machine articles (2 replies, 05/04/86)

timing study of uVAX II instructions (2 replies, 05/04/86)

CRAY Question (2 replies, 05/02/86)

MIPS's machine (2 replies, 04/24/86)

IEEE f.p. standard (2 replies, 04/22/86)

Optical Computers (2 replies, 03/19/86)

address != data != instruction length (2 replies, 03/19/86)

pointers to freshly minted functions. (2 replies, 03/18/86)

Occam under Unix? (2 replies, 03/12/86)

help choosing cache sizes (2 replies, 03/06/86)

Fault Tolerant Systems (2 replies, 03/04/86)

insuring command recovery delays, etc. (2 replies, 02/28/86)

IBM RT PC - Open-ness (2 replies, 02/19/86)

Integer Division; interesting approach! (2 replies, 02/18/86)

S-100 spec? (2 replies, 02/01/86)

First PC/RT benchmark!! (2 replies, 01/27/86)

8 bit microprocessor popularity (2 replies, 01/21/86)

DMA controller chips (2 replies, 01/17/86)

TLB entry invalidation (2 replies, 01/01/86)

Data General Eclipse Floating Point Format (2 replies, 12/25/85)

caches in vector machines (2 replies, 12/24/85)

WICAT DRYSTONE results and an observation (2 replies, 12/22/85)

Unix C benchmarks (2 replies, 12/08/85)

IOCALL Benchmark results (2 replies, 12/05/85)

Integer Multiplier Question (2 replies, 12/02/85)

Intel and IBM (2 replies, 11/27/85)

What if IBM Had chosen the 68000? Not what you think (2 replies, 11/23/85)

more on the 386! <FLAME> (2 replies, 11/10/85)

Virtual memory and stuff (2 replies, 11/08/85)

Foreign Language Technical Material (2 replies, 10/19/85)

More on Metastibility (2 replies, 10/11/85)

286 stack overflow (2 replies, 09/12/85)

MMU Cache revisited (2 replies, 08/22/85)

The problem with high-order truncation of multiplication (2 replies, 08/05/85)

"If I had a chip that..." (2 replies, 07/22/85)

better late... (2 replies, 07/10/85)

SASI/SCSI standards (2 replies, 07/08/85)

Re to the nth: 286 vs. 68k (2 replies, 06/18/85)

Standard cells vs gate arrays in cost (2 replies, 06/12/85)

"Intel takes wraps of 386" (2 replies, 05/20/85)

Assembly VS HOL: Having it both ways (2 replies, 05/09/85)

Assembly VS HOL: A (2 replies, 05/03/85)

smarter terminal device drivers (2 replies, 05/02/85)

dumber terminal device drivers // DG AOS does it right (2 replies, 05/01/85)

topology of highly connected computer systems (2 replies, 04/30/85)

Time penalty for non-alignment on VAX/780 (2 replies, 04/02/85)

Record and File Locking (2 replies, 04/01/85)

getting a million processors together (2 replies, 03/25/85)

IBM and those upper 8 bits (2 replies, 03/19/85)

CCI Power/6 (2 replies, 03/04/85)

Cube designs (2 replies, 03/02/85)

Multi-valued logic (2 replies, 03/01/85)

Definitions of SASI/SCSI? (2 replies, 02/27/85)

Uses of rms (2 replies, 02/26/85)

RMS considered harmfull... (2 replies, 02/22/85)

NASA Ames Research Center Seminar (2 replies, 01/30/85)

looking for ATLAS computer reference (2 replies, 10/29/84)

binary normalization (2 replies, 09/19/84)

IEN 137: On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace (2 replies, 09/10/84)

consistent bit addressing in the 68020 (2 replies, 08/28/84)

net.digital: low overhead refresh controller? (2 replies, 06/01/84)

Pyramid comes through for HHB (2 replies, 05/19/84)

Boundary alignment: Ken Reek responds (2 replies, 05/17/84)

lets talk supercomputer micro-archit (2 replies, 05/01/84)

Use Of Multiple Register Sets / Re: RISC perspective (2 replies, 03/22/84)

Page Size - Again (2 replies, 02/06/84)

Complement Arithmetic, -0 as a tag (2 replies, 02/03/84)

risc registers and cache (2 replies, 12/15/83)

uP caches, cont'd. (2 replies, 12/15/83)

BCC 550 (2 replies, 04/28/83)

Instruction Questions (1 reply, 11/02/86)

I80386 Multiprocessing and External Caches (1 reply, 11/01/86)

ETA-10 (1 reply, 10/28/86)

really long integer arithmetic vs floating point (1 reply, 10/21/86)

SUID bits and access lists (1 reply, 10/08/86)

MIPS R2000 (1 reply, 10/04/86)

PDPs & Virtual Mem (1 reply, 09/28/86)

paging and loading: more from Denning (1 reply, 09/25/86)

Very Long Addresses (1 reply, 09/22/86)

Call for Papers (1 reply, 09/16/86)

Hardware Description Systems? (1 reply, 09/11/86)

Real Reasons For Large Main Memories (1 reply, 09/11/86)

Cyber 205 (1 reply, 09/11/86)

Large Main Memories (1 reply, 09/10/86)

Symbolics Lisp Release 7 (1 reply, 09/06/86)

VERY LARGE main memories: cryptography (1 reply, 09/02/86)

Dual Port Memory (1 reply, 08/26/86)

8/14/86 Dhrystone Benchmark Report (1 reply, 08/20/86)

Enough already! (1 reply, 08/08/86)

Current Status of Karp Challenge (1 reply, 07/28/86)

Outside Influences on Chip Design (1 reply, 07/27/86)

MIPS machine (1 reply, 07/25/86)

Request for Dhrystone Results (1 reply, 07/22/86)

top down vs. bottom up design was strange sex (1 reply, 07/21/86)

funnel shifter (1 reply, 07/20/86)

Tiny Modules, very deep (1 reply, 07/14/86)

CSA 68020 piggyback board (1 reply, 07/02/86)

The New UNIX Box: Second Design Round, and Reply Summary (1 reply, 07/01/86)

FORTH machine (1 reply, 06/06/86)

Digital Signal Processing (1 reply, 05/23/86)

programmer friendly assembler. (1 reply, 05/19/86)

Using C as an aid to hand writin (1 reply, 05/16/86)

Using C as an aid to hand writi (1 reply, 05/15/86)

iAPX 432 (1 reply, 05/13/86)

UNIX on multibus-II (1 reply, 05/11/86)

Source for LINPACK benchmarks (1 reply, 05/10/86)

Byte order (1 reply, 05/08/86)

Arch support for C (1 reply, 05/07/86)

How Many ... (1 reply, 05/05/86)

Suspected "popf" bug in Intel 80286 (1 reply, 05/03/86)

Caching virtual addresses (1 reply, 04/23/86)

PDP-11 "red and green" stack violation (1 reply, 04/23/86)

Identifying an iAPX series processor (1 reply, 03/27/86)

RISC cache vs CISC u-code -- bogus numbers (1 reply, 03/19/86)

RISCs, caches, and vertical migration (1 reply, 03/18/86)

thoughts of chairman Seymour (1 reply, 03/16/86)

Cmore Kray (1 reply, 03/15/86)

not missing anything (1 reply, 03/12/86)

Floating point (1 reply, 03/12/86)

MIPS R2000 RISC chip (1 reply, 03/11/86)

The PDP-8 -- the first RISC architecture (1 reply, 03/06/86)

Random Rounding in Floating Point (1 reply, 03/04/86)

timing loops, summary and proposal (1 reply, 03/02/86)

Timing sensitive devices (1 reply, 02/25/86)

vme bus couplers? (1 reply, 02/21/86)

"Origins of an Architecture: 801/RISC" (1 reply, 02/16/86)

68020 vme boards and machines. (1 reply, 02/12/86)

condition codes (1 reply, 02/10/86)

Fairchild Clipper (1 reply, 02/02/86)

IBM RT PC virtual memory (1 reply, 01/31/86)

IEEE floating point doc or info? (1 reply, 01/22/86)

Comparing Cyber 205 & Crays (1 reply, 01/06/86)

Data General Eclipse Floating Point (1 reply, 12/30/85)

net.os/mod.os (1 reply, 12/29/85)

caches in vector machines and Dhrystone (1 reply, 12/26/85)

Info on parallel processor and memory interconnection (1 reply, 12/24/85)

History of MS-DOS (1 reply, 12/21/85)

Vote for mod.os (1 reply, 12/21/85)

Why is net.os taking so long? (1 reply, 12/17/85)

Unix w/o Memory Mgt.; what the IBM P (1 reply, 12/14/85)

What if IBM had chosen the 68000 (1 reply, 12/07/85)

What if IBM Had chosen... (1 reply, 12/06/85)

M68020 and SUN3 (1 reply, 11/30/85)

Anyone have any 68070 info? (1 reply, 11/30/85)

help with PDP 11-34 (1 reply, 11/29/85)

Floating Point Chip Architecture (1 reply, 11/25/85)

32332 info (1 reply, 11/22/85)

Delays in sending out copies of my multiprocessor bibliography (1 reply, 11/22/85)

Flame Re: 386 Family Products (1 reply, 11/21/85)

TLB design, nostalgia, & the PDP-8 (1 reply, 11/14/85)

386 advertising on the net (1 reply, 11/09/85)

386 Family Products, OS-Merge (1 reply, 11/08/85)

more on the 386! <FLAME-retardant> (1 reply, 11/07/85)

Net.Compiler (1 reply, 11/04/85)

systolic processor? (1 reply, 10/21/85)

Latest Drystone Benchmarks Posted to net.sources (1 reply, 10/18/85)

CLIPPER Microprocessor Information "800" Number (1 reply, 10/15/85)

Range-checking isn't an architecture issue (1 reply, 10/13/85)

clipper (1 reply, 10/09/85)

Uninitialized variable checking (1 reply, 10/06/85)

how to handle range checking (1 reply, 09/30/85)

286 Stack Overflow Detection (1 reply, 09/14/85)

80286 v.s. 68010 -- the debate continues? (1 reply, 09/13/85)

Memory timing and other picture postcards (1 reply, 09/09/85)

Inertia in machines (1 reply, 08/19/85)

16+ bit Op-systems: where too? (1 reply, 08/04/85)

RISC and MIP (1 reply, 08/02/85)

hobbyist organization (1 reply, 08/02/85)

Re**n: RISC (1 reply, 07/26/85)

multiplying with normal size result (1 reply, 07/22/85)

Floating pt. A/D converter (1 reply, 07/16/85)

68000 "small model" (1 reply, 07/10/85)

16032 code generation (1 reply, 06/29/85)

Infrequency of integer multiplies (1 reply, 06/26/85)

Keywords: ELXSI, Dryden Flight Facility, EMBOS (1 reply, 06/21/85)

680x0 vs 80x8y vs 320xy debate (1 reply, 06/19/85)

MMUs and OSs (1 reply, 06/11/85)

Building One-of-a-Kind Systems (1 reply, 06/09/85)

X86 / 68XXX (1 reply, 06/07/85)

The little assembler that lies... WE32xxx (1 reply, 06/07/85)

what really happens during a bus acknowledge? (1 reply, 06/03/85)

68020 benchmarks (1 reply, 05/24/85)

dumber terminal device drivers // DG (1 reply, 05/16/85)

Microprocessor Simulators on Unix?? (1 reply, 05/12/85)

meta assemblers (1 reply, 05/07/85)

MIPs, But really IDC numbers (1 reply, 04/16/85)

segmentation vs. file I/O (1 reply, 04/01/85)

Reply on using the top eight bits of pointers on a 68000 (1 reply, 03/31/85)

VMS / RMS (1 reply, 03/25/85)

Using top eight bits of pc on 68000 (1 reply, 03/18/85)

SASI/SCSI (1 reply, 03/07/85)

Cube designs vs. x,y,z bus. What is it? (1 reply, 03/06/85)

Ray-Tracing Processor (1 reply, 03/02/85)

Hypercubes (1 reply, 03/01/85)

cube vs. x,y,z (1 reply, 02/27/85)

How did they really make the XT/370? (1 reply, 02/14/85)

Structural analysis (1 reply, 02/10/85)

Anybody on the net really familiar with Soviet computers (1 reply, 12/21/84)

DEC RISC Development (1 reply, 12/07/84)

Query for stats on instruction usage (1 reply, 12/07/84)

RISC Bibliography (1 reply, 12/04/84)

DEC's OCTART (1 reply, 12/02/84)

I/O consensus (1 reply, 12/02/84)

I/O concensus? (1 reply, 12/01/84)

Virtual versus Real address caches (1 reply, 11/22/84)

8086 flag bit stylistics (1 reply, 11/19/84)

Benchmarking research (1 reply, 11/09/84)

68020 performance (1 reply, 11/01/84)

360 versus 370, MVCL, ICM, etc. (1 reply, 10/25/84)

page-up problem/question (1 reply, 10/21/84)

byte alignment and interleaving (1 reply, 10/13/84)

What "CFD" means (1 reply, 10/13/84)

Research Jobs CWI @ Amsterdam (1 reply, 10/08/84)

Disk caches?? (1 reply, 10/04/84)

How about a net.cad, net.cae, net.cam, or net.cat newsgroup? (1 reply, 10/02/84)

Inconsistent bit addressing (1 reply, 09/10/84)

pyramid advt. in unix/world (1 reply, 09/04/84)

Popcorn Announcement (1 reply, 08/19/84)

Hardware Implementations of Cellular Automata (1 reply, 08/12/84)

U Maryland Proc. Workshop on High Level Computer Arch. (1 reply, 06/28/84)

AT&T's new Personal Computer (1 reply, 06/19/84)

3b2 performance. (1 reply, 06/19/84)

Chip Speed / Re: 68020 vs. 32032, ... (1 reply, 06/18/84)

IBM comm processors versus the Model 50 (1 reply, 05/29/84)

RISCy assertions... (1 reply, 05/22/84)

disappointing supercomputer? (1 reply, 05/16/84)

byte alignment -- bit addressable memories (1 reply, 05/15/84)

lets talk supercomputer micro-architecture! (1 reply, 05/02/84)

Network in-a Box (1 reply, 04/28/84)

net.physics for lasers? (1 reply, 04/26/84)

seeking information on lasers and other interesting lighting effects (1 reply, 04/01/84)

RISC perspective -- register variables (1 reply, 03/30/84)

Stack Caching (1 reply, 03/26/84)

One"s complement machines and C logic (1 reply, 02/01/84)

One's complement machines and C logic (1 reply, 01/28/84)

FPUs for 16k vs 68k vs 432 vs x86 (1 reply, 01/04/84)

Q's about RISC and HLLs (1 reply, 12/16/83)

Univac 1100 registers (1 reply, 12/13/83)

registers vs. caches (1 reply, 12/13/83)

RISC vs. 432 (1 reply, 11/30/83)

Trans-puters?? (1 reply, 10/17/83)

RISC REFERENCES follow-up (1 reply, 10/14/83)

RISC references (1 reply, 10/01/83)

houxj.205: Re: Biochips... or bull chips? (1 reply, 01/27/83)

net.arch is being renamed comp.arch (0 replies, 11/07/86)

"Neuron" Chips at AT&T (0 replies, 11/07/86)

AI Machine Performance (0 replies, 11/07/86)

Speed is the one true performanc (0 replies, 11/06/86)

discs with variable density (0 replies, 11/06/86)

Why optical disks are slow to seek etc... (0 replies, 11/06/86)

Let's start a trend! (0 replies, 11/04/86)

Looking for Manchester peoples... (0 replies, 10/30/86)

uP Technology: What's in a Micron? (0 replies, 10/30/86)

processors with gearshifts (0 replies, 10/28/86)

Which supermini is the best? (0 replies, 10/28/86)

Nasty Instructions (0 replies, 10/28/86)

Looking for refs. for Remote Procedure Call/Stub Compilers (0 replies, 10/25/86)

really long integer arithmetic v (0 replies, 10/24/86)

Instructions (0 replies, 10/23/86)

Virtual Caches - UC Berkeley SPUR Project (0 replies, 10/23/86)

68030 etc (0 replies, 10/23/86)

IEEE 754 "inexact exception" (0 replies, 10/23/86)

Request for info.: large, fast (0 replies, 10/23/86)

11/4 10am NASA Seminar Alan Karp (0 replies, 10/23/86)

Metrics (0 replies, 10/22/86)

Chips and Systems (0 replies, 10/22/86)

IOCALL Benchmark (0 replies, 10/21/86)

10/21 Alan Karp (0 replies, 10/16/86)

Changing meanings of words (0 replies, 10/15/86)

10/15/86 Dhrystone Benchmarks (0 replies, 10/15/86)

Benchmark Numbers for MIPS M/500 Dev. System long (0 replies, 10/15/86)

Cache Size (0 replies, 10/14/86)

Access times of BIG memories (0 replies, 10/11/86)

NEC uPD7281 Image Pipelined Processors (0 replies, 10/10/86)

Words (0 replies, 10/08/86)

I80386 EDN Benchmarks (0 replies, 10/07/86)

Translation Buffer Hit Rate (0 replies, 10/06/86)

Means - was Re: Benchmarks in August IEEE Micro (0 replies, 10/03/86)

SUID Patent and TOPS-10 History (0 replies, 10/03/86)

Patents (0 replies, 10/03/86)

Patents, Re: 68000 Memory Managment (0 replies, 10/02/86)

The Motorola 68030 (0 replies, 09/30/86)

paging and loading: more from D (0 replies, 09/28/86)

Information About Clipper Technology from Fairchild (0 replies, 09/26/86)

My BIG Mistake in Description of Use for BIG Memories (0 replies, 09/26/86)

LCA's (0 replies, 09/25/86)

68030, summary of preliminary review (0 replies, 09/24/86)

electrons as a bound on memory s (0 replies, 09/23/86)

Prior Art, RAS/MMU overlap, RAS from low address lines (0 replies, 09/23/86)

Storing into pipeline (0 replies, 09/22/86)

TMS 32020 Tools needed on UNIX (0 replies, 09/20/86)

Virtual Memory on Supercomputers (0 replies, 09/19/86)

paging, VM, and Peter Denning (0 replies, 09/19/86)

Shared vs. Paged memory (0 replies, 09/18/86)

80386 vs. 68020 (0 replies, 09/17/86)

paging, virtual memory, and everything... (0 replies, 09/17/86)

Need info on Fault Tolerant Operating Systems (0 replies, 09/16/86)

vfork (0 replies, 09/16/86)

Very large memories on 370 class machines (0 replies, 09/14/86)

VERY LARGE main memories; HOW MANY ELECTRONS IN A DUST SPECK? (0 replies, 09/11/86)

Query: low $ fault-grading on VAX (0 replies, 09/11/86)

Fairchild Clipper? (0 replies, 09/10/86)

hypercube demo programs (0 replies, 09/08/86)

mod.telecom (0 replies, 09/05/86)

Zero memory in 1 second / CG Bell (0 replies, 08/29/86)

68020 analysis project (0 replies, 08/29/86)

Is COFF object file format being used by Berkeley? (0 replies, 08/27/86)

Silicon Compilers (0 replies, 08/25/86)

Benchmark Sources (0 replies, 08/14/86)

RISC delayed branch (0 replies, 08/12/86)

Correction to DSP56200 Tech Summary Table I (0 replies, 08/08/86)

DSP56200 and FIR filter performance (0 replies, 08/07/86)

3b2 architecture documentation (0 replies, 08/04/86)

DSP56200 Cascadable Adaptive FIR Filter Chip Technical Description (0 replies, 08/03/86)

Looking for information on floating-point chips (0 replies, 08/01/86)

influence on commercial microprocessors (0 replies, 07/31/86)

What's RISC all about ... REALL (0 replies, 07/31/86)

OEM development systems (0 replies, 07/29/86)

Farming out the implementation Re: Top-down vs. Bottom-up (0 replies, 07/26/86)

next-generation RISC? was top down vs. bottom up design (0 replies, 07/25/86)

HILO ROUTINES OF AMD CHIPS NEEDED ! (0 replies, 07/23/86)

Top-down vs. Bottom-up (0 replies, 07/22/86)

new trw/other dsp chips? (0 replies, 07/21/86)

What RISC is really all about (0 replies, 07/18/86)

A joke. (0 replies, 07/18/86)

CSA 68020 board - works now, with mods (0 replies, 07/18/86)

Addition followups to "The Mythical MIPS" (0 replies, 07/17/86)

System Archetecture (0 replies, 07/11/86)

General parallelism (0 replies, 07/11/86)

Again, Why Not vfork (0 replies, 07/11/86)

Virtual Machines (0 replies, 07/10/86)

RISC/CISC combinations (0 replies, 07/08/86)

UNIFIELD (0 replies, 07/07/86)

CLIPPER Module is NOT CISC! (0 replies, 07/06/86)

Benchmarks wanted (0 replies, 07/03/86)

Riscs and compilers (0 replies, 07/03/86)

Unix V vs. Xenix V Performance (0 replies, 07/03/86)

compiler optimization vs. microcode optimization (0 replies, 07/02/86)

Visual programming (0 replies, 06/24/86)

malloc with size keeping (0 replies, 06/22/86)

C sources: Linpack and whetstone (0 replies, 06/21/86)

Task switching or LDPCTX/SVPCTX revisisted again (0 replies, 06/19/86)

MIPS vs. USERS (0 replies, 06/17/86)

Answers to your questions about FORTH (0 replies, 06/17/86)

Thanx for reply (0 replies, 06/17/86)

RRe: What's so good about FORTH? (0 replies, 06/14/86)

Slander on OC Async Buses (0 replies, 06/12/86)

Logic Simulation and Logic Minimization Programs (0 replies, 06/12/86)

AT&T MIPS claim please, no more; power = jillions (0 replies, 06/12/86)

IEEE 754 Floating Point Test Vectors (0 replies, 06/11/86)

IBM S/36 CPU < IBM PC? (0 replies, 05/31/86)

Where did the term "coprocessor" come from? (0 replies, 05/30/86)

iAPX186 DMA addressing (0 replies, 05/26/86)

linking (0 replies, 05/24/86)

Summary of info re: disk drives, SCSI (0 replies, 05/23/86)

Computation and Information Theory (0 replies, 05/20/86)

Vision `86 Exposition (0 replies, 05/19/86)

UNIX & OS-9 (0 replies, 05/18/86)

Inmos Transputer Board (0 replies, 05/13/86)

occam (0 replies, 05/13/86)

Kekule, "browsing systems" (0 replies, 05/12/86)

Architecture Simulation (0 replies, 05/11/86)

Realtime OS (0 replies, 05/10/86)

smart I cache (0 replies, 05/05/86)

DIS benchmarks (0 replies, 05/02/86)

8087 Bug ? (0 replies, 05/01/86)

Realtime Operating System (0 replies, 04/30/86)

Thinking Machines / D. Hillis (0 replies, 04/30/86)

talk about performance... (0 replies, 04/30/86)

Benchmarking Prolog Systems (0 replies, 04/28/86)

Response to <4495@cbrma.UUCP> <763@bentley.UUCP> (0 replies, 04/28/86)

Simple Instructions in Parallel (0 replies, 04/23/86)

Information about Disk Drives (0 replies, 04/23/86)

Elementary Transcendental Functions in IEEE Arithmetic (0 replies, 04/23/86)

Benchmarks and C/Unix (0 replies, 04/23/86)

IEEE f.p. standard - rather long (0 replies, 04/22/86)

red and green (0 replies, 04/22/86)

"yellow" and "red" zones in the stack (0 replies, 04/22/86)

char->int conversions (0 replies, 04/20/86)

Single VA space/TLB flushing (0 replies, 04/19/86)

Commercially Available RISC Unix Boxes (0 replies, 04/18/86)

Z80K???? (0 replies, 04/16/86)

Wanted: VMEbus T1 interface and/or 56 kbps (0 replies, 04/11/86)

WANTED: Occam & Transputer Info. pointers (0 replies, 04/09/86)

risc questions really, smart I cache from ancient history (0 replies, 04/07/86)

Need Help!!! (0 replies, 04/04/86)

Executing data on a vax (0 replies, 04/04/86)

Anyone out there experienced with the STD bus? (0 replies, 04/01/86)

03/31/86 Dhrystone Benchmark (0 replies, 04/01/86)

need Whetstone (0 replies, 03/30/86)

Flame Re: Digital Signal Processing Newsgroup (0 replies, 03/26/86)

performance metric (0 replies, 03/24/86)

1802 Bogosity (0 replies, 03/21/86)

Split instruction and data caches (0 replies, 03/19/86)

high level language RISC machines (0 replies, 03/18/86)

Seymour Cray (0 replies, 03/17/86)

on Alliant computers (0 replies, 03/17/86)

urisc macro package (0 replies, 03/17/86)

What this nation needs is a good 5c core plane (0 replies, 03/14/86)

ROM's in Core stores (0 replies, 03/14/86)

Machine Independent Floating Point (0 replies, 03/13/86)

Computer Technology in USSR - circa (0 replies, 03/12/86)

Caches & RISC (0 replies, 03/11/86)

Interpreters (0 replies, 03/10/86)

Oh no! More integer division REALLY: Interval Arithmetic (0 replies, 03/08/86)

FTC (0 replies, 03/07/86)

Separate I/D caches. (0 replies, 03/07/86)

insuring command recovery delays, et (0 replies, 03/06/86)

UN*X clock chip anyone? (0 replies, 03/05/86)

Recap on floating point rounding (0 replies, 03/04/86)

Second SIGOPS European Workshop: Making Distributed Systems Work (0 replies, 03/04/86)

Self-modifying code: what is it? (0 replies, 03/03/86)

INMOS Transputers query (0 replies, 03/01/86)

rounding (0 replies, 02/28/86)

Addressing modes really "RISCness" (0 replies, 02/28/86)

Optical processor announced (0 replies, 02/28/86)

"All the Chips..." found, again... (0 replies, 02/28/86)

Fault tolerance in VLSI and state machines (0 replies, 02/27/86)

self-modifying code, conditionals (0 replies, 02/27/86)

novel or natural architectures (0 replies, 02/26/86)

Array Processor Discussions on the Net (0 replies, 02/26/86)

Apple buys a Cray... (0 replies, 02/25/86)

Architecture of Integer Remainder (0 replies, 02/24/86)

unibus<->VME bus (0 replies, 02/22/86)

timing loops and context switching (0 replies, 02/21/86)

Fairchild Clipper Question (0 replies, 02/21/86)

IBM RT Documentation (0 replies, 02/21/86)

Testing: Don't bother to read. (0 replies, 02/21/86)

Transputer Architecture - No addressing modes (0 replies, 02/20/86)

glyphs (0 replies, 02/20/86)

"All the Chips..." found (0 replies, 02/19/86)

02/18/86 Dhrystone Benchmark Results (0 replies, 02/19/86)

All the Chips that Fit (0 replies, 02/19/86)

Unix wire wrap support. (0 replies, 02/19/86)

Infinite indirection (0 replies, 02/18/86)

Any kind of number representation. (0 replies, 02/14/86)

dhrystone request (0 replies, 02/13/86)

Integer division: a winner declared (0 replies, 02/13/86)

Integrated Solutions (0 replies, 02/11/86)

Transputer (0 replies, 02/11/86)

Latest IOCALL benchmark results (0 replies, 02/11/86)

Memory (0 replies, 02/09/86)

Integer divide (0 replies, 02/05/86)

S-100 spec? You may already have it in your library. (0 replies, 02/03/86)

IBM RT PC, 801, RISC horserace, (0 replies, 02/01/86)

ICL DAP anybody? (0 replies, 01/28/86)

Motorola 68000 Design Kit (0 replies, 01/24/86)

Benchmarking and the 68020 Cache (0 replies, 01/23/86)

Weitek 1164/1165 Floating Point Accelerator Performance (0 replies, 01/13/86)

C, Unix, and IEEE Floating Point (0 replies, 01/10/86)

Top ten in multiprocessing (0 replies, 01/06/86)

Info on parallel processor and memo (0 replies, 01/06/86)

how to outrun the prefetch queue? (0 replies, 12/30/85)

caches in vector machines and Dh (0 replies, 12/30/85)

Comparing Cyber 205s and Crays (0 replies, 12/26/85)

Orthogonal VS Symmetric Instr. Sets (0 replies, 12/21/85)

Process Migration Bibliography (0 replies, 12/20/85)

net.os flame - net.os 'me-too-ers' please read (0 replies, 12/19/85)

IOCALL results (0 replies, 12/18/85)

Why is everything cross-posted? (0 replies, 12/18/85)

Looking for info/experience with Novix NC4000 Forth chip (0 replies, 12/17/85)

Response to Fast RAM with a "clear" pin (0 replies, 12/17/85)

TTL simulator needed (0 replies, 12/17/85)

VLSI design tools request (0 replies, 12/17/85)

Vectorizing C Compilers (0 replies, 12/17/85)

Segmented Architectures (0 replies, 12/15/85)

12/13/85 Dhrystone Results (0 replies, 12/14/85)

386 paging, et al. (0 replies, 12/14/85)

Migration Requests (0 replies, 12/13/85)

ECLIPSE, IBM have same f.p. fmt (0 replies, 12/13/85)

Want Paging and/or Caching Implementations (0 replies, 12/13/85)

VAX simulator (0 replies, 12/12/85)

Any rumors about the National Semi RISC machine? (0 replies, 12/12/85)

XT/370 is microcoded 68000s (0 replies, 12/11/85)

Virtual memory (0 replies, 12/11/85)

Actually XT/370 and Re: IBM 801 (0 replies, 12/11/85)

Upward Compatibility Issues (0 replies, 12/09/85)

ANSI/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (0 replies, 12/06/85)

Need system with 180 users accessing 1 database (0 replies, 12/04/85)

Flast Screen Displays (0 replies, 12/03/85)

CMOS 68000 query (0 replies, 12/03/85)

Are N-cube or Alliant in the net? (0 replies, 12/01/85)

What if IBM Had chosen the 68000? No (0 replies, 11/24/85)

What if IBM Had chosen the 6800 (0 replies, 11/22/85)

Dynamic Process Migration in Dist'd Systems (0 replies, 11/21/85)

Please stop the 386 flaming (0 replies, 11/20/85)

98% hit rate on 386's TLB (0 replies, 11/19/85)

386 product info (0 replies, 11/13/85)

Looking for Process Migration (0 replies, 11/12/85)

Dhrystone vs. Whetstone (0 replies, 11/08/85)

Japanese TR, SX-2 (0 replies, 11/07/85)

386 (0 replies, 11/06/85)

Max address on 3B20 query (0 replies, 11/05/85)

Remember the Metastability Issue? (0 replies, 11/04/85)

shared libraries (0 replies, 11/04/85)

Efficiency of Languages (0 replies, 11/04/85)

Denelcor closes business. (0 replies, 11/04/85)

pyramid or unix help wanted (0 replies, 11/04/85)

Alliants FX series of computers (0 replies, 11/01/85)

386 Press release (0 replies, 10/31/85)

Summer Internships (0 replies, 10/31/85)

more on the 386! (0 replies, 10/31/85)

Sex Machine (0 replies, 10/30/85)

386 MicroMultics (0 replies, 10/23/85)

Dhrystones (0 replies, 10/22/85)

one thing at a time (0 replies, 10/19/85)

ARM (0 replies, 10/17/85)

test (0 replies, 10/14/85)

uninitialized data really CISC-vs-RISC, 432, Myers LONG (0 replies, 10/13/85)

Address and subscript checking (0 replies, 10/12/85)

Books on Bus Design (0 replies, 10/11/85)

NASA ARC Seminar -- H.T. Kung, WARP, 10/24, 1pm (0 replies, 10/11/85)

metastable problems and vocal academics (0 replies, 10/10/85)

REAL programmers (0 replies, 10/09/85)

The CLIPPER Microprocessor (0 replies, 10/08/85)

Multiple 68020's on VME not a problem. (0 replies, 10/07/85)

The Inmos Transputer (0 replies, 10/05/85)

18th Annual Microprogramming Workshop (0 replies, 10/03/85)

new editor for VMS (0 replies, 10/03/85)

Subscript out-of-bounds detection (0 replies, 09/30/85)

Alliant's FX/1 & FX/8 Super-minis: brief summary (0 replies, 09/26/85)

uninitialized data/nostalgia (0 replies, 09/23/85)

Cosmic Cube Info Needed (0 replies, 09/22/85)

"Solutions" magazine (0 replies, 09/20/85)

Big Blue vs Big Box? (0 replies, 09/20/85)

Needed: Disk Swapping Algorithm (0 replies, 09/16/85)

Triads (0 replies, 09/13/85)

Cache Revisited Really Data Caches are OK (0 replies, 09/12/85)

net.opsys anyone? (0 replies, 09/11/85)

New Topics for Discussion (0 replies, 09/09/85)

inquiry about VME-Bus based 68020 systems/software. (0 replies, 09/07/85)

Re**3: Cache Revisited (0 replies, 09/06/85)

Announcing: 10th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (0 replies, 09/05/85)

who's interested in a hobbyist group (0 replies, 08/25/85)

Databook Library: Let iNTEL do it (0 replies, 08/25/85)

Scientific Computing (0 replies, 08/23/85)

adb mods for address trace (0 replies, 08/23/85)

Wirewrap program (0 replies, 08/21/85)

Fault Tolerant Computers (0 replies, 08/20/85)

16-bit OS' (0 replies, 08/14/85)

Motorola 68881 Floating Point Chip Info (0 replies, 08/14/85)

Benchmarks (0 replies, 08/13/85)

This is serious? (0 replies, 08/12/85)

Info on Dec "dragon" chipset (0 replies, 08/12/85)

adb/dbx modifications (0 replies, 08/09/85)

68020 instruction cache size (0 replies, 08/09/85)

NEC 7220 Display Controller (0 replies, 08/08/85)

Hopfield model of neural responce? (0 replies, 08/07/85)

SS-50, SS-50C Bus Description and History (0 replies, 08/07/85)

Cached vs uncached MMUs (0 replies, 08/06/85)

16+ bit Op-systems: where to? (0 replies, 08/05/85)

Flaw in the architecture of the WE32100 (0 replies, 08/05/85)

Number Crunching Hardware? (0 replies, 08/04/85)

VME/Eurocard mech. stds. - help (0 replies, 08/03/85)

Addendum: Name of the organization (0 replies, 08/02/85)

Checking for Overflow after a Mu (0 replies, 08/01/85)

360 floating point range (0 replies, 07/31/85)

Multi-Processing UNIX (0 replies, 07/31/85)

Cray-2 talk (0 replies, 07/30/85)

IBM 360 float architecture probl (0 replies, 07/29/85)

Checking for Overflow after a Multiply (0 replies, 07/29/85)

Floating point DAC's (0 replies, 07/29/85)

Multiplication (0 replies, 07/28/85)

Need 68020 benchmarks (0 replies, 07/27/85)

WE32100 performance? (0 replies, 07/27/85)

Integer multiplies and divides, and the WE 32100 (0 replies, 07/25/85)

WE32100 internal organization (0 replies, 07/18/85)

MTU Supercomputer Workshop "Final" Program (0 replies, 07/16/85)

AT&T digital signal processor with floating point (0 replies, 07/11/85)

SCSI/SASI (0 replies, 07/11/85)

register variables allocation in Pyramids (0 replies, 07/09/85)

Intel 286 v.s. 68K ad: info request (0 replies, 07/03/85)

Translating technical papers (0 replies, 07/02/85)

Flexible Architectures, CISC's and RISC's (0 replies, 07/02/85)

Integer multiplies (0 replies, 07/01/85)

Rabbits and Lizards (0 replies, 06/30/85)

Ametek Supercomputer (0 replies, 06/28/85)

A feature, not a bug? (0 replies, 06/28/85)

One-of-a-Kind Systems (0 replies, 06/27/85)

RISC/CISC/microcode: (0 replies, 06/27/85)

want info re BBN's Butterfly Parallel Processor (0 replies, 06/26/85)

RISC/CISC/microcode: personal experi (0 replies, 06/25/85)

Multi Instruction set CISC (0 replies, 06/24/85)

iAPX-432 CDS (0 replies, 06/24/85)

RISC/CISC/microcode: personal experience (0 replies, 06/23/85)

Needed: 8031/8051 Assembler/Disassembler/Debugger (0 replies, 06/22/85)

IvsM: Memory protection + multiprocessors (0 replies, 06/20/85)

Re M680*0 "small model" (0 replies, 06/18/85)

AI and OS software engineering positions (0 replies, 06/18/85)

Bus locking for memory-to-memory instructions on multis. (0 replies, 06/17/85)

better late than never... (0 replies, 06/16/85)

IvsM: Memory protection (0 replies, 06/16/85)

PAL Design Software (0 replies, 06/16/85)

RISC/CISC - IBM mainframes & ancient history (0 replies, 06/15/85)

Help on butterfly requested (0 replies, 06/14/85)

Object Oriented Architectures and MMU's (0 replies, 06/12/85)

EA orthogonality (0 replies, 06/09/85)

286 compilers (0 replies, 06/07/85)

RISC branch delay slots and booger-bears (0 replies, 06/06/85)

Supercomputer Applications Workshop -- August (0 replies, 06/06/85)

^3 Need 286 "C" benchmark (0 replies, 06/05/85)

286 = 68020? (0 replies, 06/05/85)

The little assembler that lies... and RISC (0 replies, 06/03/85)

How to fab One-Of-A-Kind (0 replies, 06/02/85)

Differences between 8088 and 80286 ? (0 replies, 06/02/85)

ACM SIGBIG Seminar (0 replies, 05/31/85)

simulator for 68000 (0 replies, 05/30/85)

Pardee orthogonality (0 replies, 05/29/85)

Intel 286 "C" Benchmark (0 replies, 05/28/85)

Multiprocessor GC, and programming languages (0 replies, 05/27/85)

TMS 9900 IAQ question (0 replies, 05/24/85)

Lisp Machine Type and GC Techniques (0 replies, 05/24/85)

Benchmarking for truth, not profit (0 replies, 05/22/85)

multiprocessors (0 replies, 05/20/85)

i empathize with your comments on multiprocessors (0 replies, 05/20/85)

Programming in Parallel and/or with Vectorization -- request (0 replies, 05/19/85)

Shared runtime libraries - summary of responses (0 replies, 05/19/85)

Celerity C1200 Computer (0 replies, 05/18/85)

How to fab one-of-a-kind systems, wire-wrapping (0 replies, 05/16/85)

Z800 preliminary specs (0 replies, 05/16/85)

uniprocessors are really multiprocessors (0 replies, 05/16/85)

Big-Endian vs Little-Endian (0 replies, 05/11/85)

Why I am a cynic about multiprocessor flaming (0 replies, 05/10/85)

"The Shared Memory Hypercube" (0 replies, 05/05/85)

Butterfly, Connection machine announced (0 replies, 05/03/85)

Intel 386 (0 replies, 05/02/85)

Seminar, Ken Sevcik, 5/9, Queueing Net Models (0 replies, 05/01/85)

ACM SIGBIG Meeting, Al Despain, UCB, Aquaris Project (0 replies, 05/01/85)

Cluster-11 multi-processor system (0 replies, 04/30/85)

merci... (0 replies, 04/30/85)

How much Memory? (0 replies, 04/28/85)

Wanted: HP-550 Benchmark information (0 replies, 04/26/85)

request info: funct prog & arch conf (0 replies, 04/26/85)

topology (0 replies, 04/24/85)

Modula II has Process variables and control Transfer (0 replies, 04/22/85)

Cray XMP multitasking (0 replies, 04/20/85)

alternative to current circuit board technology (0 replies, 04/12/85)

Looking for HDL's supporting firmware (0 replies, 04/09/85)

Need timings for 68020 and floating point coprocessor. (0 replies, 04/06/85)

SCSI-multibus host adapter (0 replies, 04/05/85)

Dumb terminal drivers (0 replies, 04/03/85)

VMS RMS infallability (0 replies, 04/02/85)

APL as a parallel language (0 replies, 04/01/85)

Commercial Presentation, Chet MacIntosh, Scientific Computer Systems (0 replies, 03/30/85)

RMS and dead horses (0 replies, 03/28/85)

Parallel constructs in languages (0 replies, 03/28/85)

Locking, VMS Locking on Unix, INGRES (0 replies, 03/28/85)

IBM 360 and those upper 8 bits (0 replies, 03/21/85)

Hypercube development work at LANL (0 replies, 03/19/85)

NASA Ames Research Center SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT (0 replies, 03/19/85)

Ballistic transistors, TE-M Mag Article (0 replies, 03/18/85)

Josephson & IBM (0 replies, 03/17/85)

File systems inside/outside OS kernel. (0 replies, 03/15/85)

IBM 3278 (0 replies, 03/14/85)

OS Locking and Paged file systems (0 replies, 03/13/85)

Sparse Addressing (0 replies, 03/13/85)

File Locking (0 replies, 03/09/85)

Article on Unix vs. VMS (0 replies, 03/09/85)

Help on choosing a bus (0 replies, 03/07/85)

is either cdc or eta systems on the net? (0 replies, 03/07/85)

CONLAN HDL inquiry (0 replies, 03/05/85)

Need a microprogramming consultant! (0 replies, 03/04/85)

intel's cube (0 replies, 03/04/85)

ACM SIGBIG meeting Bay area (0 replies, 03/02/85)

iPSC, Intel's Personal Supercomputer (0 replies, 03/01/85)

More on disk interfaces (0 replies, 02/28/85)

24 vs 32bit address spaces (0 replies, 02/27/85)

ST506 interface chip wanted (0 replies, 02/27/85)

SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT NASA Ames Research Center (0 replies, 02/27/85)

wanted: info on wafer-scale integration (0 replies, 02/26/85)

naive question (0 replies, 02/26/85)

SCSI info request (0 replies, 02/22/85)

RMS useful!!!!!!!! (0 replies, 02/21/85)

Pitfalls of current SASI/SCSI controllers (0 replies, 02/20/85)

RMS useful? {MEDIUM LENGTH} (0 replies, 02/20/85)

NCR-32 chip set (0 replies, 02/19/85)

Great C.S. Books (0 replies, 02/19/85)

Info on new INTEL parallel cpu (0 replies, 02/15/85)

Whetstone wanted for VAX 11/750 without FPA (0 replies, 02/15/85)

Need Info on Memory Mapped Files (0 replies, 02/14/85)

Auto SA (0 replies, 02/13/85)

Multi-processor system with differing CPU types (0 replies, 02/11/85)

References on Silicon Compilation. (0 replies, 02/09/85)

PFF algorithm question (0 replies, 02/09/85)


ACM SIGBIG meeting (0 replies, 02/06/85)

Computer Architecture Simulator (0 replies, 01/29/85)

Pyramid Technology (0 replies, 01/18/85)

National 16082 (0 replies, 01/16/85)

Has anybody heard? (0 replies, 01/15/85)

NASA Announcement of Opportunity - Research Principals wanted (0 replies, 01/14/85)

Block mode (0 replies, 01/14/85)

BCD in C - adding a little substance (0 replies, 12/19/84)

680xx architecture analysis - part 3.b (0 replies, 12/14/84)

680xx architecture analysis - part 3.a (0 replies, 12/14/84)

680xx architecture analysis - part 2 (0 replies, 12/14/84)

680xx architecture analysis - part 1 (0 replies, 12/14/84)

680xx architecture analysis (0 replies, 12/14/84)

Want info on INMOS transputer. (0 replies, 12/11/84)

Digital Music Synthesis Information Wanted (0 replies, 12/11/84)

ISP simulators (0 replies, 12/05/84)

The Convex Mini-Supercomputer (0 replies, 12/05/84)

... RISC vs. ... (0 replies, 12/03/84)

RISCy references (0 replies, 11/27/84)

real address cache example (0 replies, 11/27/84)

Timing simultion algorithmns wanted (0 replies, 11/21/84)

programmer-controlled cache (0 replies, 11/19/84)

CCI Power6 (0 replies, 11/05/84)

send CRA1$:[FALCONE]XMAIL.TMP (0 replies, 11/03/84)

Power6 (0 replies, 11/03/84)

New ECL VAX (0 replies, 11/02/84)

68020 requires a cache? (0 replies, 11/02/84)

ETA systems GF-10 (0 replies, 10/25/84)

ACM SIGBIG meeting announcement (0 replies, 10/25/84)

Proceedings wanted. (0 replies, 10/23/84)

Fujitsu visit NASA Ames (0 replies, 10/18/84)

Electrical CAE software/hardware (0 replies, 10/04/84)

Access Without AND / Re: Do You Use Bit Fields? (0 replies, 09/28/84)

Amdahl (0 replies, 09/18/84)

On Holy Wars: the etymology of 'First' (0 replies, 09/13/84)

Holy wars (0 replies, 09/12/84)

ELXSI 6400 (0 replies, 09/10/84)

Data flow seminar (0 replies, 09/06/84)

Vax floating point (0 replies, 09/05/84)

Inconsistent bit addressing in the 68020 -> VAX floating point (0 replies, 09/04/84)

bit addressing and floating point formats (0 replies, 09/04/84)

the VAX is ALMOST all little-endian (0 replies, 08/29/84)

Seminar - NASA Ames Research Center (0 replies, 08/25/84)

object architectures (0 replies, 08/18/84)

68020 -- Modules, Access Levels (0 replies, 08/16/84)

Help wanted with PDP-11/23 (0 replies, 08/10/84)

Ultrasonic question (0 replies, 08/09/84)

CLIP4 processor array (0 replies, 08/08/84)

Need docs on EBS machines (0 replies, 08/05/84)

Z800* architectures (0 replies, 08/02/84)

Inquiry: Ridge 32 computers (0 replies, 08/01/84)

z800 information (0 replies, 07/28/84)

Info request for Cray (0 replies, 07/25/84)

ACM SIGBIG meetings, near future (0 replies, 07/14/84)

PDP-11/73 upgrade for 11/23 (0 replies, 07/11/84)

DECPROM (0 replies, 07/02/84)

Microvax I performance? (0 replies, 06/29/84)

this is a test; ignore it. (0 replies, 06/27/84)

Fifth Generation Computer Group? (0 replies, 06/25/84)

any good way of implementing "recursion" in the dataflow model ? (0 replies, 06/22/84)

How many suns does it take to screw in a light bulb? (0 replies, 06/18/84)

IBM 4300 look-alike wanted (0 replies, 06/09/84)

Additional RISC bibliography (0 replies, 06/09/84)

Posting announcements for ACM SIGBIG to net.arch and ba.general (0 replies, 06/07/84)

net.digital: Floating-point chips (0 replies, 06/07/84)

net.digital: a High Performance Memory Address Register (0 replies, 05/30/84)

Wanted: Info on LSI-11 Q-bus interface chips (0 replies, 05/27/84)

WANTED: ISPS description of 8086/8088 (0 replies, 05/25/84)

CAM, CAM, who's got a CAM (0 replies, 05/23/84)

Burroughs machine (0 replies, 05/23/84)

3705 (0 replies, 05/23/84)

RISC manifesto request (0 replies, 05/23/84)

Cray- XMP and VP-200 (0 replies, 05/22/84)

Re : "another RISC" machine (0 replies, 05/22/84)

'another RISC' machine (0 replies, 05/22/84)

IBM 360 ASCII mode (0 replies, 05/21/84)

PSW ASCII bit definition from 360 Principles of Operation (0 replies, 05/20/84)

Burroughs? (0 replies, 05/18/84)

Moments In ASCII History / Re: Re: IBM-ASCII-C-Etc. (0 replies, 05/17/84)

Pyramid address (0 replies, 05/16/84)

Cray-2 performance (0 replies, 05/14/84)

little machines for big tasks (0 replies, 05/07/84)

Stop those silly little comparisons! (0 replies, 05/07/84)

BBN Butterfly. (0 replies, 05/06/84)

MTBF of Crays -- Seymour quips. (0 replies, 05/05/84)

C compiler for the (0 replies, 05/05/84)

RPG III / Re: IBM "Single Level Store" / Re: ... Virtual Files? (0 replies, 05/04/84)

MTBF on Crays (0 replies, 05/04/84)

MTBF of Cray-1's (0 replies, 05/03/84)

Virtual flies (0 replies, 04/28/84)

Pyramid arch. - byte addressability is an unnecessary frill (0 replies, 04/27/84)

pyramid architectural restra (0 replies, 04/27/84)

Long-winded cache coherence (0 replies, 04/26/84)

laser discussion dispute (0 replies, 04/24/84)

none. (0 replies, 04/20/84)

File Migration (0 replies, 04/17/84)

Wanted: Portable NMPC (0 replies, 04/17/84)

RISC & Smalltalk (0 replies, 04/12/84)

RISC reference (0 replies, 04/09/84)

Cache vs. Registers / Re: Hybrid Stack/Register Machines (0 replies, 03/29/84)

register variables in C (0 replies, 03/18/84)

Cache vs. Registers (0 replies, 03/18/84)

Stacks & Caches (0 replies, 03/17/84)

Reply to Foonly query (0 replies, 03/15/84)

request for names of stack machi (0 replies, 03/15/84)

IBM 801 Cache / Re: RISC perspective (0 replies, 03/13/84)

Large Dual Ported Memories (0 replies, 03/07/84)

Lisp Machines as a stack machine (0 replies, 03/02/84)

on looking for stack machines (0 replies, 03/02/84)

Wanted: code generation references (0 replies, 02/28/84)

request for names of stack machines (0 replies, 02/27/84)

Complement Arithmetic, -0 as tag vs unsigned (0 replies, 02/12/84)

Cal Tech's multiprocessor (0 replies, 02/10/84)

BBN Butterfly machine (0 replies, 02/10/84)

Choice of ones vs. twos complement (0 replies, 02/05/84)

Solving PDEs on an AD-10 (0 replies, 02/03/84)

Searching for a VAX-780 bug with rogue??? (0 replies, 02/03/84)

parallel aids (0 replies, 02/03/84)

One's complement damage through software (0 replies, 02/02/84)

Univac 1100 - Ones complement subtractive adder (0 replies, 02/01/84)

More ones' and twos' (0 replies, 01/31/84)

Looking for ISPS on Vax/Unix (0 replies, 01/21/84)

1k pages on a 1/2k page VM (0 replies, 01/20/84)

Choice of page size (0 replies, 01/17/84)

Virtual Machine (0 replies, 01/14/84)

nargs 16k versus 68k (0 replies, 01/10/84)

registers in memory (0 replies, 01/09/84)

FPUs for 16k vs 68k vs 432 vs x8 (0 replies, 01/07/84)

Microprogramming Cultures (0 replies, 01/05/84)

nargs and more ... (0 replies, 01/05/84)

16081 FPU with a 68000 (0 replies, 01/03/84)

Using a stack and dynamic instruction frequencies (0 replies, 12/31/83)

16032 information source (0 replies, 12/20/83)

Wanted: Info on National Semi 16032 (0 replies, 12/19/83)

market research (0 replies, 12/16/83)

Registers vs. cache (0 replies, 12/13/83)

Risc registers vs. cache (0 replies, 12/13/83)

Wanted: Info on National Semi 16032 family (0 replies, 12/12/83)

IBM 1130 mini had regs in memory too (0 replies, 12/10/83)

risc registers vs. cache mem (0 replies, 12/09/83)

Univac 1100 registers, TI9900, IBM 360 (0 replies, 12/08/83)

risc registers versus cache memory (0 replies, 12/01/83)

HLL RISC? (0 replies, 11/19/83)

RISC REFERENCES follow-up--also 370/XA (0 replies, 10/18/83)

Electronic grains (0 replies, 09/09/83)

Looking for parallel processor systems (0 replies, 08/19/83)

Synapse archi meeting (0 replies, 08/14/83)

Why the C machine has 10 bit chars (0 replies, 08/13/83)

digital design CAD tools (0 replies, 07/16/83)

CAD tools for digital circuits (0 replies, 07/16/83)

More iAPX 432 Information (0 replies, 07/15/83)

i432 info addendum (0 replies, 07/15/83)

loop registers? (0 replies, 07/12/83)

need intel 432 info (0 replies, 07/10/83)

birth of the 8080 (0 replies, 07/08/83)

RISC & microprogramming (0 replies, 07/05/83)

ECL circuit design (0 replies, 06/17/83)

CRAY 1 (0 replies, 06/15/83)

BCC 500 (0 replies, 05/25/83)

Systolic Array On a Chip: Summary (0 replies, 05/03/83)

Puzzle source (0 replies, 04/27/83)

Systolic Arrays on a Chip (0 replies, 04/16/83)

Edison Available (0 replies, 03/30/83)

Systolic Array on a Chip (0 replies, 03/08/83)

wanted: literature on pipelined, multiple-ALU machines (0 replies, 12/21/82)

Processor Ark Rumors (0 replies, 12/18/82)

Hardware Development Software Wanted (0 replies, 12/16/82)

RISC papers (0 replies, 12/07/82)

Request for 16032 info (0 replies, 12/04/82)

data flow machines (0 replies, 12/01/82)

Arvind's data flow machine (0 replies, 11/30/82)

Structured Logic Design Packages (0 replies, 11/10/82)

what is the S1? (0 replies, 10/31/82)

high speed mini-computers (0 replies, 10/28/82)

High Speed Floating Point Minis (0 replies, 10/26/82)

Goals (0 replies, 10/26/82)