[net.arch] RISC references

pparkinson@wateng.UUCP (Peter Parkinson) (09/27/83)

    I am looking for some reference material on the RISC architecture(s?).
Specifically I would like to why they came into being, which ones exist, and
has anyone evaluated the performance of the RISC (either in general or for a
specific implementation). I am writing a term paper for one of my courses
and my topic is to compare stack and RISC architectures with respect to

		thanks in advance

USENET: {allegra | utzoo} !watmath !wateng

pangrle@uiuccsb.UUCP (10/01/83)

uiuccsb!pangrle    Sep 30 21:01:00 1983

Here are a few given to me by B. Case before he left to make $:

Clark, D.W. and Strecker, W.D., ``Comments on `The 
Case for the Reduced Instruction Set Computer,''' Computer Architecture
News, Vol. 8, No. 6, October 1980, pp. 34-38.

Foderaro, J.K., Van Dyke, K.S., and Patterson, D.A., ``Running RISCs,''
VLSI Design, September/October, 1982.

Hennessy, J., Jouppi, N., Przybylski, S., Rowen, C., Gross, T.,
Baskett, F., and Gill, J., ``MIPS:  A Microprocessor Architecture,''
Proceedings from the 15th Annual Workshop on Microprogramming,
November 1982, pp. 17-22.

Katevenis, M.G.H, Sherburne, R.W, Patterson, D.A., and Sequin,
C.H., ``The RISC II Micro-Architecture,'' Submitted to the VLSI 83
Conference, August 83, Norway.

Larus, J.R., ``A Comparison of Microcode, Assembly Code, and
High-Level Languages on the VAX-11 and RISC I,'' Computer Architecture
News, Vol. 10, No. 5, September 1982, pp. 10-15.

Patterson, D.A., and Ditzel, D.R., ``The Case for the Reduced
Instruction Set Computer,'' Computer Architecture News, Vol. 8, No. 6,
October 1980, pp. 25-33.

Patterson, D.A. and Sequin, C.H., ``RISC I:  A Reduced Instruction Set
VLSI Computer,'' Proceedings from the Eighth Symposium on Computer
Architecture, May 1981, pp. 443-457.

Patterson, D.A. and Piepho, R.S., ``RISC Assessment:  A High-Level
Language Experiment,'' Proceedings from the Ninth Symposium
on Computer Architecture, April 1982, pp. 3-8.

Patterson, D.A. and Sequin, C.H., ``A VLSI RISC,'' IEEE Computer,
Vol. 15, No. 9, September 1982, pp. 8-21.

Radin, G., ``The 801 Minicomputer,'' Proceedings from the Symposium
on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating
Systems, March 1982, pp. 39-47.