hsc@mtuxo.UUCP (h.cohen) (07/03/86)
We ran the AIM suite on the AT&T PC6300 PLUS with AT&T UNIX/Simul-Task (UNIX SVR2) and with SCO XENIX V. Our SVR2 was notably faster than XENIX V on "logic" and notably slower on "tty." The other subscores were roughly comparable. As a matter of policy, we do not publish the exact numbers. They are too dependent on factors that change relatively frequently, like the disk speed, swap space size, etc. Also, we are working hard to improve our weakest areas, and I'm sure the XENIX vendors are doing the same. The main point is that you can not chose between XENIX and UNIX on some global speed or efficiency basis; you need to consider your own specific applications and conditions.