mark@umcp-cs.UUCP (Mark Weiser) (02/19/86)
We are looking into some board prototyping for a multiprocessor. We need at least a four processor prototype, and would prefer to have these wire-wrapped (instead of multiwire, say) so we can hand debug/augment them. BUT, we would also prefer not to hand wirewrap all four, and so to the question: Anyone know of (a) software running on Unix (4.xbsd, vaxes or suns) which helps create wirewrapping lists, and (b) companies which accept same? (These would probably be vmebus boards, probably triple-height.) Thanks in advance. -mark ---------- Spoken: Mark Weiser ARPA: mark@maryland Phone: +1-301-454-7817 CSNet: mark@umcp-cs UUCP: {seismo,allegra}!umcp-cs!mark USPS: Computer Science Dept., University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 -- Spoken: Mark Weiser ARPA: mark@maryland Phone: +1-301-454-7817 CSNet: mark@umcp-cs UUCP: {seismo,allegra}!umcp-cs!mark USPS: Computer Science Dept., University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742