[..] comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

Oldest | Popular

Multiple hard disk controllers possible??? (1 reply, 07/10/90)

MCA color hand scanners? (0 replies, 07/12/90)

PS/2 Harddisks (2 replies, 07/16/90)

Looking for more hard disk space... (1 reply, 07/17/90)

IBM PS/2 mouse --> IBM XT/AT (0 replies, 07/17/90)

Self-Destructing A PS/2 From Software (0 replies, 07/18/90)

PS/2 30 CPU I/O ports (1 reply, 07/20/90)

LAN Reference Material (0 replies, 07/21/90)

What kind of PC is it? (0 replies, 07/21/90)

Can IBM PS/2 have external 5.25'' and 3.5'' drives (0 replies, 07/23/90)

Questions about Model 80 (1 reply, 07/23/90)

5.25' floppy in ps2 (2 replies, 07/24/90)

Effect of mechanical stress on MCA board (2 replies, 07/24/90)

Survey of Infowindows Users (0 replies, 07/25/90)

Adding a 2nd hard drive to model 50Z (0 replies, 07/26/90)

PS/2 Model 80 components/cabinet wanted (0 replies, 07/26/90)

Adding An Extra HD To A Model 80-115... (4 replies, 07/27/90)

Where is 8514 driver rom located at? (0 replies, 07/27/90)

Using Syquest drives with Model 70s... (0 replies, 07/28/90)

For Sale (0 replies, 07/30/90)

patching LLFORMAT.COM (0 replies, 07/30/90)

8514/A, IBM/Core SCSI disks and Backup questions (0 replies, 07/31/90)

Replacement disk for PS/2-50 wanted (0 replies, 07/31/90)

Expansion boxes for PS/2 series (5 replies, 08/02/90)

NEC Graphics Engine (0 replies, 08/03/90)

Adding non-IBM ESDI drive to Mod 80-071 (1 reply, 08/06/90)

MCA joystick interface wanted (0 replies, 08/06/90)

Replace 360K with 1.2M ? (2 replies, 08/07/90)

External 5.25 drives 1.2/360 (0 replies, 08/07/90)

5.25 Add-on for a 55 SX??? (1 reply, 08/07/90)

IBM PS/2 Model 25/286 (0 replies, 08/07/90)

Additional Hard Drives for PS2 Model 50Z ? (0 replies, 08/09/90)

Model 50 hard drive (0 replies, 08/10/90)

Super VGA on built-in VGA (0 replies, 08/16/90)

Error message when booting PS/2 30 - msg. 163. (1 reply, 08/16/90)

Serial port troubles (0 replies, 08/16/90)

IBM PS/50 parallel port replacement (0 replies, 08/20/90)

Problems with NEC MultiSync 5D, PS/2-80 and AutoCad v 10 (0 replies, 08/21/90)

Adding additional hard disk and memory to IBM PS/2 Model 50Z - Query (0 replies, 08/22/90)

error message when booting my computer (3 replies, 08/23/90)

1024x768 monitors: 14" vs. 16+" (1 reply, 08/24/90)

LocalTalk (0 replies, 08/24/90)

replacing (1 reply, 08/25/90)

What is a PS/2 30/286 hard disk? (8 replies, 08/25/90)

Publishing Monitor for Model 70 (0 replies, 08/28/90)

Replacing the hard disk on a PS/2 Model 70 (2 replies, 08/28/90)

IBM PS/2 Optional Hard Disks (0 replies, 08/28/90)

Comparison of PS/2 55SX, 65SX, and others wanted (1 reply, 08/31/90)

Need help with printer driver (0 replies, 09/01/90)

AIX 1.1 PANIC on PS/2 model 70 (0 replies, 09/05/90)

External 5 1/4 floppys for PS/2 Model 70 (1 reply, 09/05/90)

Floppy Drive Change line (1 reply, 09/05/90)

Advice sought on adding HD to PS/2 50Z (0 replies, 09/06/90)

problem of installing ST4096 on ps2/80 (0 replies, 09/06/90)

repost: Hardcard in a Model 30-286? (3 replies, 09/06/90)

CPU data ports (0 replies, 09/09/90)

Disk Controller upgrade for AIX (0 replies, 09/12/90)

More disk space on PS/2 mod 50: how? (0 replies, 09/14/90)

IBM 3270 Emulation for PS/2 Model 55 (0 replies, 09/14/90)

PS/2 Monochrome video card (0 replies, 09/15/90)

Connecting a PS/2 to a Color Video Projector (0 replies, 09/15/90)

VGA Connector Pin Layout (0 replies, 09/15/90)

115K baud on PS/2's (3 replies, 09/18/90)

P.O.S.T. Error Codes (2 replies, 09/22/90)

Wild Mouse on PS/2 Model 25 & Model 30 (0 replies, 09/22/90)

Third-party HDA's for ps2/30 (0 replies, 09/22/90)

Additional hard disk for PS/2 model 70. (1 reply, 09/22/90)

Question: PS/2-70 memory board options (0 replies, 09/24/90)

ps/2 model 30 hard drive (0 replies, 09/25/90)

Hard Disk for a PS/2 Model30 (0 replies, 09/26/90)

sound card (0 replies, 09/28/90)

TEST (0 replies, 09/28/90)

Running ethernet card with SCO ODT on PS/2 mc? (0 replies, 09/29/90)

New hercules graphics card - opinions? (0 replies, 10/04/90)

Can I use 360K drive in PS/2 70 (1 reply, 10/06/90)

Ethernet Card for SCO TCP & IBM PS/2 Model 80 (0 replies, 10/06/90)

HD Expansion on Model 80-041 (0 replies, 10/07/90)

PS/2 Model 50 loses track of time (3 replies, 10/08/90)

AOX option board (0 replies, 10/09/90)

Zenith flat screen + PS/2 model 60 (0 replies, 10/09/90)

Intel-Above board, Model 55sx & 80 (0 replies, 10/09/90)

Upgrading MicroChannel (1 reply, 10/10/90)

UPS/Surge supressor info wanted (0 replies, 10/10/90)

memory for PCjr? (0 replies, 10/10/90)

i860 Wizard adapter?!?!?!??? (1 reply, 10/11/90)

Hardware Problem? (2 replies, 10/11/90)

WANTED: pinouts for an old PS/2 Model 30 (0 replies, 10/12/90)

Who fixes 8513 monitors. (0 replies, 10/15/90)

Bar Code Reader ? (0 replies, 10/18/90)

Copying 1.2M floppy to 1.44M (0 replies, 10/20/90)

Upgrading an OLD PS/2 30 (1 reply, 10/21/90)

Micro Channel Bus Extender/Protoboard (2 replies, 10/23/90)

Enhanced graphics cards (0 replies, 10/25/90)

PS/2 Schematics (0 replies, 10/25/90)

Can the PS/2 model 55SX run AIX? (0 replies, 10/25/90)

How do you put 1GB+ on a PS/2 model 80 (0 replies, 10/25/90)

How to connect a harddisk to an IBM-PS/2 Modell 30-002 (0 replies, 10/25/90)

bernoulli with a PS/2? (0 replies, 10/26/90)

PS/2 Model 50 with 8514/A problems (0 replies, 10/26/90)

Diagnostic error question (0 replies, 10/27/90)

Looking for sources for PS/2 SCSI adapters (0 replies, 10/29/90)

Apple LocalTalk Cards for PS2 systems (0 replies, 10/30/90)

Adding internal hard drive to PS/2 Model 50 (0 replies, 11/01/90)

Error codes (5 replies, 11/01/90)

Disk read problem & system-to-system disk drive compatibility (0 replies, 11/03/90)

Adding hard drive to PS/2 Model 50 (0 replies, 11/03/90)

8088 and 8086 was: <Re: Getting a free PS/2> (0 replies, 11/03/90)

adding a 2nd hard drive to Model 80 (0 replies, 11/05/90)

How do I low-level format a PS/2 model 30 ? (0 replies, 11/06/90)

Need Pricing for a PS/2 Mod 30 286 (0 replies, 11/07/90)

Getting a free PS/2 (6 replies, 11/07/90)

Monitor Problems (3 replies, 11/08/90)

PS/2 model 30 video upgrade (0 replies, 11/09/90)

comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware (0 replies, 11/09/90)

Enhanced graphics cards, XGA (2 replies, 11/09/90)

Addendum to How do I low-level format at PS/2 model 30 (0 replies, 11/10/90)

high-speed modems (1 reply, 11/11/90)

HELP!!! Need help identifying Mod. 70 chip. (0 replies, 11/12/90)

Replacing clock battery (1 reply, 11/13/90)

IBM PS/2 model 30-H21 hard disk replacement (0 replies, 11/13/90)

SCSI disk vendor/brand recommendations requested (0 replies, 11/15/90)

How to add a harddisk to an 80-041? (1 reply, 11/16/90)

Wanna tech support on ps/2 and apples ? (0 replies, 11/17/90)

How to add a hard disk to an 80-041 (0 replies, 11/17/90)

Adding a Hard Drive to PS/2 Mod 60 (2 replies, 11/18/90)

ANSWERS: adding a 2nd hard drive to a Model 80 (0 replies, 11/18/90)

SIMM chips in a PS2/30--upgradeable? (1 reply, 11/21/90)

Model 80 SCSI interface and 8514/A Display Adapter (1 reply, 11/21/90)

Price for PS/2 50z system? (0 replies, 11/23/90)

Manual for Magnavox 8CM873 Multimode Monitor (0 replies, 11/25/90)

Accessing Memory Above 1Mb (0 replies, 11/26/90)

30-286 Memory Upgrades (0 replies, 11/27/90)

OLICOM Token Ring Adapter MC/4 (0 replies, 11/27/90)

XGA 64K color mode (0 replies, 11/28/90)

POST Error Codes List (0 replies, 11/29/90)

Disk from model 30 wont be read in other machines (1 reply, 11/29/90)

Undocumented VGA Modes (0 replies, 11/29/90)

HELP with NOVELL/NETBIOS/WIN 3.0 question!!! (0 replies, 12/01/90)

MODEL 30 DISK PROBLEM FIXED--SHARE.EXE was problem (0 replies, 12/02/90)

2MB RAM in Model 50Z (1 reply, 12/03/90)

Memory boards for MCA bus (5 replies, 12/04/90)

Mouse programming problems (0 replies, 12/04/90)

ATI/Ultra, Genoa6600A, Paradise 8514/A Plus MC anyone ? (0 replies, 12/05/90)

Using a 3com ethernet board in a PS/2 model 80 with AIX 1.2? (4 replies, 12/05/90)

Can I upgrade a PS2-30-8086 with an Intel above board? (0 replies, 12/05/90)

Ethernet boards (1 reply, 12/06/90)

Which SCSI-Drives to use for PS/2 Model 90 ? (0 replies, 12/06/90)

IBM 8514 Display (0 replies, 12/07/90)

EXTERNAL Modem for Sale (0 replies, 12/08/90)

IBM 8513 FREE 'Fuzzy' Replacements (1 reply, 12/08/90)

ps2 floppys and 486's (0 replies, 12/11/90)

IBM PS/2 Model 55SX (8 replies, 12/13/90)

HD REPLACEMENT (0 replies, 12/14/90)

PS/2 55SX FOR SALE WITH PRINTER (0 replies, 12/15/90)

HD REPLACEMENT ON A PS2 30-286 (1 reply, 12/15/90)

IDE HARD DRIVES (0 replies, 12/16/90)

Switching boot from A: to C: (2 replies, 12/16/90)

268 to 386SX upgrades (3 replies, 12/16/90)

CONCLUSION: 30-286 HD REPLACEMENT (1 reply, 12/19/90)

AppleTalk for PS/2 (1 reply, 12/19/90)

ps/2 mouseport pin outs needed R (0 replies, 12/19/90)

Model 80 Memory Expansion / Novell (0 replies, 12/20/90)

Help! PS/2 Failure! (1 reply, 12/20/90)

sidekick and mouse (0 replies, 12/22/90)

SCO Xenix on PS2/65SX SCSI - Lots of Problems (1 reply, 12/24/90)

Error 162 on PS-2/50? (0 replies, 12/25/90)

MCA harddisk controller (1 reply, 12/26/90)

Error 162 on ps-2/50 (0 replies, 12/27/90)

PLUS Hardcard IIXL? (3 replies, 12/30/90)

Model 60 Hard disk problems (0 replies, 01/02/91)

PS/2 memory expansion card AND 8087 FOR SALE (0 replies, 01/03/91)

Replacement Model 70 E61 HD needed - cheap! (0 replies, 01/03/91)

Model 60 44 Mb Hard Drive Replacement (0 replies, 01/07/91)

PS2 30/286 error code (0 replies, 01/08/91)

Memory upgrade for PS2/30-8086...HOW? (0 replies, 01/11/91)

PS/2 Vidio probs? (0 replies, 01/11/91)

Epson RX-80 for sale (0 replies, 01/11/91)

com3 ports (0 replies, 01/11/91)

Future Domain MCS-700 SCSI controller (0 replies, 01/12/91)

FOR SALE: Computone 8-Port Board (0 replies, 01/14/91)

IBM 8513 monitor problems -- all 20 of them (5 replies, 01/14/91)

Easy fix for PS-2 floppy drives (0 replies, 01/15/91)

IBM 3270 Emulation Boards for sale (0 replies, 01/16/91)

VGA in a PS/2 model 25 (1 reply, 01/16/91)

NEC CDR-77 for sale (0 replies, 01/17/91)

Battery good but getting battery/configuration errors (0 replies, 01/17/91)

8514 monitor problems (0 replies, 01/18/91)

Alternate VGA card in PS2 30/286 (0 replies, 01/18/91)

emm386 on a mod. 80 (0 replies, 01/18/91)

5-1/4 inch form factor ST506/412 RAM disks wanted (0 replies, 01/19/91)

An Additional Hard Drive for PS/2 70 Querries (4 replies, 01/19/91)

Microchannel Specs Wanted (8 replies, 01/21/91)

Sick IBM 8513 Monitor (0 replies, 01/21/91)

IBM PS2 50z HD upgrade (0 replies, 01/22/91)

What to do with Model 60 and bad motherboard. (0 replies, 01/23/91)

4mb SIMMs for 55sx (2 replies, 01/24/91)

Still hunting ST506 RAM disks (0 replies, 01/24/91)

Anybody seen SIMMs with notches in the upper corners? (0 replies, 01/24/91)

Broken SIMM sockets (2 replies, 01/24/91)

how to blank 8514/A display? (0 replies, 01/24/91)

XGA? (1 reply, 01/25/91)

RAM disks (0 replies, 01/25/91)

IBM Model 8515 Monitor - Any good? (1 reply, 01/26/91)

FOR SALE: PS/2 SCSI interface; NEC CDrom player (0 replies, 01/26/91)

Problem with 3.5" drive??? (1 reply, 01/27/91)

PS/2 error codes (1 reply, 01/28/91)

Problem with 3.5" A drive??? (0 replies, 01/29/91)

advice on purchase of pc (0 replies, 01/29/91)

advice on the purchase of pc (0 replies, 01/29/91)

Flakey disk drive (1 reply, 01/31/91)

SIMM chips on a Model 80's motherboard--where? (2 replies, 01/31/91)

High capacity tape drives for PS/2, SCSI and OS/2 (1 reply, 02/01/91)

OS/2 upgrade problem (2 replies, 02/02/91)

ABIOS (4 replies, 02/02/91)

Selecting memories (0 replies, 02/02/91)

Sounds cards for MCA (2 replies, 02/02/91)

Wire-wrap tools (0 replies, 02/02/91)

IBM ProPrinter (0 replies, 02/03/91)

Need Help Printer to PS2/50z (0 replies, 02/06/91)

PS/2 benchmarking (0 replies, 02/06/91)

Good SCSI adapter for PS/2 ? (0 replies, 02/07/91)

3rd Party ESDI drives in Mod 80 (1 reply, 02/07/91)

PS/2 :^H- on boot (2 replies, 02/08/91)

Phoenix BIOS -- WAS: PS/2 :^H- on boot (0 replies, 02/08/91)

162 Error On Boot (1 reply, 02/08/91)

NCSA Telnet on PS/2 Model 55sx & 3Com 3c523 card. (1 reply, 02/11/91)

How to boot with a second disk (1 reply, 02/12/91)

PS/2 AIX 1.2 and 2 SCSI disks - any hints? (0 replies, 02/13/91)

P70 tape drives (1 reply, 02/14/91)

how to get rid of wait state on PS/2 60 ? (0 replies, 02/14/91)

ps/2 50 z MOUSE problems (1 reply, 02/14/91)

P70 storage expansion (0 replies, 02/14/91)

Using QTRONIX Mouse with PS/2 (0 replies, 02/15/91)

External 5 1/4 Drive Problem (0 replies, 02/17/91)

Summary Additional Harddive (0 replies, 02/18/91)

How do you configure a ps/2 model 30? (1 reply, 02/19/91)

Dvorak keyboard on Xstation or PS2? (1 reply, 02/19/91)

Compatability of memory chips (0 replies, 02/22/91)

Random problem - coprocessor segement overrun (0 replies, 02/22/91)

Rodime 5000S Info & Repair Info (0 replies, 02/22/91)

Adding memory to a Model 30-286? (3 replies, 02/22/91)

Adding memory to a Model 30-286 (1 reply, 02/22/91)

Running OS/2 on 486 clone ATs (0 replies, 02/22/91)

0.5 MB Memory Module Kit for sale (0 replies, 02/24/91)

Adding a hard disk to PS2 with MCA (1 reply, 02/26/91)

PS/2 Model 50 Harddisk questions (0 replies, 02/26/91)

SCSI Hard disk problems for 50Z (0 replies, 02/26/91)

Need help with MICROCONTROLLERS=========================== (1 reply, 02/26/91)

How to configure a PS/2 model 50 for using ext/expanded memory? (0 replies, 02/26/91)

PS/2 for sale (0 replies, 02/28/91)

Anyone know the going price for used Model 50 ? (0 replies, 02/28/91)

Seeking MCA MIDI card (5 replies, 03/02/91)

Two IBM 0.5MB Memory Module Kits for sale (0 replies, 03/03/91)

IBM PS/2 50Z for sale (0 replies, 03/03/91)

PS/2 Mouse ... (5 replies, 03/04/91)

Microchannel AppleTalk? (0 replies, 03/04/91)

For Sale: PS/2 Model 30 286 (0 replies, 03/05/91)

Upgrading to XGA? (0 replies, 03/05/91)

SCSI-2 controller with plain SCSI drive? (0 replies, 03/05/91)

Searching for SCSI controller boards (2 replies, 03/05/91)

A bigger drive for the 30-286? (0 replies, 03/05/91)

PS/2 Model 30 upgradable? ISA/MCA? Slots? -- Info needed (0 replies, 03/05/91)

Software looks at external 5.25" dirve unexpectedly (0 replies, 03/06/91)

PS/2 Hard Disk Upgrades (0 replies, 03/06/91)

need layout of IDE zones, and 386 control software (0 replies, 03/07/91)

Joystick Interface (1 reply, 03/08/91)

SCSI drive becomes reality! 135 meg! (0 replies, 03/09/91)

CMS tape drive for sale (0 replies, 03/09/91)

QEMM 5.11 and PS/2 80 (1 reply, 03/09/91)

Using serial mouse with IBM PS2 (0 replies, 03/10/91)

Sources for Replacement Drives? (0 replies, 03/14/91)

6157 tape drive on AT machine (3 replies, 03/14/91)

ROM's with MS-DOS (0 replies, 03/17/91)

adding memory (0 replies, 03/19/91)

Need info for adding more Hard disk space (1 reply, 03/19/91)

Error code messages (4 replies, 03/20/91)

PS2 30 286 faulty? (0 replies, 03/22/91)

AIX 1.2 for PS/2 and Boca Serial card? Won't work. (0 replies, 03/25/91)

Handyscanner for MCA (0 replies, 03/25/91)

IBM -- " Problems with 60 MB disks on some models" (0 replies, 03/29/91)

Video Windows (0 replies, 03/29/91)

MCA MIDI Card confirmed by Roland (0 replies, 03/29/91)

Harddisk swap (0 replies, 03/29/91)

Problem with XGA Board (1 reply, 03/29/91)

URGENT! Trouble installing Tecmar's MicroRAM 386 into Mod. 80-041 (0 replies, 03/29/91)

ps2 memory e000 (1 reply, 03/30/91)

Soundblaster for MCA (6 replies, 03/30/91)

Repartitioning PS/2 Fixed Disk--EMERGENCY! (0 replies, 03/30/91)

SALE: NEC LC-890 LASER PRINTER! (0 replies, 04/01/91)

Is there a 5.25 floppy for SCSI interface? (0 replies, 04/01/91)

Problem solved (0 replies, 04/01/91)

8514/A Clones for MCA? (2 replies, 04/02/91)

Help (2 replies, 04/02/91)

Model 30 hard drive problems (0 replies, 04/02/91)

IBM 55SX (1 reply, 04/03/91)

References on Micro Channel Architecture (0 replies, 04/03/91)

IBM PS2/30 Floppy Help Needed (0 replies, 04/03/91)

bizzare, contorted keyboards (0 replies, 04/03/91)

Memory managers/Adlib for MCA (0 replies, 04/03/91)

Memory managers/Adlib for MCA; QEMM plug (0 replies, 04/03/91)

PS/2 configurations (0 replies, 04/05/91)

Exchanging 3.5" floppies with non-PS2 machines (2 replies, 04/05/91)

Memory managers/Adlib (0 replies, 04/05/91)

8512 (0 replies, 04/05/91)

Why only 3968K OK ? 4 (0 replies, 04/06/91)

Resolving boot conflict (0 replies, 04/06/91)

Soundblaster for MCA? (1 reply, 04/06/91)

Why only 3968K OK ? 4096K installed (3 replies, 04/08/91)

ibm model 60 disk info (0 replies, 04/08/91)

Why only 3968K OK ? (0 replies, 04/08/91)

Model 70 hardware (1 reply, 04/08/91)

Here's some info on the MCA Hercules Graphics Station (0 replies, 04/09/91)

Wanted: Problems rundown for Model 55 (0 replies, 04/09/91)

Networking Lab (0 replies, 04/10/91)

IBM monitor repair notes (0 replies, 04/10/91)

mouse pinout (0 replies, 04/10/91)

Can I install external floppy drive as B:? (3 replies, 04/10/91)

Error 110 (0 replies, 04/11/91)

Here's some info on MCA SoundBlaster, question about Hercules board (0 replies, 04/12/91)

PS/2 30-286 memory (1 reply, 04/12/91)

Can I install external (0 replies, 04/12/91)

harddrive & memory question (4 replies, 04/12/91)

IBM MODEL 55SX REPOST!! (1 reply, 04/12/91)

Here's some info on MCA SoundBlaster (7 replies, 04/13/91)

Where is the UART? (1 reply, 04/14/91)

PS/2 55SX REPOST (1 reply, 04/15/91)

8512 Monitor and PS/2 SIMMs (0 replies, 04/15/91)

ibm model 60 disk info needed (1 reply, 04/15/91)

Planar board memory for 55sx: how much max? (0 replies, 04/15/91)

50Z Terrariums (0 replies, 04/15/91)

Adding Periphials to a PS2-30/286. (0 replies, 04/16/91)

Help! Invalid disk change. Drive A: (0 replies, 04/16/91)

DAT or streaming drive for PS2/55SX COM port? (0 replies, 04/16/91)

IBM drive types (1 reply, 04/16/91)

PS2 50Z question! (1 reply, 04/17/91)

4MB SIMMS for PS/2 70/75 (1 reply, 04/17/91)

Sytos Plus and IBM Internal Tape Backup Unit (1 reply, 04/17/91)

Model 60 Hard Drive Type? (2 replies, 04/17/91)

Memory Expansion for my Model 30-286 (0 replies, 04/18/91)

CD-ROM (0 replies, 04/19/91)

Multiple PC's to one laser printer??? (0 replies, 04/19/91)

info needed on SOTA 386SX upgrade board (6 replies, 04/22/91)

Info on PS/2 Planar Board Replacement (0 replies, 04/23/91)

IS P2/2 70 or 80 UART socketed? (1 reply, 04/24/91)

Summary: Help! Invalid Disk Change A: (1 reply, 04/24/91)

Frame grabbers/digitizers? (0 replies, 04/25/91)

SCSI Harddrive Controller (2 replies, 04/25/91)

DaynaTalk... (0 replies, 04/26/91)

IDE Hard Drive Woes (0 replies, 04/27/91)

Composite Video Output from PS/2 (3 replies, 04/27/91)

Hard-Disks for PS/2 P70 (0 replies, 04/28/91)

PS/2 Mouse Port & Logitech (3 replies, 04/29/91)

Help...Need heads/cyc on PS/2 Hard Drive. (0 replies, 04/29/91)

correct drive for a model 50? (0 replies, 05/01/91)

PS/2 Floppy Drive Problems (0 replies, 05/02/91)

Memory and disk drives (2 replies, 05/02/91)

386SX and 286 (0 replies, 05/02/91)

PS/2 hard drive expansion options - Model 70 E61 (1 reply, 05/03/91)

Hard drives for PS/2 model 30/286? (2 replies, 05/04/91)

Two drive rails in Mdl 70 (0 replies, 05/05/91)

What's the latest rev of the i486? (0 replies, 05/05/91)

***Power Protection*** (0 replies, 05/06/91)

Microway's FASTCache-SX/Plus (0 replies, 05/07/91)

PS/2 80 16Mhz, want to go 20Mhz/33Mhz, can it be done (0 replies, 05/07/91)

simm pinout (0 replies, 05/08/91)

Looking for information on IBM PS/2 70-B21 (1 reply, 05/08/91)

Need to compile 3rd party list (0 replies, 05/09/91)

POST error code 164... (2 replies, 05/11/91)

Calling Bob Eager (0 replies, 05/13/91)

PS/2 Model 50 math co-processors (0 replies, 05/14/91)

ITBU Questions (0 replies, 05/14/91)

Summary on SOTA 386SX processor upgrade (4 replies, 05/14/91)

MCA Soundblaster? (3 replies, 05/15/91)

Model 70 20MHz motherboard. (0 replies, 05/16/91)

Caching Controllers for MCA (0 replies, 05/16/91)

math coprocessor for ps/2 M50 (0 replies, 05/16/91)

Need Help on Getting Ethernet Card and NCSA Telnet to Work on PS/2-60 (0 replies, 05/17/91)

ATI 8514/ULTRA (1 reply, 05/17/91)

External floppy drive headache (1 reply, 05/18/91)

IBM 8513 monitor (2 replies, 05/19/91)

American PC in Europe (0 replies, 05/19/91)

Setup Program Needed... (1 reply, 05/20/91)

Help with system lockup (0 replies, 05/20/91)

Model 30-8086 replacement parts. (1 reply, 05/20/91)

IBM gripes (0 replies, 05/21/91)

all (2 replies, 05/21/91)

Cross Linked Clusters? (1 reply, 05/22/91)

Adding memory to PS/2 Model 80 (0 replies, 05/22/91)

PS/2 30 floppy question... (0 replies, 05/23/91)

Hooking up a Monitor.. (0 replies, 05/23/91)

55sx Upgrade (0 replies, 05/23/91)

thanks darius (0 replies, 05/23/91)

what are these boards (0 replies, 05/23/91)

Covox Inc. (0 replies, 05/23/91)

Identifying MCA boards. (0 replies, 05/24/91)

What is the best sound card on ISA or MCA ? (0 replies, 05/24/91)

Info on 8515 (2 replies, 05/24/91)

SnapIn 386: CPU upgrade for PS/2 50/60 (0 replies, 05/24/91)

Break-out Switch (0 replies, 05/25/91)

MCA SCSI controllers ? (4 replies, 05/26/91)

Upgrade 55sx (2 replies, 05/27/91)

BlueMax 5.1 & standard mode (0 replies, 05/29/91)

PS/2 30-286 CRASH (1 reply, 05/29/91)

Low-level formating non-IBM disk. What was that program??? (0 replies, 05/30/91)

Adaptec AHA-1640 and external device? (0 replies, 05/30/91)

PS/2 30/286 weird startup. (2 replies, 05/30/91)

PS/2 4Meg and 2Meg SIMMs for sale (0 replies, 05/31/91)

Infos about Cyrix 287 wanted (0 replies, 05/31/91)

BlueMax 5.1 & Standard mode Windows 3.0 (0 replies, 06/02/91)

MCA Prototype boards (0 replies, 06/03/91)

upgrading memory on ps/2 model 30/8086 (0 replies, 06/03/91)

30-286 Hard Drive (0 replies, 06/04/91)

ps2-upgrade (0 replies, 06/04/91)

SIMMS for 12 meg board different? (0 replies, 06/04/91)

Upgrading PS/2 50 memory, hard disk? (1 reply, 06/05/91)

SCSI <-> SCSI II (0 replies, 06/05/91)

New 386SX CPU Upgrades for 286 Based Machines (4 replies, 06/06/91)

8541a and PS/2 P70-121? (0 replies, 06/08/91)

Best music card for IBM imformation request (0 replies, 06/10/91)

8514/A; Are there any GIF viewers for this card??? (1 reply, 06/10/91)

IBM 50Z forsale, cheap (0 replies, 06/11/91)

I'd like to order generic 3.5" drives (0 replies, 06/11/91)

Memory beyond 2 Meg on PS/2 30? (0 replies, 06/12/91)

Using a 5.25" Disk on Model 65 (0 replies, 06/12/91)

Best music... (0 replies, 06/12/91)

Shake, Rattle, and Roll? (5 replies, 06/13/91)

MS DOS 5.0 on IBM PS/2's (0 replies, 06/13/91)

55SX HD interface (0 replies, 06/14/91)

Optical Disk build in PS2 (0 replies, 06/14/91)

HELP: IBM PS/2 Model 80 to NEC CDROM (0 replies, 06/15/91)

DOS 5.0 for IBM (0 replies, 06/15/91)

Install MS-DOS 5.0 on PS/2 w/PC-DOS 4.01?? (7 replies, 06/17/91)

HD installation (0 replies, 06/18/91)

Model 70 Hard Drive Expansion (1 reply, 06/20/91)

WANTED PS/2 30-286 HARD DRIVE (0 replies, 06/20/91)

PS/2 COnflicts with ESDI & SCSI (0 replies, 06/20/91)

FOR SALE : PS/2 MODEL 55sx (0 replies, 06/20/91)

IBM PS/2 Model 50 Clock and Mouse Problems (4 replies, 06/21/91)

DASDDRVR.SYS (0 replies, 06/21/91)

IBM CD-ROM (0 replies, 06/22/91)

ERROR: Lotus 123 and MS.DOS 5 and PS2-80 (2 replies, 06/23/91)

harddrives for PS/2 P70 ? (2 replies, 06/25/91)

Some spare parts for sale (1 reply, 06/26/91)

Low Level formatting on Model 30 (2 replies, 06/26/91)

55SX, Video Memory? (0 replies, 06/28/91)

new optical disks (2 replies, 06/29/91)

Need to upgrade my ps2 mod 50 --> 386 or 386sx (0 replies, 06/29/91)

Using two video adapters on a PS/2 65SX (0 replies, 06/29/91)

Extra hard drive for 55sx? (0 replies, 06/30/91)

PS/2 Error 10456 (0 replies, 07/01/91)