[comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware] Model 70 hardware

iheitla@cs.vu.nl (Ilja Heitlager) (04/08/91)

I recently got a IBM model 70, running SCO-ODT.
(nice package, only badly documented)
The only thing is I got the machine second-hand, and so I haven't got any
So my questions are:

1-	How much RAM can I put on-board.
2-	What's the square connector with all these pins.
3-	Can I add a second HardDisk or do I need a extra (SCSI) interface
4-	Why is the printer port on lp1 
5-	What sort of HardDisk interface has the Model70
6-	Is there a good book about the MCA-bus.


	Ilja Heitlager          | 
	Vrije Universiteit      | E-Mail <iheitla@cs.vu.nl>
	Amsterdam               |
	The NetherLands.	|            

timur@seas.gwu.edu (The Time Traveler) (04/08/91)

In article <9586@star.cs.vu.nl> iheitla@cs.vu.nl (Ilja Heitlager) writes:
>I recently got a IBM model 70, running SCO-ODT.
>(nice package, only badly documented)
>The only thing is I got the machine second-hand, and so I haven't got any
>So my questions are:
>1-	How much RAM can I put on-board.
Depends.  A model 70-A21, which is what I have, can hold 8MB on the 
motherboard, in 2MB SIMMS (i.e. 18 1 megabit SIMMs on two sides).  This
is the only memory it can take, and it has to be specially designed for
the PS/2 70-A21.  Most of the other 70's can only handle 6MB on the 
motherboard, but I don't know about any of their restrictions.

>2-	What's the square connector with all these pins.
Beats me.  I can't see the back of my computer now.  I can tell you that
there are a serial port, a parallel port, a keyboard port, and a mouse
port on every PS/2.  Maybe it's one of these?

>3-	Can I add a second HardDisk or do I need a extra (SCSI) interface
You need an extra interface.  There was a discussion on this earlier, and
the consensus was to go SCSI.

>4-	Why is the printer port on lp1 
Don't you mean LPT1?  You can change this with the Reference Disk, which
I think is totally cool.  I'd like to see Gateway pull this trick.

>5-	What sort of HardDisk interface has the Model70
I believe it's ESDI.  Norton 5.0 says my 120-MB harddrive is using ARLL

>6-	Is there a good book about the MCA-bus.
IBM has made the specs public, so you might ask them.  More I can't say.

----------------------------------------------------------- The Time Traveler
I used to love her                                          a.k.a. Timur Tabi
But I had to kill her                            Internet: timur@seas.gwu.edu
I had to put her six feet under                  Bitnet:         HE891C@GWUVM
And I can still hear her complain  - Guns 'n Roses