[comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware] American PC in Europe

keene@ecs.umass.edu (05/19/91)

Next year I will be attending the University of Kent in Canterbury 
England, and I was hoping to bring my PC over after I had settled 
down.  My question is what electrical problems will I encounter and 
how may I effectively remedy them.  I am currently using an IBM 
PS/2 MODEL 30 286, with an EPSON LQ-500, and an IBM Type 8513 VGA 
monitor.  I am also thinking about getting rid of this machine and 
converting over to a laptop 286 or 386SX, so any comments on such a 
move would be appreciated.  Please E-MAIL any responses, I'll post 
if there seems to be any interest in the topic.

Thank you,
Stefan Keene