(R.W.Kay) (12/04/90)
Dear NetWorld, Being new to this realm, I'll try and be short. Basically I have a problem regarding incompatibilities between a program I'm currently writing and the ps2 that needs resolved fairly quickly. Problem: Program bombs on a Ps2 Note: Works on all other machines tested, with register level compatible VGA cards. Diagnosis: Only thing that comes to mind, is that PS2 mouse (so I'm told is handled using the keyboard controller, since said program has a custom keyboard interrupt handler (timing is critical, so cannot rely on a DOS handler that may chain to endless amounts of TSRs), this could be the problem?? Anybody willing to give other diagnosis' (diagnosi??) then please email me. Even better if others could help me solve the problem ie how to recog. mice interrupts as opposed to keyboard interrupts then please email me. While I'm here could anyone tell me the secrets of the Amstrad mouse, I can't seem to get anything out of the driver using request 3 of mouse INT. I sincerely hope someone out there can help me, I'm bamboozled. Russell -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russell Kay ( | Programmer of PC Menace ) all PC Ballistix ) released PC Lemmings )by Psygnosis