Oldest | Popular
Help with PM programming (1 reply, 07/07/90)
#define SEG_NONSHARED ? (1 reply, 07/11/90)
Scrollbar thumbsize under os2, Ver. 1.2 (0 replies, 07/12/90)
Microsoft C 6.0 Bug - Please HELP !!!!!!! (4 replies, 07/16/90)
And alarm (0 replies, 07/18/90)
Production of PM Icon Editor readable bitmaps using alternative paint p (0 replies, 07/19/90)
Microsoft Applications Guide: Shipping Update, OS/2 Tools (0 replies, 07/21/90)
Help with editing (1 reply, 07/22/90)
Device Driver out of stack problem (0 replies, 07/27/90)
Programming graphics in PM (0 replies, 07/27/90)
OS/2 SQL Dynamic Programming (0 replies, 07/31/90)
connecting OS/2 across Token Ring (1 reply, 07/31/90)
IBM vs. Microsoft OS/2 programmers reference (0 replies, 07/31/90)
PM in Modula-2 (1 reply, 07/31/90)
SIGNALS while in a DLL (0 replies, 08/02/90)
NEC Graphics Engine (0 replies, 08/03/90)
Popup Window When a Program GPs in a System Call (0 replies, 08/07/90)
Netbios programming books? (0 replies, 08/08/90)
OS/2 Courses (0 replies, 08/09/90)
Zortech mailing list. (0 replies, 08/09/90)
Summary: Increasing number of file handles (0 replies, 08/09/90)
Digging up all the Domains in the Networks (0 replies, 08/13/90)
Increasing the number of file handles (2 replies, 08/13/90)
OS2 Device Drivers (0 replies, 08/14/90)
adjustclock (0 replies, 08/15/90)
QUERY: Where is LS_NOVERTSCROLL? (0 replies, 08/15/90)
OS/2 clock resolution (0 replies, 08/16/90)
Unix like alarm (0 replies, 08/17/90)
spawning (0 replies, 08/17/90)
file-segment limit exceeded (0 replies, 08/18/90)
ACTOR, CRYSTAL etc. comments please (0 replies, 08/19/90)
<None> (0 replies, 08/19/90)
Virtual Key for '5' on numeric keypad. (0 replies, 08/19/90)
Need C segment to get directory on OS2 (1 reply, 08/21/90)
WinIsVisible (1 reply, 08/23/90)
Description of DosQProcStatus (2 replies, 08/23/90)
OS/2 - UNIX Development Platform Comparison (0 replies, 08/24/90)
Full graphic window hardcopy (0 replies, 08/24/90)
MSC, DLLs, and cld (0 replies, 08/26/90)
OS/2 Network APIs (2 replies, 08/26/90)
Question: DOSCALLS.LIB and OS2.LIB (1 reply, 08/29/90)
Multiline Edit Controls (1 reply, 08/29/90)
wanted: hypertext system for os/2 (1 reply, 08/30/90)
Math Co-Processor Support; also W3.0 vs. PM (2 replies, 08/30/90)
Named pipes and DOS (1 reply, 08/31/90)
Information presentation facility DLL (0 replies, 08/31/90)
ISA Bus master cards and 80386+ Virtual 8086 mode (0 replies, 08/31/90)
3COM LANMAN and C600 (0 replies, 08/31/90)
MS Windows/PM API Interface for Mac or X? (0 replies, 08/31/90)
DOS window on PS/2 (1 reply, 09/01/90)
Dragging graphical objects (1 reply, 09/01/90)
HELP!!! OWNERDRAW hItem (2 replies, 09/02/90)
Debugging under Presentation Manager (2 replies, 09/03/90)
OWNERDRAW hItem/Changing control window's output (1 reply, 09/03/90)
NDIS for MS LAN Manager ? (1 reply, 09/04/90)
Drawing & Clipping (2 replies, 09/06/90)
X and OS/2 (2 replies, 09/07/90)
OS/2 2.0 APIsDOWN (1 reply, 09/09/90)
Device Driver gurus?? Info needed on RegisterStackUsage DevHlp call (0 replies, 09/10/90)
Books about OS/2 and/or PM (1 reply, 09/12/90)
OS/2 2.0 APIs (8 replies, 09/13/90)
RCS for OS/2 (0 replies, 09/13/90)
Presentation Manager Fonts for OS/2 (0 replies, 09/13/90)
Print Manager API (0 replies, 09/13/90)
PM don''t do ATI VGA + Mono card (0 replies, 09/14/90)
Strange Dynamic Link Library problems (0 replies, 09/14/90)
OS/2 device drivers and monitors (0 replies, 09/14/90)
text colors for 8514/a (0 replies, 09/15/90)
PM don't do ATI VGA + Mono card. (1 reply, 09/15/90)
S/36 RPGII and OS/2 (0 replies, 09/18/90)
OS/2 2.0 APIsDOWNDOWN (0 replies, 09/19/90)
Window Creation and rc (1 reply, 09/19/90)
Setting to text mode (0 replies, 09/20/90)
IOPL in 2.0 (1 reply, 09/21/90)
Want Emacs for OS/2 (1 reply, 09/21/90)
Jazzing up a Combobox's Listbox (0 replies, 09/24/90)
OS/2 2.0 WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (3 replies, 09/24/90)
80287-10 CoPro, C Programming Libraries and Apps FOR SALE (0 replies, 09/24/90)
C6.00 and errno (3 replies, 09/25/90)
wanted: PKZIP for OS/2 (4 replies, 09/26/90)
Shared memory usage (0 replies, 09/27/90)
OS/2 DOS compatible box (3 replies, 09/27/90)
OS/2 ver 2.0 Exception Handling API (0 replies, 09/27/90)
OS/2 2.0 C386 pass 2 out of heap space (1 reply, 09/29/90)
Microsoft OS/2 1.2 Device Driver Development Kit License (0 replies, 09/30/90)
Horses! (3 replies, 10/01/90)
IOPL under 2.0 (0 replies, 10/04/90)
Glockenspiel C++ (0 replies, 10/05/90)
OS/2 system crashes (2 replies, 10/10/90)
Drive ?: not ready. (3 replies, 10/10/90)
PM from SDK (4 replies, 10/11/90)
DosSystemService (1 reply, 10/11/90)
Help with HELPINIT! (1 reply, 10/11/90)
Graphics under OS/2? (0 replies, 10/11/90)
Problems with LN_ENTER & DID_OK (2 replies, 10/11/90)
DPMI (0 replies, 10/12/90)
<ctrl><alt><del> disable (0 replies, 10/17/90)
Codeview <-> thread exit (0 replies, 10/17/90)
SH & timeslicing (2 replies, 10/17/90)
RCS 4.3 for OS/2 (2 replies, 10/17/90)
Codeview <-> terminal I/O (1 reply, 10/17/90)
Discrete sine function programming (0 replies, 10/20/90)
piping behavior w/o piping! (0 replies, 10/22/90)
Setting FS_ICON bit during run-time (2 replies, 10/22/90)
OS/2 Rexx API (0 replies, 10/25/90)
Color Palletter for OS/2 (1 reply, 10/25/90)
discrete sin fuction programming (0 replies, 10/26/90)
Source Code Control Systems (0 replies, 10/26/90)
Double Menu Application (1 reply, 10/29/90)
Logitech Multiscope Debugger (1 reply, 10/29/90)
OS/2 profiler (3 replies, 10/30/90)
C Compilers for OS/2 (0 replies, 10/31/90)
Argosoft 4.3 BSD on OS/2 (0 replies, 10/31/90)
Microsoft C 6.0 Base Pointer (1 reply, 10/31/90)
Minimize a dialog box, get an icon? (1 reply, 11/01/90)
ALT and CTRL keys (1 reply, 11/01/90)
Different size Icons? (0 replies, 11/01/90)
CodeView crashes system (2 replies, 11/03/90)
Counting semaphores? (4 replies, 11/04/90)
PAX for OS/2 with HPFS (0 replies, 11/05/90)
Can OS/2 executables be built under DOS? (2 replies, 11/05/90)
OS/2 v 1.3 (0 replies, 11/05/90)
code to reboot OS/2? (0 replies, 11/06/90)
.LBM Graphics file format (0 replies, 11/06/90)
help ... covered windows (0 replies, 11/07/90)
if (4 replies, 11/07/90)
Minimized windows and Icons (1 reply, 11/07/90)
wanted: shell (0 replies, 11/07/90)
Help with setting the oicon for minimized window (1 reply, 11/08/90)
printf (3 replies, 11/10/90)
Needed: small Progs for PM (0 replies, 11/12/90)
OS/2 problem with AT clone (2 replies, 11/14/90)
MS Device Driver KIT (0 replies, 11/14/90)
device driver structures and constants (0 replies, 11/14/90)
SVGA drivers (0 replies, 11/14/90)
Programming Help with OS/2's Database Manager (1 reply, 11/15/90)
HELP (0 replies, 11/15/90)
Remote Named pipe (0 replies, 11/15/90)
Curses library (0 replies, 11/16/90)
AVIO Programming (0 replies, 11/16/90)
8514A limits? (3 replies, 11/19/90)
Dual Boot (0 replies, 11/19/90)
What is involved in OS2 Programming? (0 replies, 11/20/90)
DOS driver under OS/2 (6 replies, 11/21/90)
GpiCreateLogColorTable (0 replies, 11/21/90)
Dual Boot Info (0 replies, 11/22/90)
FCF_SIZEBORDER (1 reply, 11/27/90)
DBCS support for OS2 programs (0 replies, 11/27/90)
Dectection of HPFS File system? (14 replies, 11/28/90)
mode mono in an OS/2 fullscreen (1 reply, 11/28/90)
2 Menus (1 reply, 11/28/90)
Canceling Async Operations (0 replies, 11/29/90)
Directory of devices, semaphores, pipes or queues (0 replies, 11/29/90)
Wanted: Brainstorm look-alike to run under OS2 (0 replies, 11/30/90)
bug in MSC 6.00A (3 replies, 11/30/90)
Looking for Device Drivers (0 replies, 11/30/90)
Efficiency of DosDevioctl (0 replies, 12/01/90)
Counting SEMs in OS/2?!? (2 replies, 12/02/90)
ST01 & OS/2 clash (1 reply, 12/03/90)
changing fonts (2 replies, 12/03/90)
PM Programming, MSC 6.00, and PM SDK 1.2 (0 replies, 12/06/90)
LAN Manager protocols (2 replies, 12/06/90)
All of my problems with PWB and PM Programming. (0 replies, 12/06/90)
PM Programming, PM SDK, and MS C600 (2 replies, 12/06/90)
Launching FS or Windowed CUI Programs from Help (4 replies, 12/07/90)
OS/2 & clone (1 reply, 12/08/90)
OS/2 version 2.0 (0 replies, 12/09/90)
Summary: Version Control Systems (1 reply, 12/12/90)
Syncho[Dronizing listboxes in PM (0 replies, 12/13/90)
PM problem: Changing fonts in Dialogue Boxes (0 replies, 12/14/90)
Connect OS/2 EE to DECNet (1 reply, 12/14/90)
Info on 802.2 to token ring and ethernet (0 replies, 12/14/90)
'C' DevHlp interface (0 replies, 12/14/90)
AVIO ANSI cursor addressing (0 replies, 12/14/90)
Preemptive multitasking (2 replies, 12/15/90)
Help with WinMessageBox! (2 replies, 12/16/90)
Terminal Emulator or How Can I Read the Serial Port? (5 replies, 12/16/90)
Serial Port Problems (3 replies, 12/16/90)
Request for the articles on Graphics (0 replies, 12/16/90)
Large data areas (2 replies, 12/18/90)
Beginner's questions (2 replies, 12/18/90)
Rotating bit mapped fonts (0 replies, 12/19/90)
Fast a20 support?? (0 replies, 12/19/90)
Menu bars on dialog boxes (1 reply, 12/20/90)
remote windows (0 replies, 12/21/90)
Fast a20 support??? (2 replies, 12/22/90)
Programming Graphics in PM? (3 replies, 12/22/90)
Would some nice soul compile the serial port patch? (0 replies, 12/23/90)
Spread Sheets in PM (1 reply, 12/24/90)
WinAllocMem vs. malloc (0 replies, 12/28/90)
For Sale: OS/2 Extended Edition Ver 1.1 (0 replies, 01/04/91)
Am I on a PS/2? (0 replies, 01/05/91)
Fixed Fonts in List Boxes??? (0 replies, 01/05/91)
...ooops (0 replies, 01/05/91)
NFS for OS/2 ??? (0 replies, 01/07/91)
How to control VGA registers? (0 replies, 01/07/91)
How to change userid of spooled file (1 reply, 01/08/91)
WinQueryUpdateRect Question (0 replies, 01/09/91)
opinions 386 sx vs. 386 dx (1 reply, 01/09/91)
Max Open File Problem (3 replies, 01/11/91)
Patching HPFS & LAN MAN 2.0 (0 replies, 01/12/91)
pleasant window display (0 replies, 01/14/91)
NFS for OS/2 (1 reply, 01/14/91)
Using VioSetMode (2 replies, 01/15/91)
MSC 6.0A problem. (0 replies, 01/16/91)
curses for OS/2 wanted (0 replies, 01/16/91)
OS/2 LanManager 2.0 question (1 reply, 01/17/91)
C Programming Question (0 replies, 01/18/91)
How is this done? (0 replies, 01/19/91)
Problem with OS/2 monitor program (1 reply, 01/23/91)
MSC V6.0 for OS/2 1.1: problems (0 replies, 01/25/91)
Help with Named Pipes error messages (1 reply, 01/25/91)
OS2 question (1 reply, 01/26/91)
Using ZortechC/C++ for OS/2 PM Development (2 replies, 01/26/91)
Help with KBD routines (0 replies, 01/26/91)
Compiling with debug info using MSC6.0 (0 replies, 01/28/91)
Help using DosStartSession and error status (1 reply, 01/30/91)
Help with invalidating AutoRadio?Buttons? (2 replies, 01/31/91)
How to communicate with I/O devices in OS/2?? (0 replies, 02/01/91)
Advice with using VioGetPhysicalBuffer? (1 reply, 02/03/91)
Looking for example of OS/2 1.2 IPFC Help (0 replies, 02/04/91)
Help needed in migrating from DOS to OS/2 (0 replies, 02/05/91)
How to fix the warning C4058, DS!=SS (0 replies, 02/05/91)
Protected-mode Codeview debugs DOS-mode program? (0 replies, 02/07/91)
LONGNAMES (2 replies, 02/08/91)
Copiling warning, C4058 of MSC V5.1 - DS != SS (2 replies, 02/08/91)
Changing the color of the title bar in a dialog box? (0 replies, 02/08/91)
PM Button Control Question (1 reply, 02/09/91)
Dialog box logic (0 replies, 02/09/91)
LAN Server 1.2 (0 replies, 02/09/91)
missing #define in bsesub.h? (1 reply, 02/09/91)
Looking for example of OS/2 1.2 IPFC He (0 replies, 02/09/91)
taking control at startup (1 reply, 02/11/91)
Small dialog on my named pipe problem. (0 replies, 02/11/91)
Programming with named pipes, again (1 reply, 02/12/91)
LUA API on OS/2? (0 replies, 02/13/91)
How do you tell if you are minimized? (1 reply, 02/14/91)
STARTUP.CMD and EE V 1.3 (0 replies, 02/15/91)
Figuring out if I'm minimized? (1 reply, 02/15/91)
problem using ftp's pc/tcp with zortech C (0 replies, 02/16/91)
_Thompson Toolkit_ version 1.5 available for DOS and OS/2 (0 replies, 02/16/91)
MKS Shell .vs. Hamilton Shell (2 replies, 02/17/91)
.OBJ file format (0 replies, 02/17/91)
Followup to OS/2 Source Control Systems (1 reply, 02/19/91)
OS/2 Programming books forsale (0 replies, 02/21/91)
GPI Question (0 replies, 02/22/91)
Looking for a PM BMP to GIF converter... (0 replies, 02/23/91)
knowing when a child process has died (5 replies, 02/25/91)
Removing PM interface from OS/2 1.2 (1 reply, 02/25/91)
OS/2 5250 & PC/SUPPORT (0 replies, 02/27/91)
Modifying Button Appearance (2 replies, 02/27/91)
Microsoft's OLE spec. (1 reply, 02/28/91)
How to keep submenus from disappearing? (2 replies, 03/01/91)
C++ programming for Presentation Manager (1 reply, 03/03/91)
Looking for OS/2 TCP/IP products with RFC 1001/1002 (3 replies, 03/06/91)
WANTED: vt220 telnet for IBM OS/2 1.3 (0 replies, 03/07/91)
OS/2 1.2 EE CM X.25 Feature (0 replies, 03/08/91)
How to figure out the amount of stack space? (3 replies, 03/10/91)
Decommitted shared mem in 2.0? (0 replies, 03/12/91)
Multithreaded DLLs (1 reply, 03/13/91)
Drag and Drop Interface (2 replies, 03/15/91)
COM3, COM4 support (4 replies, 03/15/91)
RCS 5.5 for MS-DOS and OS/2 (0 replies, 03/15/91)
Help With Unblocking Threads (1 reply, 03/17/91)
Is this a good programming style? (0 replies, 03/18/91)
OS/2 1.2 and ESDI. Which work? (1 reply, 03/19/91)
Porting C under UNIX to OS/2 (1 reply, 03/19/91)
Hayes Applications Developers Conference (0 replies, 03/19/91)
reserving memory areas (0 replies, 03/19/91)
PID and Process name (1 reply, 03/20/91)
problem with obscure message from linker (1 reply, 03/20/91)
OS/2 EE 1.2 COMM MGR Problem (0 replies, 03/20/91)
PM Tools & Training (4 replies, 03/21/91)
Undocumented MEMMAN switch LP (1 reply, 03/21/91)
Combo Box HELP (0 replies, 03/22/91)
Pop-Up Window Style ? (0 replies, 03/22/91)
Size of Shared Segment (2 replies, 03/22/91)
Native-mode dot-matrix printer fonts (0 replies, 03/23/91)
How to access doscalls.lib from REXX ? (0 replies, 03/23/91)
Screen Captures in OS/2 (2 replies, 03/23/91)
Looking for OS/2 debugging tools (1 reply, 03/24/91)
RC Problem (4 replies, 03/24/91)
How do I detect an active TCP/IP (3 replies, 03/26/91)
DosDevIOCtl call in OS/2 (0 replies, 03/27/91)
Disabling the task list display (0 replies, 03/28/91)
OS/2 Packages for sale! (0 replies, 03/30/91)
why os/2 doesn't have fork (0 replies, 03/31/91)
guidelines for command line arguments? (0 replies, 03/31/91)
C on OS/2 (4 replies, 03/31/91)
Problems running program in OS/2 1.3 (0 replies, 04/02/91)
questions on os/2 (3 replies, 04/02/91)
Borland support? (0 replies, 04/02/91)
Borland Support for OS/2 (1 reply, 04/03/91)
Looking for experiences using CBASE (0 replies, 04/05/91)
How to make a window "selectable" from switchlist? (0 replies, 04/05/91)
Problems with IBMs TCP/IP V1.1 for OS/2 (4 replies, 04/06/91)
Disk driver for Adaptec 154x board. (3 replies, 04/06/91)
Making a non exclusive semaphore (3 replies, 04/08/91)
SoundBlaster under OS/2 (0 replies, 04/08/91)
DosFindFirst2 (0 replies, 04/08/91)
What to do with HPFS? (6 replies, 04/08/91)
TI's IEF CASE product & OS/2 (0 replies, 04/10/91)
Dialog Box Question (2 replies, 04/10/91)
Repost (0 replies, 04/11/91)
'.cmd' return codes (2 replies, 04/12/91)
Fonts in Presentation Manager (1 reply, 04/12/91)
How to Paste in OS/2 Window (1 reply, 04/13/91)
Info on Changing Stacks in protected mode (5 replies, 04/13/91)
hpfs recovery??? (0 replies, 04/14/91)
Communication Packages needed with Windows? OS2? (2 replies, 04/14/91)
OS/2, MS-DOS, CASE & COBOL (1 reply, 04/16/91)
Using WinSetPresParam to change font (2 replies, 04/17/91)
Debug DLL output? (0 replies, 04/17/91)
HPFS and IBM C/2, part two (3 replies, 04/18/91)
HPFS and IBM C/2: opening files (3 replies, 04/18/91)
Making a DLL... (5 replies, 04/18/91)
Zortech C++ (1 reply, 04/20/91)
Cannot start X.25 (0 replies, 04/20/91)
OS/2 C compiler (4 replies, 04/22/91)
CS_SAVEBITS problem (1 reply, 04/22/91)
PM Graphics Quality (0 replies, 04/22/91)
Zero-size min. box for WinTrackRect? (0 replies, 04/24/91)
WinAllocHeap (0 replies, 04/24/91)
HPFS and IBM C/2 (2 replies, 04/24/91)
Does Gupta's OS/2 SQLGateway to Oracle work? (1 reply, 04/24/91)
Calling COBOL/2 programs from C/2 (0 replies, 04/25/91)
Odd shaped polygons (0 replies, 04/26/91)
**** INFO. ON GETTING OS/2 2.0 BETA **** (1 reply, 04/28/91)
*** How do I configure 3 COM ports PLUS a port for my mouse (0 replies, 04/28/91)
StartSession Question (0 replies, 04/29/91)
New Book "Client-Server Programming with OS/2 Extended Edition" (0 replies, 04/30/91)
GpiCorrelate performance (0 replies, 04/30/91)
AutoRadioButton work-alike (0 replies, 04/30/91)
DLG Files produced by DLGBOX Editor (2 replies, 04/30/91)
IBM C/2 (3 replies, 05/02/91)
Wizard Boards and OS/2 installation (0 replies, 05/02/91)
Reading more than 64K (6 replies, 05/02/91)
What is the Block ID shown by ps/pstat? (0 replies, 05/03/91)
Specification For Dialog (0 replies, 05/03/91)
Raising a process's priority (1 reply, 05/05/91)
RCS for OS/2? (0 replies, 05/07/91)
Making a memory segment unswappable (0 replies, 05/08/91)
Any Help Manager examples? (1 reply, 05/08/91)
Group Handles from .INI Files (1 reply, 05/08/91)
PM changes from OS/2 Version 1.2 to 1.3 (0 replies, 05/08/91)
Using the Help Manager (1 reply, 05/08/91)
Changing system mouse pointer (0 replies, 05/10/91)
Any profilers for OS/2-PM programs? (0 replies, 05/10/91)
A problem with GpiWCBitBlt/ROP_SRCPAINT? (0 replies, 05/10/91)
ftp sites for PD & shareware? (0 replies, 05/11/91)
Buying OS/2 1.3 (0 replies, 05/14/91)
OS/2 API for rebooting (0 replies, 05/15/91)
Seminar (0 replies, 05/15/91)
Q: How to get DOS box in OS/2 V2.0 PR3 (3 replies, 05/15/91)
Changing fonts in dialog boxes (3 replies, 05/15/91)
Drag-and-Drop interface (8 replies, 05/16/91)
IBM 1.3 EE and uSoft SDK (0 replies, 05/16/91)
DosCreateThread (0 replies, 05/16/91)
16 bit device drivers and OS/2 2.0 (0 replies, 05/16/91)
16-Bit Device Drivers (1 reply, 05/18/91)
Borland and OS/2 2.0 (0 replies, 05/18/91)
Multi-threaded appl & printf (4 replies, 05/21/91)
What's in FTP OS/2 Developer's Kit? (1 reply, 05/21/91)
Recovering a Dead Thread's Stack, etc. (3 replies, 05/22/91)
OS/2 message queues killing processes (2 replies, 05/22/91)
_a_msg_exit (0 replies, 05/22/91)
Wizard Boards, anyone used these guys before? (0 replies, 05/22/91)
Resource Question (0 replies, 05/23/91)
Starting a (1 reply, 05/23/91)
IFS driver writing? (2 replies, 05/25/91)
16-Bit Device Driver + OS/2 V2.0 (3 replies, 05/25/91)
Recovering a Dead Thread's Stack (3 replies, 05/26/91)
Data alteration on CM API call ? (0 replies, 05/27/91)
Named pipes in OS/2 (3 replies, 05/28/91)
Partial DLL installation (2 replies, 05/29/91)
Library Utility (5 replies, 05/29/91)
HPFS block size (1 reply, 05/30/91)
dual moniters for debugging PM apps on PS/2s (0 replies, 05/31/91)
Need help with DOS LAN requestor's memory usage (0 replies, 06/01/91)
dual monitors for debugging PM apps on PS/2s (1 reply, 06/03/91)
FAQ: UN*X-like toolkits for PCs (1 reply, 06/04/91)
Sharing Interrupts on a PS/2 (3 replies, 06/04/91)
dual monitors for debugging PM apps on PS/2s <summary> (0 replies, 06/06/91)
Dos calls efficiency (0 replies, 06/07/91)
Virtual 8086 under OS/2 2.0: What's the skinny? (2 replies, 06/07/91)
LANMAN monolithic driver problem (0 replies, 06/07/91)
Different OS's in OS/2 2.0 (0 replies, 06/07/91)
Listing the Directory (0 replies, 06/07/91)
Find_First/Next for DOS + OS/2 (1 reply, 06/07/91)
OS/2 1.3 What tools/drivers (0 replies, 06/08/91)
OS/2 2.0 pre-release a memory hog? (1 reply, 06/10/91)
New 1.2/1.3 toolkit problems (1 reply, 06/10/91)
OS/2 Device Drivers (6 replies, 06/12/91)
Killing threads (6 replies, 06/12/91)
problems with the IBM 1.3 toolkit and MSC6.0 (3 replies, 06/13/91)
Problems with RC.EXE and PRESPARAMS (0 replies, 06/13/91)
Wanted: PM screen dumper (0 replies, 06/14/91)
Is OS/2 really usable for programming? (4 replies, 06/14/91)
Question about Zortech 3 (0 replies, 06/14/91)
REXX and LAN Servers (0 replies, 06/14/91)
HELP - max partition sizes in os2 ??? (0 replies, 06/14/91)
Tools available? (1 reply, 06/14/91)
How can I compile an .SQC file in the PWB? (1 reply, 06/14/91)
VIO, KBD and MOU calls. dust in the wind... (2 replies, 06/17/91)
Wanted: YACC grammer for SQL (0 replies, 06/17/91)
VIO, KBD and MOU calls. (4 replies, 06/18/91)
OS/2 1.3 Extended Edition for sale! (3 replies, 06/20/91)
IPC from DOS box under 2.0? (2 replies, 06/20/91)
SOURCE FOR ZMODEM OR YMODEMG... (0 replies, 06/21/91)
portable window programming (3 replies, 06/21/91)
How do I write a IFS device driver?? (2 replies, 06/21/91)
DosQProcInfo (0 replies, 06/23/91)
IFS Spec (1 reply, 06/25/91)
Porting from Unix to OS/2 (7 replies, 06/25/91)
PC Expo Demo (0 replies, 06/26/91)
Bill Gates Blasting IBM (0 replies, 06/26/91)
Short interval timer (0 replies, 06/26/91)
Hooking the clock interrupt from Protected Mode (0 replies, 06/27/91)
OS/2 Dealers (0 replies, 06/27/91)
OS/2 2.0 : A Better Windows Than Windows ????? (1 reply, 06/27/91)
Updating SDK/Toolkit 1.1 -> 1.3? (0 replies, 06/27/91)
Getting OS/2 2.0 (0 replies, 06/27/91)
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH OS/2 2.0 INFORMATION... (2 replies, 06/28/91)
High-level screen capture (0 replies, 07/01/91)
Returning the focus to an entry control (0 replies, 07/01/91)