(David John Marotta) (05/21/91)
We have been having a unique problem that I thought you might have had some experience with, and could give us some clues about its source. Our program sends some initialization messages which synchronize the startup of various threads within the program. Recently the program has been failing to startup, and the later messages never being received in the main message queue. Increasing the queue size from the default to 100 processed further. Taking code out of one message and shortening the amount of processing done in that message got us through that message (whereas before it would die in the middle). It would die at a given TIME of processing, seemingly no matter what was being done. Is there some sort of limitation on the amount of time a message can take in order to process without being killed. The time involved in these messages is short (a few seconds), but when one process is done it posts the start of the next process and there are about seven in total. I have only been able to think of two theories, but neither of them is satisfactory: 1. The message queue is overflowing and important system messages are being lost halting the system. 2. There is a time limit on the amount of time a message can take, after this limit the processing is killed (perhaps with a quit message? Codeview shows _a_msg_exit). (Peter Forsberg) (05/22/91)
If I get your problem right it is approximately the following (in summary): You have a PM program, that processes some initialization message (system or user defined, doesn't really matter). If this message processing takes too long time (a few seconds...), you get the "Program not responding..." dialog, which presents you with an option to end the program. If your situation is the one above, the problem probably is that the message processing time is too long. The recommended maximum time for processing any PM message is 1/10 second. If you have work which will take more time (a few seconds), you should create a separate thread to do that work, letting the message processing thread return control to PM. The reason for this is in the design of PM, which cannot pass on several types of messages to other windows until you have finished your message processing. Hope this helps... / Peter -- Peter A. Forsberg Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. IBM Sweden, Banking & Finance Applications. E-mail: #include <standard.disclaimer> (05/22/91)
_a_msg_exit() is one of those nasty procedures that MS put in that kills your program when it does something nasty. Another example: do a divide by zero in a PM program. You don't get a trap, you don't get any beeps, you get nothing. Your application just disappears ("Look ma, no hands!")! Check your code, and variable values, and make sure that nothing is done in any thread that might be considered "naughty". Cheers, Larry Salomon, Jr. (aka 'Q') LARRYS@YKTVMV.BITNET OS/2 Applications and Tools IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY Disclaimer: The statements and/or opinions stated above are strictly my own and do not reflect the views of my employer. Additionally, I have a reputation for being obnoxious, so don't take any personal attacks too seriously.