[..] alt.cyberpunk

Oldest | Popular

The Bandwidth of the Brain (48 replies, 01/15/91)

replacing the desktop metaphor (32 replies, 01/18/89)

Musique pour le Cyberpunk?? (25 replies, 02/22/88)

Future Police Speculations Needed (23 replies, 11/23/87)

who does it... // State of the art today? (13 replies, 10/18/87)

Contact lenses in mirror-finish (11 replies, 11/14/87)

SDI tax (10 replies, 03/25/88)

Cyberfashions (10 replies, 02/24/88)

Max Headroom (10 replies, 12/12/87)

Fluid vs. Crystallized Intelligence (9 replies, 11/28/90)

Count Zero Interrupt (9 replies, 11/15/90)

Brazil (9 replies, 03/17/88)

who does it... (9 replies, 10/03/87)

The CyberTest (8 replies, 10/19/87)

Junk Food pour le CyberPunk (7 replies, 02/18/88)

Another Leary thing (6 replies, 09/17/88)

Cyberhackers (6 replies, 02/10/88)

still more musique pour le . . . . . (6 replies, 02/10/88)

ICE (6 replies, 09/30/87)

Denise Caruso reports on new anti-encryption bill: S.618 (5 replies, 05/08/91)

Cyberpunk/space/tech/virtual-reality (5 replies, 12/22/89)

Another forgery (5 replies, 11/29/89)

Help me, I'm out of control (5 replies, 11/18/89)

3D display (5 replies, 01/18/89)

Now what do I read? (5 replies, 03/27/88)

What is alt.cyberpunk? (5 replies, 09/27/87)

TRON is cyberpunk? (5 replies, 09/25/87)

6502 interrupts (4 replies, 11/15/90)

Cyberpunk References (4 replies, 03/14/88)

Musique pour le cyberpunk? (4 replies, 01/22/88)

Story ideas (4 replies, 11/21/87)

computer-generated holograms (3 replies, 01/07/89)

cyberpunk humor (3 replies, 04/11/88)

Numeromancer (3 replies, 04/11/88)

Timothy Leary, Amiga, and Cyberpunk (3 replies, 04/09/88)

The Describe Comp.Protocols.Tcp-Ip.Eniac In 50 Characters or Less Contest (3 replies, 04/03/88)

Alternative Audio Stimulation (3 replies, 03/13/88)

Cyberpunk and Speed (3 replies, 02/26/88)

from notes to letters (3 replies, 02/11/88)

Why and How we pick cyberpunk music. (3 replies, 02/06/88)

Hedonic Engineering (3 replies, 02/05/88)

Why Cyberpunk is popular -- the computer expert as Cowboy (3 replies, 12/23/87)

War Games (3 replies, 11/09/87)

Max Headroom cancelled; last broadcast 10/16 (3 replies, 10/19/87)

The MIT Media-Lab (3 replies, 10/05/87)

Cyberjewelry (2 replies, 05/09/91)

_The Difference Engine_ and news about Gibson and Sterling (2 replies, 03/11/91)

rec.arts.fine passes - final vote results (2 replies, 12/04/90)

The AI Breakthough -- What It Will Be Like !!! (2 replies, 11/02/90)

Performance Art Project (2 replies, 11/30/89)

Cyberpunk in REASON magazine (2 replies, 04/04/88)

What for be dis newsgroup? (2 replies, 03/28/88)

Highwayman (2 replies, 03/22/88)

Keeping Alt.cyberpunk ASIS (2 replies, 03/06/88)

Technology in the hands of the masses (2 replies, 02/23/88)

Musical choice (2 replies, 02/16/88)

Cyberpunk Fanzine (2 replies, 12/23/87)

_Dreampark_ (2 replies, 11/24/87)

Max Headroom bites the dust (2 replies, 10/21/87)

Earliest? Who cares (2 replies, 10/08/87)

earliest cyberpunk? (2 replies, 10/04/87)

Early Cyberpunk? (2 replies, 09/27/87)

Cyberpunk Definitions (2 replies, 09/27/87)

2nd Call for Votes rec.arts.fine and mass ack (1 reply, 10/27/90)

Cybertape (1 reply, 01/19/90)

StorySpace: Hypertext fiction (1 reply, 04/28/89)

3D display and eye separation distance (1 reply, 01/18/89)

The Captain Crybaby lawsuit problem (1 reply, 10/13/88)

cyberpunk hardware (1 reply, 05/06/88)

Anybody got _MLO_ from L.W. Currey yet? (1 reply, 05/03/88)

Are Animals Patentable? (1 reply, 04/26/88)

This group (1 reply, 04/17/88)

Brazil & Terry Gilliam (1 reply, 03/25/88)

Next Gibson novel release imminent? (1 reply, 03/06/88)

Bauhaus (1 reply, 03/06/88)

Junk Food (1 reply, 02/15/88)

info. please (1 reply, 02/14/88)

Cyberpunk Vocabulary (1 reply, 02/09/88)

Mirrored Contact Lenses (1 reply, 11/29/87)

fast knockout gasses, future fuzz, etc. (1 reply, 11/14/87)

fast knockout gasses (1 reply, 11/12/87)

Future Police (1 reply, 11/05/87)

Timothy Leary, Neuromancer, and all sorts of silliness (1 reply, 10/31/87)

Gibson "High Times" interview/short story (1 reply, 10/28/87)

authors' real knowledge of CS (1 reply, 10/17/87)

Neuronic Disturbance (1 reply, 10/10/87)

The Turing Test (1 reply, 10/10/87)

Huxley's Brave New World (1 reply, 10/09/87)

Just how dark is the future ? (1 reply, 10/06/87)

Is Bladerunner (1 reply, 09/28/87)

The Media Lab, by Stewart Brand (1 reply, 09/28/87)

Will the real tron bleat stand up? was: TRON is cyberpunk? (1 reply, 09/25/87)

announcement of alt.cyberpunk (1 reply, 09/25/87)

Creation of alt.cyberpunk (1 reply, 09/24/87)

National TV show wants your music video. (0 replies, 06/07/91)

C-punk today & Cybereducation (0 replies, 06/01/91)

RESULT: rec.music.industrial passes 411: 80 (0 replies, 05/23/91)

3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: rec.music.industrial (0 replies, 05/13/91)

2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: rec.music.industrial (0 replies, 05/06/91)

CFV: rec.music.industrial (0 replies, 05/01/91)

CALL FOR VOTES: rec.music.industrial (0 replies, 04/28/91)

Revised Dates (0 replies, 04/05/91)

Call For Papers: Australian Multi-Media Communications, Applications and Technology Workshop (0 replies, 03/29/91)

RFD: rec.music.industrial (0 replies, 03/28/91)

Hypnosis (0 replies, 01/10/91)

Photographic memory (0 replies, 12/22/90)

evolution is not a scale (0 replies, 12/19/90)

CLIPS (0 replies, 11/19/90)

Schools, businesses (0 replies, 09/28/90)

Music & Tech & Human Communications (0 replies, 05/31/90)

Autodesk CA Lab (0 replies, 02/03/90)

Is it just me, or... (0 replies, 01/19/90)

"The reality you have dialed is no longer in service ..." (0 replies, 01/18/90)

British Cyberpunks Wanted (0 replies, 01/18/90)

Re^5: Cybertape (0 replies, 01/18/90)

Duck-faced (0 replies, 01/18/90)

Batman goes Cyber?! (0 replies, 01/17/90)

MIDI viruses? (0 replies, 01/17/90)

Virtual Reality (0 replies, 12/31/89)


Advanced Tech Jobs @ Northwestern U. (0 replies, 11/30/89)

Performance Art Project Appendum (0 replies, 11/28/89)


**** Census on Virtual Reality/Human Interface Tech. Research *** (0 replies, 11/17/89)

Boy, I knew they were good, but not THAT good... (0 replies, 10/24/89)

E-Mailgame (0 replies, 03/27/89)

replacing the desktop metaphor As We May Think (0 replies, 01/07/89)

Cyberspace Implementation Issues (0 replies, 10/17/88)

The latest issue of AmigaWorld (0 replies, 06/18/88)

Another message from Rick Rees (0 replies, 05/08/88)

Why Cyberspace? (0 replies, 05/06/88)

NASA Helmet display (0 replies, 05/03/88)

Forwarding from Rick Rees on Mark Pauline/SRL (0 replies, 05/02/88)

Why are the cyberpunks so quiet? (0 replies, 04/27/88)

Cyberpunk approaches reality (0 replies, 04/12/88)

Crosspost from rec.arts.sf-lovers (0 replies, 04/12/88)

Visionist Prophecy (0 replies, 04/05/88)

cybermusic (0 replies, 03/24/88)

Need full list of K.W. Jeter's works.. (0 replies, 03/18/88)

SDI tax - offensive to dweebs (0 replies, 03/13/88)

Looking for Sterling's "Mirrorshades" (0 replies, 03/11/88)

Books (0 replies, 03/08/88)

comp.protocols.tcp-ip.eniac (0 replies, 03/06/88)

alt.cyberpunk and Don Johnson (0 replies, 03/06/88)

Laurie Anderson BANNED? (0 replies, 03/06/88)

Cyberpunk Fashions (0 replies, 02/25/88)

tech. in the hands of the masses (0 replies, 02/23/88)

Science Fiction EYE (0 replies, 02/17/88)

Some more thoughts on cyberpunk (0 replies, 02/12/88)

Liquid Sky (0 replies, 02/11/88)

Timothy Leary, that old cyberpunk. (0 replies, 02/11/88)

Jacking up yer brain for fun and profit (0 replies, 02/10/88)

Apology... (0 replies, 02/10/88)

What is Cyberpunk? (0 replies, 02/10/88)

WORM - it's still here. (0 replies, 02/06/88)

Rucker and Burroughs -- same prop? (0 replies, 02/05/88)

Define terms (0 replies, 02/05/88)

Raw data feed! (0 replies, 02/04/88)

Samizdat VHF/UHF (0 replies, 02/04/88)

_Metrophage_ by Richard Kadrey, a review, no spoilers, ~long. (0 replies, 02/03/88)

Define this please (0 replies, 02/02/88)

Cyberpunk music (0 replies, 01/29/88)

Concert Search... (0 replies, 01/29/88)

Music for Cyberpunk Settings (0 replies, 01/28/88)

Musique pour cyberpunk.. (0 replies, 01/26/88)

More musique pour le Cyberpunk... (0 replies, 01/25/88)

Musique pour le cyberpunk ... (0 replies, 01/22/88)

Re Musique pour le Cyberpunk??? (0 replies, 01/21/88)

Keyword-based news? (0 replies, 01/13/88)

ICE comes to satellite TV (0 replies, 12/29/87)

Headroom tapes? (0 replies, 12/25/87)

Captain Power (0 replies, 12/15/87)

Mona Lisa Overdrive (0 replies, 12/14/87)

_Max_Headroom_ (0 replies, 12/14/87)

MINDPLAYERS - an alternate opinion (0 replies, 12/07/87)

_Mindplayers_ by Pat Cadigan (0 replies, 12/04/87)

IDR (0 replies, 11/17/87)

Future Police -- thanks! (0 replies, 11/16/87)

Colored Contacts (0 replies, 11/14/87)

Little Heroes by Norm Spinrad (0 replies, 11/13/87)

Glass contact lens (0 replies, 11/13/87)

Videotape lines.. (0 replies, 11/10/87)

The last Max Headroom (0 replies, 11/06/87)

Neuromancer (0 replies, 11/05/87)

Human <-> Computer Interfacing at the Neural Level (0 replies, 11/03/87)

Keep alt.cyberpunk and Neuromancer flick (0 replies, 10/30/87)

re alt.cyberpunk and rec.arts.sf-lovers (0 replies, 10/30/87)

Is _The Running Man_ Cyberpunk? (0 replies, 10/27/87)

interview with william gibson and excerpt from his upcoming book (0 replies, 10/25/87)

Article/Interview (0 replies, 10/24/87)

Hooded Swan (0 replies, 10/22/87)

cybertest (0 replies, 10/20/87)

A BBS (0 replies, 10/15/87)

Cyberpunk: low life and high tech. Really? (0 replies, 10/12/87)

Cyberpunk: low life and high tech (0 replies, 10/11/87)

anthropomorphizing cyberspace? (0 replies, 10/09/87)

Earlier Cyberpunk... (0 replies, 10/05/87)

Technology and Cyberpunk Definitions (0 replies, 10/05/87)

How about RoboCop (0 replies, 09/28/87)

State of the art today? EEG Systems (0 replies, 09/27/87)

ICE from the horse's mouth (0 replies, 09/26/87)

Don't forget David Brin, et al (0 replies, 09/26/87)

Pat Cadigan's _Mindplayers_ (0 replies, 09/26/87)

ICE -- Who thought of it first (0 replies, 09/25/87)

What about Marvel Comics' DeathLock (0 replies, 09/25/87)

Cyberpunk (0 replies, 09/25/87)

How about Varley... (0 replies, 09/25/87)

Brunner redux (0 replies, 09/24/87)