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IFIP WG6.5 '88 Re: Proposed delta to RFC 987 (1 reply, 06/24/88)
RARE WG1. (0 replies, 06/24/88)
Minutes of the RARE WG1 7th (0 replies, 06/24/88)
Proposed delta to RFC 987 (9 replies, 07/07/88)
QUESTION Re: Reminder about news. (0 replies, 07/09/88)
Delivery and Nondelivery notifications (2 replies, 07/11/88)
more on delivery and nondelivery notification (0 replies, 07/12/88)
oda/odif (0 replies, 07/13/88)
Contentious Proposition (0 replies, 07/14/88)
Where to put handling information (1 reply, 07/26/88)
MHS Management ... (0 replies, 07/27/88)
New Special Interest Group (0 replies, 08/02/88)
RFC987 software (0 replies, 08/02/88)
987 mappings (0 replies, 08/04/88)
RFC 987 mapping coordination (0 replies, 08/08/88)
forbidden characters in body of message (1 reply, 09/09/88)
DRAFT/2: Recommendation for a Short Hand X.400 Address Notation (1 reply, 09/13/88)
Blanks and Semicolons (1 reply, 09/15/88)
Start and end delimiter (0 replies, 09/19/88)
Avoid blanks... (3 replies, 09/22/88)
X.400 Notation (0 replies, 09/26/88)
Response to comments on DRAFT/2 (3 replies, 09/26/88)
IFIP Gateway Workshop Report (1 reply, 11/16/88)
RFC 987 implementors ? (0 replies, 11/24/88)
RFC987 clarification (0 replies, 11/26/88)
Call for Papers (0 replies, 12/12/88)
RFC 987 and P2 autoforwarding (1 reply, 02/02/89)
Some problems with RFC 987 (3 replies, 02/02/89)
x400 project. (0 replies, 02/06/89)
\. (0 replies, 02/16/89)
subscription (0 replies, 03/16/89)
RFC 987 (1 reply, 03/29/89)
Fw: RFC 987 V 2.0 (0 replies, 07/14/89)
Fw: Attribute Ordering (0 replies, 07/14/89)
Fw: 1 of 5 (0 replies, 07/14/89)
Fw: 2 of 5 (0 replies, 07/14/89)
Fw: 3 of 5 (0 replies, 07/14/89)
Fw: 4 of 5 (0 replies, 07/14/89)
Fw: 5 of 5 (0 replies, 07/14/89)
Fw: re: Attribute Ordering (2 replies, 07/17/89)
Fw: Re: RFC 987 V 2.0 (1 reply, 07/17/89)
Fw: Re: Space mapping and Appendix A (1 reply, 07/18/89)
draft RFC on X.400 to Internet addressing (0 replies, 07/18/89)
Fw: draft RFC on X.400 to Internet addressing (2 replies, 07/19/89)
Archives for IFIP-GTWY (0 replies, 07/20/89)
RFC 987 V 2.0 (2 replies, 07/20/89)
on Mark's comments (0 replies, 07/20/89)
on x.400 address RFC draft (7 replies, 07/21/89)
request to be added to IFIP-GTWY list (0 replies, 07/24/89)
Appendix A and spaces - another approach (2 replies, 07/26/89)
New RFC - for UUCP mapping (1 reply, 07/26/89)
X.400 question (0 replies, 07/28/89)
an apology to Steve, and more discussion ... (11 replies, 08/01/89)
Survey -- should we merge lists? (4 replies, 09/12/89)
ifip-gtwy list subscription request (0 replies, 09/20/89)
987 (0 replies, 10/06/89)
X.400 and RFC987 etc. (0 replies, 01/03/90)
Africom '91 (0 replies, 02/14/90)
RFC 1148 (1 reply, 03/15/90)
Need help getting from Internet to X.400 site (0 replies, 04/12/90)
Old messages (1 reply, 06/07/90)
Sunlink MHS gateway (1 reply, 06/29/90)
sugestion for research topic (0 replies, 07/10/90)
Proposal for use of DNS to store RFC 987, etc mappings (0 replies, 08/07/90)
Free SMTP/RFC822 -> X.400 gateway ? (1 reply, 08/29/90)
UA's and Forwarded BodyParts (1 reply, 08/29/90)
Interop BOF on RFC 822 / X.400 Mappings (4 replies, 10/09/90)
RFC-822 traces in X.400 (2 replies, 10/24/90)
Traces from rfc-822 to x.400 and back to rfc-822? (0 replies, 10/26/90)
RFC-822<->X.400 Address Converter (0 replies, 11/14/90)
administrative note: use these addresses (0 replies, 11/30/90)
US StudyGroupD MHSMD Subcomittee Meeting Announcement (0 replies, 12/03/90)
SG-D MHS MD Subcommittee Meeting Announcement (0 replies, 12/04/90)
the MHS MD Charter (0 replies, 12/04/90)
RFC987 gateways and illegal RFC822 domainname characters (1 reply, 12/08/90)
RFC-987 - 822.msg.id -> P2.IPMessageID mapping (2 replies, 01/25/91)
X-Charset (0 replies, 01/29/91)
IFIP-Gtwy List Diagnostic Message--Please Ignore (0 replies, 01/29/91)
Subscribe (0 replies, 02/19/91)
Update of RFC 1148 (0 replies, 02/21/91)
Subscription Request (0 replies, 02/21/91)
Are RFC987 gateway tables mandatory or advisory? (0 replies, 02/22/91)
More discussion onf 1148 issues (0 replies, 02/25/91)
This time - all of the missing messages (0 replies, 02/25/91)
RFC 987 mapping and DDA usage (1 reply, 02/25/91)
RFC-822 envelopes and X.400 (2 replies, 02/26/91)
RFC-1148/2: Why is the gateway table mandatory? (0 replies, 02/26/91)
Problems with X.400 encoded O/R Names (0 replies, 02/27/91)
When does the RFC text come? (0 replies, 02/27/91)
Delivery Reports and tunnelling (0 replies, 02/28/91)
The disjunct-RFC822 domain problem and DD.RFC-822 (3 replies, 02/28/91)
RFC-1148/2: Why not support RFC-822 extensions? (2 replies, 02/28/91)
A complete mapping for unknown top level domains (0 replies, 03/13/91)
UUXQT Problems with X.400 encoded O/R Names (6 replies, 03/13/91)
RFC-1148/2: what about underlines (10 replies, 03/15/91)
X.400 88 -> 84 downgrading (3 replies, 03/17/91)
Confirmed Reports and Return of Contents (2 replies, 03/25/91)
Coordination with SMTP extensions (1 reply, 03/27/91)
protocols for RPC's, and transmitting CASE diagrams (0 replies, 05/17/91)
RFC 1148bis (0 replies, 06/01/91)
RFC 1148bis - LARGE (0 replies, 06/01/91)
administrative note: RFC 1148bis (0 replies, 06/03/91)