[comp.protocols.iso.x400.gateway] Traces from rfc-822 to x.400 and back to rfc-822?

mac@dit.upm.es (Manuel Alvarez-Campana Fernandez-Corredor) (10/26/90)

In rfc-987, a rfc-822 traces field  (Received:) is mapped in
x400 trace.

The problem I see is that if a message which has crossed
a gateway from rfc-822 to x.400 goes back to rfc-822 (this
is perfectly normal), x400 traces are mapped in the extended
header "X400-Trace:" and not in "Received:", independently on
if it was originated in x.400 or rfc-822.

This means that loops can only be detected in X.400 world,
doesn't it?

|   Manuel Alvarez-Campana    | EUnet:                         |
| Dept. Ingenieria Telematica |   mac@dit.upm.es               |
|      ETSIT - UPM            | X.400:                         |
|  Ciudad Universitaria s/n   |   C=es;ADMD= ;PRMD=iris;O=upm; |
|      28040 - MADRID         |   OU=dit;OU=cactus;SUR=mac;    |