[comp.protocols.iso.x400.gateway] RFC987 gateways and illegal RFC822 domainname characters

mdb@esd.3com.COM ("Mark D. Baushke") (12/08/90)

I apologize if this is not the appropriate forum for this messge.
Please feel free to forward this posting to the appropriate group or
to tell me where I should raise my concern.

I am not normally involved with X.400, but I have been noticing a
disturbing trend in how some X.400 address are mapped into RFC822

The trend is to take name components which contain spaces (eg,
/O=Field Service/), and either map them into underscore (_) characters
or actually leave them as spaces in the domain address. That is, the
address was mapped into something like
Joe.User@somewhere.Field_Service.that.company.country or in one case
an non-repliable address for which the postmaster suggested an address
like: Joe.User@somewhere."Field Service".that.company.country and
noted that an underscore could be used for the space if my company
could not use quotes in a domainname, but that the underscore form of
the address would be going away soon.

I have sent individual messages to the postmasters in charge of such
gateways for their consideration. I hope that they choose to 'fix'
their sites by converting to only legal characters in domainnames.

Some gateways seem content to take either underscores (_) or dashes
(-) in an RFC822 address and map them to spaces in the X.400
addresses. That direction of mapping is fine. It is a case of being
liberal in whay you accept.

You may ask why I believe it is technically 'illegal' to have either
an underscore or a space in a domainname. It is because I do not see
them in the set of characters permitted in a domainname as defined by
the RFCs.

What follows is fragments of what I believe to be the appropriate
RFCs. If I have missed something, please feel free to point it out to

In RFC 1123,

|    2.1  Host Names and Numbers
|       The syntax of a legal Internet host name was specified in RFC-952
|       [DNS:4].  One aspect of host name syntax is hereby changed: the
|       restriction on the first character is relaxed to allow either a
|       letter or a digit.  Host software MUST support this more liberal
|       syntax.
|       Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters and
|       SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.

In RFC 952,

|    1. A "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up
|    to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus
|    sign (-), and period (.).  Note that periods are only allowed when
|    they serve to delimit components of "domain style names". (See
|    RFC-921, "Domain Name System Implementation Schedule", for
|    background).  No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a
|    name. No distinction is made between upper and lower case.  The first
|    character must be an alpha character.  The last character must not be
|    a minus sign or period. [...]

Thank you for your consideration of this matter,
Mark D. Baushke

poole@chx400.switch.ch (Simon Poole) (12/08/90)

In article <MDB.90Dec7092040@kosciusko.ESD.3Com.COM> mdb@esd.3com.COM ("Mark D. Baushke") writes:
>I have sent individual messages to the postmasters in charge of such
>gateways for their consideration. I hope that they choose to 'fix'
>their sites by converting to only legal characters in domainnames.
There are a awlful lot of "pseudo" RFC-987 gateways which cause a lot of
problems (alas, I run one of them too*), a correct implementation will
not cause the problems you describe. The widespread use of bug ridden
X.400 software is really a problem** (the DFN has even managed to export
some to China 1/2 :-)), and will not go away anytime soon.

* I hope this will be fixed in one to two months
** in particular EAN has numerous problems with standards conformance
						Simon Poole
 poole@verw.switch.ch / poole@chx400.switch.ch / mcsun!chx400!poole