[..] can.followup

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These newsgroups are proposed for deletion (2 replies, 01/27/85)

Canada in the hands of the devil (1 reply, 04/22/83)

credit card charges (1 reply, 02/22/83)

Wanted: MS/PC-Dos Laptop (0 replies, 05/24/89)

Final warning before this newsgroup is removed! (0 replies, 01/24/85)

"The Empire Strikes Back" to be broadcast on CBC radio (0 replies, 04/11/83)

Can We Talk? (0 replies, 03/15/83)

A word in defense of the income tax system (0 replies, 02/18/83)

Taxes & Federal Revenues (0 replies, 02/13/83)

subgroups can.politics and can.taxes (0 replies, 02/12/83)

Regarding Taxes (0 replies, 02/11/83)

Politics in Ontario (0 replies, 02/11/83)

privacy? (0 replies, 02/10/83)