[..] net.micro.ns32k

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National's 32332 (18 replies, 06/24/86)

Query: Symmetric 375 computer (7 replies, 10/04/86)

32332: how much faster than the 32032 ? (5 replies, 09/18/86)

Help (3 replies, 09/17/86)

Orphaned Response (3 replies, 06/18/86)

operating systems? (2 replies, 09/03/86)

80x86 vs. 680x0 (2 replies, 06/19/86)

Oasis and Opus Boards (1 reply, 10/09/86)

ns32xxx (1 reply, 09/22/86)

ns32532 (1 reply, 08/06/86)

Symmetrics s375 (1 reply, 07/02/86)

Benchmarks - Intel vs 32 bitters (1 reply, 06/12/86)

net.micro.ns32k is being renamed comp.sys.nsc.32k (0 replies, 11/07/86)

VME system (0 replies, 11/02/86)

Unix box for $10 a month! Is this a scam? (0 replies, 10/30/86)

Burst access mode (0 replies, 10/14/86)

Les Wilson (0 replies, 10/04/86)

32016 performance - Whitechapel MG1 (0 replies, 09/30/86)

Kyoto Lisp on 32k machines (0 replies, 08/19/86)

American Information Systems (0 replies, 08/01/86)

Definicon DSI-32 (0 replies, 07/01/86)

Is there a DBX for MON16? (0 replies, 06/20/86)

32332 faster than 32032? (0 replies, 06/16/86)

32k disassemblers or debuggers? (0 replies, 06/04/86)

relocation of net.micro.16k to net.micro.ns32k (0 replies, 05/25/86)