[..] talk.religion

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Banning books, religion etc... (13 replies, 09/08/86)

The Cosmological Argument (10 replies, 09/08/86)

More Non-History (6 replies, 09/09/86)

Lucifer is the patron saint of science and philosophy (5 replies, 09/08/86)

Rowing through the fog (4 replies, 09/11/86)

Hell (3 replies, 09/10/86)

supernatural events (3 replies, 09/02/86)

Fundamentals (2 replies, 09/10/86)

Does the Bible show God's evil? (2 replies, 09/05/86)

Freedom (2 replies, 09/03/86)

Who can know? (1 reply, 09/15/86)

why evolution? (1 reply, 09/08/86)

More History (1 reply, 09/06/86)

Proof of existence of the damager god! (1 reply, 08/28/86)

Somehow This Struck Me As Funny... (0 replies, 09/11/86)

Satan, Prometheus, Shelly and Christ (0 replies, 09/09/86)

Our 'Common Religious Heritage' (0 replies, 09/08/86)

talk newsgroups have been created (0 replies, 09/08/86)

Shove over and make room for God! (0 replies, 09/08/86)

Outrageously long Biblical quotes (0 replies, 09/06/86)

Buddhist Philosophy (0 replies, 09/06/86)

Reply to Dan Tilque (0 replies, 09/06/86)

Sanitising the religion out of history (0 replies, 09/05/86)

Re! Re. Re; our religious heritage (0 replies, 09/04/86)

Re; our religious heritage (0 replies, 09/03/86)

Heaven and Hell (0 replies, 09/03/86)

A Stuart D. Gathman Miscellany (0 replies, 09/02/86)

Mormon corporate empire (0 replies, 08/27/86)

Circular Reasoning (0 replies, 08/26/86)

Church decision on womens souls: New info! (0 replies, 08/15/86)

test message (0 replies, 08/06/86)