[..] list.ietf-nntp

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should batch/ibatch/image/et al apply to the article command? (20 replies, 06/28/91)

NEWNEWS (6 replies, 06/26/91)

compression methods (4 replies, 06/25/91)

July IETF Meeting (4 replies, 06/24/91)

a new nntp draft (4 replies, 06/06/91)

IMAGE {opsys}? (3 replies, 06/24/91)

New response code needed (1 reply, 06/20/91)

the three documents in question (1 reply, 06/04/91)

Jim's idea (0 replies, 06/27/91)

debugging and back doors (0 replies, 06/26/91)

news reader specification (0 replies, 06/26/91)

Servers that use NEWNEWS (0 replies, 06/25/91)

NEW Security Area WG: Common Authentication Technology (0 replies, 06/07/91)

new drafts out from IETF-SMTP/822 (0 replies, 05/28/91)

new idea (0 replies, 05/01/91)

NNTP/Host Authentication (0 replies, 04/25/91)

IHAVE/SENDME (0 replies, 04/24/91)

A proposal based on Eliot's summary of Harri's points (0 replies, 04/24/91)